




1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……



汉语拼音:rì shí






  1. 月球运行到地球和太阳的中间时,太阳的光被月球挡住,不能射到地球上来,这种现象叫日食。太阳全部被月球挡住时叫日全食,部分被挡住时叫日偏食,中央部分被挡住时叫日环食。日食都发生在农历初一。

    《左传·昭公七年》:“夏四月甲辰朔,日有食之。 晋侯 问於 士文伯 曰:‘谁将当日食?’”《史记·秦本纪》:“三十四年,日食。 厉共公 卒,子 躁公 立。” 宋 苏轼 《御试制科策》:“六月壬子,日食於朔。” 清 顾炎武 《日知录·月食》:“日食,月揜日也。月食,地揜月也。”

  2. 每天的饮食。亦泛指日常生活。

    宋 欧阳修 《送唐生》诗:“日食不自饱,读书依主人。”《儒林外史》第二十回:“我在家里,日逐有几个活钱,我去之后,你日食从何而来?”《儒林外史》第五五回:“又过了半年,日食艰难,把大房子卖了,搬在一所小房子住。”芗剧《三家福》第二场:“日食难度,因此要跳潭自尽。”



  1. The daylight on these planets is probably as it was with us during the great eclipse of the sun in July, 1851.


  2. But it was raining and some of us had to watch the eclipse indoor and I was one of them.


  3. To see two new moons in a row in the same sign, falling in the same house, is rare, but for one of them to be an eclipse is even rarer.


  4. Last time, I was able to book a cruise to the Arctic to see a solar eclipse.


  5. In Jiaxing, residents expressed disappointment at the low visibility but tourists appeared to be taking it in their stride.


  6. As is always the case, an eclipse will bring truth to the surface and help you make sense of past events.


  7. As far back as the end of January, when the solar eclipse came by, you began to think about your home.


  8. Eclipses are always very revealing, bringing truths to the surface with great urgency.


  9. Among the passengers were a man who was witnessing it for the eighth time, scientists, amateur astronomers and children.


  1. 日食界限图

    eclipse map.

  2. 日食射电观测

    radio observation of solar eclipse

  3. 我一日食三餐。

    I eat three meals a day.

  4. 你曾见过日食吗

    Have you ever seen an eclipse

  5. 日食发生条件的计算

    The calculation for conditions of forming solar eclipse

  6. 日食与厄尔尼诺, 拉尼娜现象

    Relation between Solar Eclipses and El Nino and La Nina Events

  7. 看起来可能要发生日食。

    A solar eclipse islooksseems possiblelikelyprobable.

  8. 日食将会在7月21日发生。

    The solar eclipse is on the way and will arrive on July 21.

  9. 在印度, 日食被认为是凶兆。

    In India, an eclipse is considered inauspicious.

  10. 日食大概持续了两分钟时间。

    The solar eclipse was roughly two minutes in duration.

  11. 他们爬上屋项去看日食。

    They got up on the roof to watch the solar eclipse.

  12. 日食有近十九年的周期。

    Solar Eclipses have a cycle of approximately nineteen years.

  13. 我们从窗中只看见了日食。

    Eclipse was all we could see at the window.

  14. 那只发生在完全的日食中。

    That only occurs during a total solar eclipse.

  15. 日食发生的时间可以推算出来。

    The time when a solar eclipse will occur can be calculated.

  16. 噢, 恐怕你们看不到日食了。

    Oh, I'm afraid you'll have to miss the solar eclipse.

  17. 日食被认为是大灾难的预兆。

    The eclipse was thought to portend some great disaster.

  18. 这就是在日食时地球的样子。

    Here is what the Earth looks like during a solar eclipse.

  19. 发生日食时,月亮挡住了阳光。

    During the solar eclipse, the moon blocked out the sunlight.

  20. 据报道在复活节会有日食现象。

    It was reported that there would be an eclipse on Easter Day.

  21. 你们已经看到,那是太阳系的日食。

    You've all seen that. That's a solar eclipse.

  22. 这些岛链绵延穿过整个日食带。

    The chain contains dozens of islands stretching across the entire path.

  23. 这使我们对日食得过程有所了解。

    This keeps us informed about the progress of the eclipse.

  24. 这使我们对日食的过程有所了解。

    This keeps us informed about the progress of the eclipse.

  25. 不少动物在遇到日食时会感到恐惧。

    A lot of animals are afraid during an eclipse of the sun.

  26. 由此可知, 日食发生的日期可以推测出。

    Astronomers know the dates of eclipses.

  27. 由此可知, 日食发生得日期可以推测出。

    Astronomers know the dates of eclipses.

  28. 下表显示环食时间达8分钟的日食。

    The table below shows solar eclipses with more than 8 minutes of annularity.

  29. 日食带真相浮出水面保持警觉的眼睛。

    Eclipses bring truth to the surface keep a watchful eye.

  30. 产前日食对你的一生都有强大的影响。

    The Prenatal Eclipse has a strong influence on you throughout your life.


  1. 问:日食拼音怎么拼?日食的读音是什么?日食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:日食的读音是rìshí,日食翻译成英文是 solar eclipse; eclipse


