







汉语拼音:jiù shǒu







  1. 随手;顺便。

    《水浒传》第四二回:“﹝ 李逵 ﹞就手把 赵能 一斧,砍做两半。” 老舍 《牺牲》:“我约 老梅 去吃饭,就手儿请上 毛博士 。” 高云览 《小城春秋》第五章:“有一回, 吴七 就手打了一枪,把一只翻飞的山鸟打下来。”



  1. Absence of a specific element from the programme should not be interpreted as an indication that such element is not subject to audit.


  2. I take you "by the hand, " step-by-step, in the creation of your personal schedule. I instruct you on how to plan your entire 24-hour day.


  3. After all, cell phones can be awfully handy if you're ever sick, hurt, or lost.


  4. Close the door behind you.


  5. Once again men and women of ripe old age will sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each with cane in hand because of his age.


  6. Grandma and Grandpa held hands every chance they could.


  7. So, I decide to can't love each other since, release!


  1. 就手把门关上。

    Close the door behind you.

  2. 出门时就手关灯。

    Can you turn off the lights on your way out?

  3. 不久, 我们就手挽手向水库走去。

    Soon, arm in arm, we moved towards the reservoir.

  4. 外祖父和外祖母一有机会就手牵着手。

    Grandma and Grandpa held hands every chance they could.

  5. 尼利亚的儿子巴录就手拿书卷来到他们那里。

    So Baruch the son of Neriah took the roll in his hand, and came unto them.

  6. 他们一般受到自发的暴民用任何就手的武器攻击。

    They were generally attacked by spontaneous mobs, who used whatever weapons were available.

  7. 等你看完了这本书, 就手把读后感写完吧。

    You should write the review as soon as you've finished reading the book.

  8. 等你看完了这本书,就手把读后感写完吧。

    You should write the review as soon as you've finished reading the book.

  9. 不久, 灰姑娘和王子就手牵着手, 整晚尽情地跳着舞。

    Before long, Cinderella and the Prince were hand in hand, dancing the night away.

  10. 雪沾手就化。

    The snowflakes melt the moment they touch one's hand.

  11. 雪花一沾手就化。

    Snowflakes melt as they fall on ones hand.

  12. 能帮忙搭把手就搭把手。

    Can help take the knob handle on the ride.

  13. 旋转门把手就能开门。

    Turn the handle to open the door.

  14. 那你的手就保不住了

    Then you don't have your hand!

  15. 他一激动,手就发颤。

    His hands shake whenever he gets excited.

  16. 他一激动,手就发颤。

    His hands shake whenever he gets excited.

  17. 她抓住孩子的手就跑。

    She grabbed the child's hand and ran.

  18. 对对,就这样,击球手就位

    Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, that's it. Batters up.

  19. 击球手就位,他来了吗

    Batter up.Is he up?

  20. 用一只手就能举重物。

    Jimmy can lift heavy weights with only one hand.

  21. 你的手就没痊愈,那不同

    Yours didn't. Well, that's different.

  22. 今天的活一上手就很顺利。

    Todays work went smoothly from the outset.

  23. 如果我紧张, 我的手就会出汗。

    If I get nervous, my hands will sweat.

  24. 你说如果他不收手就离开他。

    Say you'll leave him if he doesn't back off.

  25. 等我洗洗脸洗洗手就来陪你。

    I will be with you just as soon as I wash up.

  26. 可一到了周末手就痒痒。

    However my hands just get itchy on weekends.

  27. 手就放在眼前也看不清

    and you can't see your hand in front of your face.

  28. 这活儿她一沾手就会了。

    She got the hang of the job the moment she started it.

  29. 他把手一伸,手就复了原。

    He stretched itand his hand was completely restored.

  30. 我就知道你一沾手就放不下了

    I knew once you picked it up, you couldn't put it down.


  1. 问:就手拼音怎么拼?就手的读音是什么?就手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就手的读音是jiùshǒu,就手翻译成英文是 on the way

