




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:qǐ shēn










  1. 出身。

    唐 韩愈 《符读书城南》诗:“不见公与相,起身自犂锄。” 宋 岳飞 《奏乞除在外宫观第二札子》:“臣起身田野,势孤援单。”

  2. 站起;起立。

    《宣和遗事》后集:“ 粘罕 与帝并起身,紫衣人望帐,下马升阶。”《儒林外史》第四十回:“那先生起身从新行礼。” 李劼人 《大波》第三部第二章:“钦差应当答说:‘圣躬安好!……起去!’而后官员们才起身与钦差相见。”

  3. 动身。

    元 陈以仁 《存孝打虎》第一折:“则今日杀牛宰马,做箇大大筵席,管待天使大人起身。”《红楼梦》第一○四回:“ 贾政 见了 宝玉 果然比起身之时脸面丰满。” 陈翔鹤 《不安定的灵魂》:“至何日始能起身北上,则此时尚不能一定,不过为期总在不远罢了。”

  4. 起床。

    元 杨暹 《西游记》第二本第七出:“ 唐三藏 此日起身,他胖姑儿从头告诉了你。”《古今小说·蒋兴哥重会珍珠衫》:“五更时分, 兴哥 便起身收拾。” 茅盾 《脱险杂记·生活之一页三》:“早上天一亮就起身。”



  1. "Depart, and let us have done with you, " Cromwell told the Rump Parliament. The Republicans deserve the same next week.

  2. She realized then that she hadn't had any quality time with her son since he had returned, and went in search of him.

  3. Lu Zhishen is from the north, had never heard of the money Koko thought it was a war drum, then got up and prepare for war.

  4. India rose tiredly from her seat beneath the arbor and went toward the angry Stuart Tarleton.

  5. The bed bounced as she stood, and he heard the thump-step of her crutching across the room to her desk.

  6. At this point I expected to have to quell a revolt, or at least quieten things down while those who objected to this effrontery walked out.

  7. He grunted, rose up off his seat, shifted his weight onto the pedals, and was on his way.

  8. "Marrying Sibyl Vane! " cried Lord Henry, standing up and looking at him in perplexed amazement.

  9. "Oh, yes , it's a fine blanket , " said Petey . He got up and went into the house .


  1. 他起身离开。

    He made a move to leave.

  2. 新郎起身敬酒。

    The groom stood up and proposed a toast.

  3. 妈妈催我起身。

    Mom hounded me to get up.

  4. 他起身走向窗户。

    He stood up and went to the window.

  5. 四邻将开始起身。

    The neighborhood would begin to rouse itself.

  6. 我慌忙站起身。

    I stand up in a hurry.

  7. 不劳你起身。

    Don't trouble yourself to rise.

  8. 我起身走到门厅。

    I get up and go into the vestibule.

  9. 离开你起身的地方。

    Leave off where you started.

  10. 我朝她站起身。

    Well, I stood up to her.

  11. 起身把水壶放上去。

    Stir yourself and put on a kettle.

  12. 清晨一大早就得起身

    Rise up so early in the morn.

  13. 晚饭后他起身告辞。

    After the meal, he stood up and took his leave.

  14. 晚饭后他起身告辞。

    After the meal, he stood up and took his leave.

  15. 我霍地坐起身来。

    I sat up with a jump.

  16. 他赶忙站起身来。

    He scrambled to his feet.

  17. 有时你应该起身离开。

    And there are times you should walk.

  18. 他站起身来回礼。

    He rose to return the salutation.

  19. 慢慢起身,成直立状态。

    Gradually raise your body into an upright position.

  20. 她又能起身走动了。

    She is getting about again.

  21. 她站起身迎接客人。

    She rose to greet her guests.

  22. 他站起身,挺起肩膀。

    He stood up and straightened his shoulders.

  23. 他笨拙地爬起身来。

    He scrambled awkwardly to his feet.

  24. 让我们在敬畏中起身

    Now let us rise up in awe

  25. 我起身走到他那边。

    I got up and walked over to where he was.

  26. 我明天天亮就起身。

    I am setting out at first light tomorrow.

  27. 我明天天亮就起身。

    I am setting out at first light tomorrow.

  28. 空腹睡眠,胜过起身值钱。

    Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt.

  29. 忍渴上床, 起身健康。

    He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy.

  30. 让我们在天亮前起身。

    Let's start out before dawn.


  1. 问:起身拼音怎么拼?起身的读音是什么?起身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起身的读音是qǐshēn,起身翻译成英文是 set out



qǐ shēn 现代汉语中的含义 1.起床。

元·杨暹 《西游记》第二本第七出:“ 唐三藏此日起身,他胖姑儿从头告诉了你。”《古今小说·蒋兴哥重会珍珠衫》:“五更时分,兴哥便起身收拾。” 茅盾 《脱险杂记·生活之一页三》:“早上天一亮就起身。” 2.动身;出发。

元·陈以仁 《存孝打虎》第一折:“则今日杀牛宰马,做个大大筵席,管待天使大人起身。”《红楼梦》第一○四回:“ 贾政见了宝玉果然比起身之时脸面丰满。” 陈翔鹤 《不安定的灵魂》:“至何日始能起身北上,则此时尚不能一定,不过为期总在不远罢了。”