


1. 稍 [shāo]2. 稍 [shào]稍 [shāo]本义为禾末,引申为略微:~~。~微。~许。~纵即逝。稍 [shào]〔~息〕军事或体操的口令。……


用皮、布或线等做成的长条物:~子。皮~。领~。一衣~水。像带子的长条物:~钢。~鱼。声~。车轮胎:车~。外~。区域:地~。温~。佩戴,披挂:~孝。~剑。随身拿着:携~。~挈。~着钱。捎,连着,顺便做:连~。~职。~累(lěi )(连累)。话……



汉语拼音:shāo dài







  1. 携带。

    《元典章新集·兵部·军中不便事件》:“军官稍带梯己物,致使头畜疲乏倒死。” 元 张国宾 《合汗衫》第三折:“你将这衫儿半壁亲稍带。”

  2. 犹言随同带进。谓顺便打到。

    《醒世姻缘传》第四八回:“ 薛教授 一边去拉, 素姐 一边还打,把 薛教授 的身上还稍带了两下。”



  1. It was the same enchantment in two souls, tinged with voluptuousness in Marius, and with modesty in Cosette.


  2. is there another bird in the same nest ? " asked deerlayer , raising his eyes with a species at half - awakened curiosity" .


  3. She slightly agitated tone this morning to inform her husband happened. but it is strange that he did not make any response.


  4. her expression disturbed him - sad , timorous , with a touch of defiant mischief.


  5. The roller is tapered, has a somewhat spherical shape and when assembled fits against the large rib of the cone.


  6. Stems many from base, prostrate, internodes with some branched, slightly pinkish red, blunt-tipped, adventitious roots.


  7. The man speaks English with the suggestion of a French accent.


  8. Authentic gong bao jiding should carry a little aroma of litchi . A little sweetness is a must.


  9. "I'd really rather you didn't, " I tell him, and he shrugs almost apologetically, but only moves closer.


  1. 指稍带蓝色的深红色。

    Of a deep slightly bluish red color.

  2. 威尔逊只是稍带夸张。

    Wilson was only slightly exaggerating.

  3. 这些豆子稍带苦味儿。

    These beans have a slightly bitter taste.

  4. 这些豆子稍带苦味儿。

    These beans have a slightly bitter taste.

  5. 他们的语气中稍带责备。

    They spoke in tones of gentle reproof.

  6. 他说话稍带点外国口音。

    He speaks with something of a foreign accent.

  7. 他讲英语稍带法国口音。

    His English held a suggestion of a French accent.

  8. 他说话稍带一点外国口音。

    He speaks in a light foreign accent.

  9. 说英语稍带威尔士口音。

    Speak English with a Welsh intonation.

  10. 他的语气中稍带诙谐口吻

    A shade of humor in his voice.

  11. 她说的英语稍带一点荷兰腔。

    She spoke English with a faint Dutch accent.

  12. 他们只能喝到稍带盐分的水。

    All they had to drink was brackish water.

  13. 他几乎是把贿赂当作题外话稍带着提了一下。

    He mentioned the bribe almost as an aside.

  14. 侍者会带您入座,请稍等。

    An escort will show you to your table. Just a moment, please.

  15. 不带坑方向折边,稍加轻压,便可达到紧凑无缝的效果。

    Slightly press the flange of the square panel without a crater to obtain jointless effect.

  16. 他给他们带去礼物, 以使自己良心稍安。

    He took them presents to salve his conscience.

  17. 请稍等。是的, 两个带独立卫生间的单人间, 对吗?

    Umm, just a moment. Yes , two single rooms with ensuite bathrooms

  18. 但是, 这里也只是粗略带过, 你需要自己稍加练习来掌握它。

    This is a quick lecture. You gonna have to practice a little to master it.

  19. 在价格上稍作让步将带来足够的利润。

    Some slight concession in price would bring in sufficient profit.

  20. 灰绿色的分枝, 有时浅带红色的, 稍压扁, 近无毛。

    branches graygreen, sometimes light reddish, slightly compressed, subglabrous.


  1. 问:稍带黄色的拼音怎么拼?稍带黄色的的读音是什么?稍带黄色的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稍带黄色的的读音是,稍带黄色的翻译成英文是 flavescent