


1. 干 [gān]2. 干 [gàn]干 [gān]触犯,冒犯,冲犯:~扰。~涉。~预(亦作“干与”)。森然~霄。追求,求取,旧指追求职位俸禄:~禄。~仕。关连,涉及:~系。互不相~。盾,古代抵御刀枪的兵器:大动~戈。古代用以记年、记月、……






汉语拼音:gàn xiàn








  1. 交通线、电线、输送管等的主要线路。与“支綫”相对。

    毛泽东 《建立巩固的东北根据地》:“建立这种根据地的地区,现在应当确定不是在国民党已占或将占的大城市和交通干线,这是在现时条件下所作不到的。”



  1. Absence of the tone tells the operator that there is at least one idle trunk in a group.

  2. I was trying to make up for the time lost in the morning when the cross-country vehicles got stuck in the mud caused by the heavy rains.

  3. Home Tandem is a tandem of a higher office class to which another tandem of an end office has a final trunk group.

  4. The availability of a variety of food is often aided by the fact that Singapore's port lies along strategic routes.

  5. Contrast the country's already-blemished HSR safety record with that of Japan, without a single fatality or injury after 47 years.

  6. He said the railways would focus on transporting coal and restoring the capacity of trunk lines over the next 10 days.

  7. This project by the total skeleton line, south the skeleton line, joins Duan Hebei the skeleton line to be composed, altogether two issues.

  8. Much of it has gone on improvements to the state capital's metro and its main arterial roads.

  9. Due to the exposing nature of the terrain, air power is critical in controlling this major artery.


  1. 干线通信网

    trunk network.

  2. 干线排水管

    arterial drain.

  3. 输水主干线

    water transfer line.

  4. 光缆干线网

    optical fiber trunk cable network.

  5. 长江干线口岸

    the port of the Changjiang River trunk line

  6. 交通干线立体交叉

    highway crossing

  7. 引黄北干线

    directs the yellow north skeleton line.

  8. 干线供应的电力

    mains electricity

  9. 铁道干线直达飞机场。

    The railway line comes to the airport.

  10. 同轴电线。同心干线

    concentric main

  11. 青屿干线交通趋势

    Trend of Vehicular Traffic through Lantau Link

  12. 它们接到了干线上。

    They plug into the mains.

  13. 楼宇内主干线缆

    intrabuilding backbone

  14. 不接支线的水带干线

    simple hose lay

  15. 反叛者破坏了供电干线。

    The main electricity supply had been sabotaged by the rebels.

  16. 制干线辣椒新品种新椒4号

    A New Elongate Chilli Cultivar for Drying Xinjiao No.4

  17. 翠鸟和新干线高速列车

    The Kingfisher and the Shinkansen Train

  18. 九州新干线800系电动车组

    The 800 Series EMUs for Kyushu Shinkansen

  19. 这恰好是一条公共交通干线。

    This happens to be a public highway.

  20. 磁悬浮长大干线车站设计的探讨

    Study of the Station Design for Main Long Maglev Line

  21. 开征高等级干线航道网通行费

    Collection of Transit Toll for Highclass Trunk Fairway Network

  22. 变带速干线协调控制模型研究

    Variable Band Speed Arterial Coordination Control Model Research

  23. 我们现在已经与输电干线接通了。

    We have been wired into the main system now.

  24. 这是三条主要干线汇合的地方。

    This is where the three main arteries meet.

  25. 新干线贸易有限公司,创办于2002年。

    Newline Trade Co,.Ltd, was organized in 2002.

  26. 从辅车道到主要交通干线上时。

    Yield signs are usually paced where auxiliary roads lead into major roads.

  27. 长江干线国际集装箱运输系统的优化

    Optimization of International Container Transport System along the Yangtze

  28. 长大干线设计中点线能力协调刍议

    Discussion on Train Capacity Coordination Between Technical Stations and Their Adjacent Railway Lines

  29. 这一切都适合容易进入干线的巡洋舰。

    It all fit easily into the trunk of the cruiser.

