




1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:qǐ jiā








  1. 谓从家中征召出来,授以官职。

    《史记·魏其武安侯列传》:“荐人或起家至二千石,权移主上。”《晋书·杜预传》:“ 文帝 嗣立, 预 尚帝妹 高陆公主 ,起家拜尚书郎。” 宋 陆游 《冬夜戏作》诗:“起家来牧民,窃语笑丞掾。” 蔡东藩 《清史通俗演义》第四二回:“起家身袭千夫长,阿兄意气凌云上。”

  2. 兴家立业;成名发迹。

    《史记·外戚世家》:“ 卫氏 枝属以军功起家,五人为侯。” 五代 王定保 《唐摭言·好及第恶登科》:“科第之设,草泽望之起家,簪紱望之继世。” 清 程寅锡 《吴门新乐府》:“鸡豚酒果谢神爷,年年月月利息加。神爷神爷大起家。” 郭沫若 《我的童年》第一篇二:“他起家的历史很有趣味。”

  3. 出身。

    《西京杂记》卷二:“ 公孙弘 起家徒步为丞相。” 宋 司马光 《苏骐骥墓碣铭》:“吾以布衣起家至方伯,承两朝恩渥,不可胜纪。” 清 侯方域 《代司徒公赠周生序》:“君之祖起家布衣,以甲科諫议,位司空。”



  1. He made his fortune through a network of pubs before founding a successful mining company, which he later sold.


  2. Starting as a clerk in a shop which peddles rags, he rips through the garment jungle to reach the top of his outwardly glamorous profession.


  3. Rock Star mode: start out in a garage and work your way up to filling the biggest arenas with fans!


  4. The company establishes to build up in Buddhism music, there are places of Buddhism in the whole world at present all with our music.


  5. The grandson of a shepherd, he made his fortune from a leveraged buy-out of a property developer, Nexity, in 2000-01.


  6. Using that as a stepping stone, he made his next fortune buying and selling interests.


  7. You have to ask. . . how did a company founded around building personal computers come to generate most of its revenue from mobile phones?


  8. Malaysia Kuala Lumpur the booming industry is less than 150 years of history, and it is a new form of tin scratch mining cities.


  9. It grew up as a scrappy bond-trading firm that did not care about how others regarded it.


  1. 他靠卖服装起家。

    He built himself up by selling clothes.

  2. 他靠卖服装起家。

    He built himself up by selling clothes.

  3. 靠两部缝纫机起家

    Arise from two sewing machines

  4. 我从搞出版业起家。

    I started out in publishing.

  5. 周杰伦以音乐起家。

    Jay Chou began his career in music.

  6. 我的风格就是这样起家的。

    That was how my style got started.

  7. 我当初是赤手空拳起家的。

    In my day I started with nothing.

  8. 邓伯先生从当助理起家。

    Mr. Dunbar started as an assistant.

  9. 邓伯先生从当助理起家。

    Mr. Dunbar started as an assistant.

  10. 从销钉起家的正业电子

    Zheng Ye Electronic Co., Ltd. of Build in Location Pin

  11. 他是从修理自行车起家的。

    He started by mending bicycles.

  12. 他是以演轻歌舞剧起家的。

    He started out in vaudeville.

  13. 他是靠着坚忍、勤勉起家的。

    He had risen by perseverance and industry.

  14. 他刚出发就想起家来。

    He had no sooner started out than he felt homesick.

  15. 罗莎丽亚靠制造睡衣和内衣起家。

    She started off making gowns and lingerie in her home.

  16. 他起家时只有天生的才能和决心。

    He started with nothing but raw talent and determination.

  17. 无数的电影明星都曾以喜剧起家。

    Countless movie stars have had their beginnings in comedy.

  18. 你是那种靠实干起家的人吗?

    Are you the type of person who thrives on activity?

  19. 你可别认为他是卖鞋带起家的。

    I started my business on a shoestring.

  20. 他通过一系列不正当的交易而起家。

    He rose to prominence through a series of shady deals.

  21. 王德辉在沪起家, 他们从小青梅竹马。

    The Wang fortune originated in Shanghai, where the two met as children.

  22. 但是所有的大型球队都是从小型起家的。

    But all big teams have once been small.

  23. 试析四大家族军事起家的历史背景

    Analysis of Historical Background of Four Big Families Building up Military Power

  24. 我们是以做运动产品得安全器材起家得。

    We started by making safety equipment for many sports.

  25. 我们是以做运动产品的安全器材起家的。

    We started by making safety equipment for many sports.

  26. 一家小五金店起家的大型零售连锁店。

    A huge retail chain which started off as one small hardware store.

  27. 最后,轮到我了,我起家疾速向门口走去。

    At last, it was my turn. I got up and walked quickly towards the door.

  28. 希柏最初是靠开发企业销售软件起家的。

    Siebel started out developing enterprise sales software.

  29. 哈奇森·惠姆波公司的起家要追溯到19世纪。

    Hutchison Whampoa has origins dating back to the 1800s.

  30. 迪岸传媒成立于2004年,以做校园传媒起家。

    Enlighten bank medium held water 2004,in order to make campus medium make ones fortune.


  1. 问:起家拼音怎么拼?起家的读音是什么?起家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起家的读音是qǐjiā,起家翻译成英文是 build … up


词语信息【拼音】:qǐ jiā【注音】:ㄑㄧˇ ㄐㄧㄚ【词语解释】◎ 起家 qǐ jiā[build up] 创业【示例】他白手起家,如今已是亿万富翁。