


1. 五 [wǔ]五 [wǔ]数名,四加一(在钞票和单据上常用大写“伍”代):~彩。~官。~谷。~金。~代(中国朝代名,后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周先后在中原建立政权的时期)。~帝(中国传说中的五个帝王,通常指黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、唐尧、虞舜)……





汉语拼音:wǔ zhǐ







  1. 五个手指。

    《荀子·劝学》:“若挈裘领,詘五指而顿之,顺者不可胜数也。”《左传·宣公四年》“子公食指动” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“然则手之五指之名,曰巨指(拇指)、食指、将指(中指)、无名指、小指也。”《水浒传》第三二回:“ 武行者 听了,跳起身来,叉开五指望店主人脸上只一掌。”

  2. 五个脚指。




  1. Imperceptible in, the boat into the "Jurassic dynasty" -- suddenly, dark, unable to see, was filled with a somber mood.


  2. None of this was visible the evening I got there. We stepped on to Guling's main street in mist so thick you could barely see your hands.


  3. My grandmother used to say to me, "You can count the number of your true friends on the fingers of one hand. "


  4. Now we were heading up to the anti-Taliban forces' prime observation post north of the capital - in the pitch dark.


  5. Darkness, the eyes is big and round, even reached unable to see the night, also can see clearly, again sly mice are difficult to escape.


  6. And internet radio seems to be stuck in a niche.


  7. But how could you see green if it was so dark you could not see your own hand?


  8. Global 15 big "strange" theme Unable to see in the daytime, you want to try restaurant?


  9. More common, however, is running in a "shoe" that simulates barefoot running, like the Vibram Five Fingers.


  1. 五指莲重楼

    axial paris herb.

  2. 复方五指柑胶囊

    compound Wuzhigan capsules

  3. 五指山野菜

    Sauropus androgynus Merr.

  4. 手掌向外, 五指展开。

    palm outwards and five fingers spread.

  5. 手掌向外,五指展开。

    palm outwards and five fingers spread.

  6. 这是一副五指手套。

    This is a pair of gloves.

  7. 烟雾中伸手不见五指。

    The dense smoke cut visibility to inches.

  8. 五指毛桃组织培养研究

    Study on Tissue Culture of Ficus hirta

  9. 漆黑, 伸手不见五指得黑暗

    impenetrable darkness

  10. 漆黑, 伸手不见五指的黑暗

    impenetrable darkness

  11. 免费的周五指状食物

    Free Finger Food on Friday

  12. 几乎是伸手不见五指了。

    Soon John could hardly see his hand before his face.

  13. 雾大得伸手不见五指。

    The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so.

  14. 他们工作到伸手不见五指。

    They work until it become completely dark.

  15. 传球靠手腕和五指发力。

    This pass gets its power from the flick of your wrists and fingers.

  16. 五指毛桃质量标准的研究

    Study on Quality Standard of Radix Fici Simplicissimatis

  17. 什么东西有五指却没有骨肉?

    What has four fingers and a thumb but no flesh and bone?

  18. 那又是伸手不见五指的晚上。

    It was dark.

  19. 猫的前肢有四指,后肢有五指。

    Cat's foreleg has four figures, the latter extremity has the five fingers.

  20. 猫得前肢有四指,后肢有五指。

    Cat's foreleg has four figures, the latter extremity has the five fingers.

  21. 岭南草药五指毛桃研究概况。

    General situation of studying on the Chinese medicine of Wuzhimaotao in Lingnan.

  22. 窗外依旧黑,不见五指,没有月光。

    The window is still black, dark, moonless.

  23. 每只手或脚有五指或五趾的

    Having five fingers or toes on each hand or foot.

  24. 然后五指并用地狼吞虎咽,几乎没说话

    And then you picked at it, barely spoke to me, then bolted.

  25. 这是一个伸手不见五指的夜晚。

    This is such a pitch-black night.

  26. 我立时冲向他,五指弯成了爪子。

    I lunged at him then, my fingers curled into claws.

  27. 深夜,黝暗的屋子里伸手不见五指。

    Late at night, nothing can be seen in the dark room.