  30. 青屿干线收费广场至东涌东交汇处

    Lantau Link Toll Plaza to Tung Chung Eastern Interchange


  1. 问:干线拼音怎么拼?干线的读音是什么?干线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线的读音是gànxiàn,干线翻译成英文是 artery

  2. 问:干线段拼音怎么拼?干线段的读音是什么?干线段翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线段的读音是gàn xiàn duàn,干线段翻译成英文是 trunk segment

  3. 问:干线类拼音怎么拼?干线类的读音是什么?干线类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线类的读音是gàn xiàn lèi,干线类翻译成英文是 trunk class

  4. 问:干线网拼音怎么拼?干线网的读音是什么?干线网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线网的读音是gàn xiàn wǎng,干线网翻译成英文是 arterial grid

  5. 问:干线主任拼音怎么拼?干线主任的读音是什么?干线主任翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线主任的读音是gàn xiàn zhǔ rèn,干线主任翻译成英文是 Trunk Chief

  6. 问:干线交通拼音怎么拼?干线交通的读音是什么?干线交通翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线交通的读音是gàn xiàn jiāo tōng,干线交通翻译成英文是 arterial traffic

  7. 问:干线供给拼音怎么拼?干线供给的读音是什么?干线供给翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线供给的读音是gàn xiàn gōng jǐ,干线供给翻译成英文是 mains supply

  8. 问:干线保留拼音怎么拼?干线保留的读音是什么?干线保留翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线保留的读音是gàn xiàn bǎo liú,干线保留翻译成英文是 trunk reservation

  9. 问:干线公路拼音怎么拼?干线公路的读音是什么?干线公路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线公路的读音是gàn xiàn gōng lù,干线公路翻译成英文是 trunk highway

  10. 问:干线公路拼音怎么拼?干线公路的读音是什么?干线公路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线公路的读音是gànxiàn gōnglù,干线公路翻译成英文是 Expressway

  11. 问:干线寻找拼音怎么拼?干线寻找的读音是什么?干线寻找翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线寻找的读音是gàn xiàn xún zhǎo,干线寻找翻译成英文是 trunk hunting

  12. 问:干线巴士拼音怎么拼?干线巴士的读音是什么?干线巴士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线巴士的读音是gànxiàn bāshì,干线巴士翻译成英文是 Blue Bus

  13. 问:干线开关拼音怎么拼?干线开关的读音是什么?干线开关翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线开关的读音是gàn xiàn kāi guān,干线开关翻译成英文是 Trunk Switch

  14. 问:干线模型拼音怎么拼?干线模型的读音是什么?干线模型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线模型的读音是gàn xiàn mó xíng,干线模型翻译成英文是 trunk module

  15. 问:干线水表拼音怎么拼?干线水表的读音是什么?干线水表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线水表的读音是gān xiàn shuǐ biǎo,干线水表翻译成英文是 main-line meter

  16. 问:干线电缆拼音怎么拼?干线电缆的读音是什么?干线电缆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线电缆的读音是gàn xiàn diàn lǎn,干线电缆翻译成英文是 trunk cable

  17. 问:干线管道拼音怎么拼?干线管道的读音是什么?干线管道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线管道的读音是gān xiàn guǎn dào,干线管道翻译成英文是 main pipeline

  18. 问:干线组簇拼音怎么拼?干线组簇的读音是什么?干线组簇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线组簇的读音是gàn xiàn zǔ cù,干线组簇翻译成英文是 Trunk Group Cluster

  19. 问:干线装置拼音怎么拼?干线装置的读音是什么?干线装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线装置的读音是gàn xiàn zhuāng zhì,干线装置翻译成英文是 trunk equipment

  20. 问:干线设备拼音怎么拼?干线设备的读音是什么?干线设备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干线设备的读音是gàn xiàn shè bèi,干线设备翻译成英文是 Trunk Line Equipment

