




1. 食 [shí]2. 食 [sì]3. 食 [yì]食 [shí]吃:~肉。~欲。吃的东西:~品。粮~。零~。丰衣足~。俸禄:“君子谋道不谋~”。日月亏缺或完全不见的现象:日~。月~。食 [sì]拿东西给人吃:~母(乳母)。食 [yì]……



汉语拼音:yuè shí







  1. 亦作“ 月蚀 ”。月望日,地球运行到太阳与月球之间,月球因受地球所阻,照射不到太阳光,月面变黑的天文现象。太阳光全部被地球挡住时,就发生月全食;部分被挡住时,就发生月偏食。

    《礼记·昏义》:“日食则天子素服,而脩六官之职,荡天下之阳事;月食则后素服,而脩六宫之职,荡天下之阴事。”《汉书·韩延寿传》:“ 延寿 又取官铜物,候月蚀铸作刀剑钩鐔,放效尚方事。” 唐 卢仝 《月蚀诗》:“或问 玉川子 , 孔子 修《春秋》,二百四十年,月蚀尽不收…… 孔子 父母 鲁 ,讳 鲁 不讳 周 ,书外书大恶,故月蚀不见收。”《梦溪笔谈·象数一》“ 开元 《大衍历法》最为精密” 胡道静 校注引 宋 李焘 《续资治通鉴长编》卷二八七:“ 神宗 元丰 元年,闰正月,甲午,詔:‘提举司天监近校月食时分,比《崇天》、《明天》二法,已见新歷为密。’” 巴金 《家》二一:“还有一次遇到月蚀,我们背起板凳在天井里走,说是替月亮受罪。”

  2. 犹月俸。

    宋 石介 《蜀道自勉》诗:“我乏尺寸効,月食二万钱。”



  1. You may be very inspired by this full moon eclipse, because it could turn out to be particularly glamorous falling so close to Neptune.


  2. Some changes happen only once in a while, like an eclipse of the moon. Others happen repeatedly, like the rising and setting of the sun.


  3. He had studied one of his books, and he knew the date of the next eclipse.


  4. If you are about to initiate a lawsuit, wait at least a week beyond the January 15 eclipse.


  5. People in Europe and Africa will be able to see it high in the sky before dawn on Thursday.


  6. Eclipses are always very revealing, bringing truths to the surface with great urgency.


  7. The "Twilight" cutie was escorted inside the Jimmy Kimmel Theatre as she met her "Eclipse" pals for an appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live! " .


  8. Its wheels and gears create a portable orrery of the sky that predicted star and planet locations as well as lunar and solar eclipses.


  9. While the other eclipse will help you see your partner in a new light, this one will allow you to show others what you want to happen next.


  1. 月球及月食

    The Moon and Lunar Eclipse.

  2. 月食与月相

    Eclipse and Phase of the Moon.

  3. 月食的不同阶段

    Different Stages in Lunar Eclipse

  4. 请计算月食总延续时间。

    Please find the duration of totality.

  5. 武丁月食及其年代研究

    Research on Lunar Eclipse and Age during the Period of Emperor Shang Wu Ding

  6. 一年中发生月食的次数

    A letter from author number of lunar eclipses during a calendar year

  7. 从月食到全食历时一个小时。

    It will take an hour to reach full eclipse stage.

  8. 据报道说, 明天晚上有月食。

    It was reported that there would be a lunar eclipse tomorrow evening.

  9. 宾组卜辞五次月食的先后次序

    On the Order of the Five Lunar Eclipses in the Oracle Inscriptions of Bin Group

  10. 在月食期间, 地球的影子落在月球上。

    In an eclipse, earth's shadow falls on the moon.

  11. 上周我们观看了新世纪第一次月食。

    Last week we witnessed the first lunar eclipse in the new century.

  12. 许多照相机记录了月食的每个阶段。

    Batteries of cameras were set to record every phase of the eclipse.

  13. 我们预计这个月食物价格会上涨。

    We are expecting a rise in food prices this month.

  14. 有没有在某个土星的卫星上发现月食?

    Have you found an eclipse on any of Saturn's moons yet?

  15. 当月球进入地球的影子, 便会发生月食。

    Lunar eclipses occur whenever the Moon falls into the shadow of the Earth.

  16. 清代地方志中月食记录的可靠性分析

    Reliable Analysis of the Lunar Eclipse Observations in the Local Chorography of Qing Dynasty

  17. 那个月里同样有在处女座得月食,在2月20日。

    That month also an eclipse in Virgo on February 20.

  18. 那个月里同样有在处女座的月食,在2月20日。

    That month also an eclipse in Virgo on February 20.

  19. 这个对话框允许选择你需要信息得月食。

    This dialog allows you to select the lunar eclipse about which information is required.

  20. 这个对话框允许选择你需要信息的月食。

    This dialog allows you to select the lunar eclipse about which information is required.

  21. 在英国, 观测者们可以从英国夏令时2100开始观察月食。

    In the UK, observers were able to view the eclipse from 21 00 BST.

  22. 同样地,月食一定出现在望日,即农历十五。

    Similarly,the eclipse will appear in Wangri that Year 15.

  23. 天文学家能推算出发生日食、月食的时间。

    Astronomers can calculate when there will be eclipses of the sun and the moon.

  24. 但首先我要给一些关于月食的一般信息。

    Let's have a look, but first I'll give you more information about eclipses in general.

  25. 很可能真正的天文学起源于对月食的研究。

    It is likely that the authentic astronomy originated from the studies of the eclipse.

  26. 月食可分为月偏食, 月全食及半影月食三种。

    The lunar eclipse may divide into the partial lunar eclipse, the total lunar eclipse and the lunar appulse three kinds.

  27. 天文学家可以算出何时发生月食及日食。

    The time when a eclipse will occur can be calculated.

  28. 半影食终月球离开半影,整个月食过程正式完结。

    Moon leaves penumbra Instant of last external tangency of the Moon with the penumbra.

  29. 天文学家可以算出何时发生日食和月食。

    Astronomers can calculate when there will be eclipses of the sun and moon.

  30. 一些变化只有某个时候才会发生,比如月食。

    Some changes happen only once in a while, like an eclipse of the moon.


  1. 问:月食拼音怎么拼?月食的读音是什么?月食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月食的读音是yuèshí,月食翻译成英文是 lunar eclipse

  2. 问:月食的第163沙罗週期拼音怎么拼?月食的第163沙罗週期的读音是什么?月食的第163沙罗週期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:月食的第163沙罗週期的读音是,月食的第163沙罗週期翻译成英文是 Lunar Saros 163



“月食”是个多义词,它可以指月食(莫文蔚演唱歌曲), 月食(暮光之城系列小说第三部), 月食(天文现象)。