  28. 深夜,黝暗的屋子里伸手不见五指。

    Late at night, nothing can be seen in the dark room.

  29. 深夜,黝暗得屋子里伸手不见五指。

    Late at night, nothing can be seen in the dark room.

  30. 五指毛桃花粉扫描电镜样品的制备

    Studies on the specimen preparation techniques of scanning electron microscope of Ficus simplicissima Lour


  1. 问:五指拼音怎么拼?五指的读音是什么?五指翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指的读音是wúzhǐ,五指翻译成英文是 the five fingers of a person's hand

  2. 问:五指山拼音怎么拼?五指山的读音是什么?五指山翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指山的读音是Wǔzhǐshān,五指山翻译成英文是 五指山市 Wuzhishan City, lying in Hainan Provin...

  3. 问:五指的拼音怎么拼?五指的的读音是什么?五指的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指的的读音是wǔ zhǐ de,五指的翻译成英文是 pentadactyl

  4. 问:五指参属拼音怎么拼?五指参属的读音是什么?五指参属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指参属的读音是wǔzhǐshēn shǔ,五指参属翻译成英文是 Pentadactyla

  5. 问:五指山蓝拼音怎么拼?五指山蓝的读音是什么?五指山蓝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指山蓝的读音是wǔzhǐshānlán,五指山蓝翻译成英文是 Peristrophe lanceolaria

  6. 问:五指库蚊拼音怎么拼?五指库蚊的读音是什么?五指库蚊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指库蚊的读音是wǔzhǐkùwén,五指库蚊翻译成英文是 Culex barraudi

  7. 问:五指状的拼音怎么拼?五指状的的读音是什么?五指状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指状的的读音是wǔ zhǐ zhuàng de,五指状的翻译成英文是 pentadactylous

  8. 问:五指狸藻拼音怎么拼?五指狸藻的读音是什么?五指狸藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指狸藻的读音是,五指狸藻翻译成英文是 Utricularia pentadactyla

  9. 问:五指阿蚊拼音怎么拼?五指阿蚊的读音是什么?五指阿蚊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指阿蚊的读音是wǔzhǐ'āwén,五指阿蚊翻译成英文是 Armigeres digitatus

  10. 问:五指马鲅拼音怎么拼?五指马鲅的读音是什么?五指马鲅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指马鲅的读音是wǔzhǐmǎbà,五指马鲅翻译成英文是 mango fish

  11. 问:五指山假芝拼音怎么拼?五指山假芝的读音是什么?五指山假芝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指山假芝的读音是wǔzhǐshānjiǎzhī,五指山假芝翻译成英文是 Amauroderma wuzhishanense

  12. 问:五指山埃蝗拼音怎么拼?五指山埃蝗的读音是什么?五指山埃蝗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指山埃蝗的读音是wǔzhǐshān'āihuáng,五指山埃蝗翻译成英文是 Eoscyllina wuzhishanensis

  13. 问:五指山土白蚁拼音怎么拼?五指山土白蚁的读音是什么?五指山土白蚁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指山土白蚁的读音是wǔzhǐshāntǔbáiyǐ,五指山土白蚁翻译成英文是 Odontotermes wuzhishanensis

  14. 问:五指树丽盲蝽拼音怎么拼?五指树丽盲蝽的读音是什么?五指树丽盲蝽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指树丽盲蝽的读音是wǔzhǐ shùlìmángchūn,五指树丽盲蝽翻译成英文是 Arbolygus wuzhiensis

  15. 问:五指山粒毛盘菌拼音怎么拼?五指山粒毛盘菌的读音是什么?五指山粒毛盘菌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指山粒毛盘菌的读音是Wǔzhǐshān lìmáopánjūn,五指山粒毛盘菌翻译成英文是 Lachnum privum

  16. 问:五指山近扭白蚁拼音怎么拼?五指山近扭白蚁的读音是什么?五指山近扭白蚁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五指山近扭白蚁的读音是wǔzhǐshānjìnniǔbáiyǐ,五指山近扭白蚁翻译成英文是 Pericapritermes wuzhishanensis