


1. 落 [là]2. 落 [luò]3. 落 [lào]落 [là]丢下,遗漏:丢三~四。~了一个字。落 [luò]掉下来,往下降:降~。~下。零~(a.叶子脱落,如“草木~~”;b.衰败,如“一片~~景象”;c.稀疏,如“枪声~~”)。……


1. 榜 [bǎng]2. 榜 [bàng]榜 [bǎng]张贴出来的文告或名单:~帖(官府的公告)。红~。张~。光荣~。~文。发~。~眼(科举时代称殿试考取一甲第二名的人)。~书(原指写在宫阙门额上的大字,后泛指招牌一类的大型字)。榜 [……



汉语拼音:luò bǎng








  1. 投孝未被录取。

    杨世运 等《从青工到副教授》:“但他想的已不是自己高考落榜的苦恼,而是周围工人同志们的点点滴滴的感人事迹。”



  1. In the Ebb Tide like the fierce competition, the exam and the failure of the company through many companies still worth a warning.


  2. I learnt from her mother that she failed in the College Entrance Examination last year.


  3. That year I fell in examination, the father got out of the hospital in back hair more white, old a while so many.


  4. Unless noted , there was no reason given by Forbes for the drop .


  5. Forbes said the reason for his drop off was 'new evidence. '


  6. Sorry to hear you've failed in the college-entrance examination this year, Wei dong. But that's the way it goes.


  7. Their guidance can often make the difference between an admission slip and a rejection letter.


  8. He lost patience when he failed to get into college for the 4th time.


  9. First, the students who have failed the college entrance exams and are studying hard to pass the exams in the next year.


  1. 据说他高考又落榜了。

    The story goes that he failed in the college entrance examinations again.

  2. 主试者使半数应考者落榜。

    The examiners failed half the candidates.

  3. 去年她考大学落榜,我要她重考。

    I want her to take the college exam again.

  4. 啊, 糟了!我落榜了, 我以为我做得不错。

    Oh, no!I failed!I thought I'd done well.

  5. 我去年不用功,结果我大学联考落榜。

    I did not study hard last year; in consequence, I failed the JCEE.

  6. 从她母亲那儿, 得知她去年考落榜。

    I learnt from her mother that she failed in the College Entrance Examination last year.

  7. 高考落榜对他是一个沉重的打击。

    It was a major blow when he failed to pass the college entrance exams.

  8. 高考落榜对他是一个沉重的打击。

    It was a major blow when he failed to pass the college entrance exams.

  9. 当第4次落榜的时候,他失去了耐心。

    He lost patience when he failed to get into college for the4th time.

  10. 当他大学落榜时,他感觉到他的希望破灭了。

    When he failed in the college entrance examination, he felt that his hope was destroyed.

  11. 你能否说说看,那次落榜的经验,带给你什麽?

    Can you tell me what you learned from the experience of not succeeding?

  12. 听说又一次落榜了, 她的心情阴晦到了极点。

    Hearing that she failed again, she is exceedingly gloomy.

  13. 听说又一次落榜了,她的心情阴晦到了极点。

    Hearing that she failed again, she is exceedingly gloomy.

  14. 从她母亲那儿, 我得知她去年高考落榜了。

    I learnt from her mother that she failed in the College Entrance Examination last year. Even so, she never gave up and was encouraged to go on studying hard and try again.

  15. 而才华不如他得朋友考取了, 而他这位才子竟落榜。

    And talent as a friend to pass him, and he has failed the Wets.

  16. 而才华不如他的朋友考取了,而他这位才子竟落榜。

    And talent as a friend to pass him, and he has failed the Wets.

  17. 我考上一所离家不远的大学,他落榜了,复习。

    I admitted to a university, he went, failed.

  18. 当惠特妮落榜的时候,他和家里的其他人一样失望沮丧。

    When Whitney didn't qualify, he was left devastated like the rest of the family.

  19. 由于志愿填报不当,高考生高分落榜现象并不鲜见。

    It's not rare that some candidates for the university entrance examination get high marks but fail to be admitted to a university because they fill in the application form inappropriately.

  20. 由于志愿填报不当,高考生高分落榜现象并不鲜见。

    It's not rare that some candidates for the university entrance examination get high marks but fail to be admitted to a university because they fill in the application form inappropriately.

  21. 那麽你是大学联考落榜罗,不过不只是你一个人。

    So you failed the college entrance exam. you've plenty of company.


  1. 问:落榜拼音怎么拼?落榜的读音是什么?落榜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:落榜的读音是luòbǎng,落榜翻译成英文是 fail the college entrance examination


