


1. 追 [zhuī]2. 追 [duī]追 [zhuī]赶,紧跟着:~逐。~逼。~随。~光。~剿。~捕。~奔逐北。回溯过去,补做过去的事:~溯。~悼。~加。~认。竭力探求,寻求:~问。~寻。~究。~索。追 [duī]雕琢:~琢(雕刻)。古……





汉语拼音:zhuī gēn






  1. 追赶。



  1. But Asahel was not willing to turn aside from following him.


  2. LiveScience caught up with Reugels via email to find out how he creates his photographs and why he likes working with liquids.


  1. 而且这样他才有机会追跟他一起。

    And so he has a better potential of scoring with the hot bait.

  2. 但是,我不确定你们是不是乐意追跟我。

    Of course, I'm not sure they'll be up to it.

  3. 割须弃袍,一言以蔽之,就是让跟风盘追不上我也。

    Gexuqipao, in a word, is set to suIt'so that I can up.

  4. 一只兔子奔跑着穿过田地, 一个女孩在后面跟着追。

    A rabbit was running across the field and a girl was following it.

  5. 我只是想在到街上追你前先跟你道歉。

    I wanted to apologize in advance for having chased you down the street.

  6. 丹尼跟卧底警察追的是同一个人?

    Danny and the undercover are chasing the same guy ?

  7. 球向山下滚去,男孩们跟在后面追。

    The Boys chased the Ball as it rolled downhill

  8. 他们跟着她追时,她会骄傲地继续朝前走。

    When they followed her, she would walk on proudly.

  9. 雨果的朋友们找到了自己的马匹, 跟着他追去了。

    Hugos friends fetched their horses and followed him.

  10. 你去跟克洛伊一起追?赫克托的地点不好吗?

    Why don't you go work with Chloe and pin down a location on Hector Salazar?

  11. 我跟他打赌他追不上我。

    I bet him he could not outrun me.

  12. 那个男孩在灌木丛里跟着他姐姐追过来追过去。

    The boy chased his sister in and out among the bushes.

  13. 当一条恶狗跟在他后面追时,他被吓得要死。

    He was frightened to death when a fierce dog was running after him.

  14. 他对等候的记者什么也没说就走了,那些记者跟在他后面追。

    He said nothing to waiting journalists, who chased after him as he left.

  15. 我得狗跟在我得车后面追。

    My dog follows after any moving vehicle.

  16. 我的狗跟在我的车后面追。

    My dog follows after any moving vehicle.

  17. 我的狗跟在我的车后面追。

    My dog follows after any moving vehicle.

  18. 王子想跟着她, 但是没有追上。

    The Prince tried to follow, but he couldn't catch up.

  19. 第一手追星消息跟大家分享!

    First pursues the star news with everybody share!

  20. 跟着它走准能把春天追着。

    People would believe, following these, they would sure catch up with spring.

  21. 我跟在后头,好几次差点追丢了。

    I followed, almost lost you a couple times.

  22. 我妹妹跟人无冤无仇,无缘无故怎么会有人要人追杀她呢

    My sister doesn't have any enemies. Why should people be after her

  23. 因此,佛陀急忙跟着瓦库拉,终于在山顶上追上了他。

    Thereupon the Perfect One, making haste to follow Vakula, succeeded in overtaking the monk on the hill.

  24. 两人赶紧给女儿穿上恐龙装,跟她一起追上了游行队伍。

    Both parents helped their daughter put on the dinosaur costume, then ran with her to catch up with the others.

  25. 本想跟弟弟来个约法三章的, 追女孩不要伤感情最好不过了。

    I wanted to make a few regulations to be observed by all concerned originally, it was the best for not hurt our heart to go after the girl.

  26. 估计可怜的灯光师都一直忙着用追光在台上跟我乱跑了。

    The poor guys in the lighting crew were probably losing their minds trying to follow me with the spotlights.