


1. 港 [gǎng]2. 港 [jiǎng]港 [gǎng]江河的支流:~汊。可以停泊大船的江海口岸:商~。军~。~口。~湾。~务。指“香港”:~府。~币。~商。港 [jiǎng]方言,指山凹或山沟(多用于地名):前头~。上~。下~。……





汉语拼音:gǎng bì






  1. 香港 通行的货币。

    周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部一:“一共是一百二十五万二千八十块港币。”



  1. How much is your average personal monthly income of the recent 12months (in HKD)?


  2. HK$500 per month Enough for a Heifer in around a year. Heifers can produce a calf every year and up to about 15 litres of milk a day.


  3. Applicant(s) must maintain at least a HKD Savings Account or HKD Current Account with the Bank.


  4. If it is not convenience to arrange for the bank draft, HKD payment by wire transfer is also acceptable.


  5. Littering in public is an offence and the offender is liable to a fine of HK 600. Spitting in public is also an offence.


  6. What was the approximate airfare you paid for last trip in HK$(Please states on last box)and what was its attribute?


  7. As regards salary, I would be glad to start at HK$ 3, 000per month plus commission. Reference may be furnished if it is required.


  8. It will please no one: the territory's largest labour organisations vowed to fight for at least HK$33, plus annual increases.


  9. If the service is good, add another 10% to the bill, up to HK$100 in an especially nice restaurant.


  1. 现捐赠港币

    Would like to donate HK.

  2. 港币自由兑换。

    The Hong Kong dollar shall be freely convertible.

  3. 这是您得8700元港币。

    So these are the8700 Hong Kong dollars for you.

  4. 这是您的8700元港币。

    So these are the8700 Hong Kong dollars for you.

  5. 港币100元约兑澳门币103元。

    The exchange rate is approximately MOP 103 to HK 100.

  6. 不须填补港币或美元负数

    Do not cover HK US dollars deficits

  7. 多边代理机构港币债务票据

    Hong Kong dollar denominated multilateral agency debt instrument

  8. 我可否要港币而不要美元?

    Can I have Hong Kong dollars instead of American dollars ?

  9. 我想把500澳元换成港币。

    I want to change five hundred Australian dollars into Hong Kong dollars.

  10. 你可以帮我换一些港币吗?

    Will you mind changing some HK dollars, please?

  11. 租金是每月港币一百万元。

    The rental income is one million Hong Kong dollars per month.

  12. 成交价是四百二十万港币。

    The selling price of the flat is four point two million HK dollars.

  13. 建议派发中期股息每股港币20仙。

    The board proposed an interim dividend of HK 20 cents per share.

  14. 港币得设计充满了未来派得特色。

    The Hong Kong dollar futuristic design is full of unique features.

  15. 每份保单之最低保费为港币300。

    The minimum premium per policy is HK298.

  16. 你不介意帮我兑换一些港币吧?

    Will you mind if i'd like to change some hk dollar?

  17. 港币的发行须有百分之百的准备金。

    The issue of Hong Kong currency must be backed by a 100 per cent reserve fund.

  18. 港币得发行须有百分之百得准备金。

    The issue of Hong Kong currency must be backed by a 100 per cent reserve fund.

  19. 游客入场证章港币150请携同护照购买

    Tourist badge hk150 with presentation of passport

  20. 汇率是七点八九港币对一美元。

    It's 7.89 Hong Kong dollars to 1 US dollar.

  21. 每月租金为港币四万二千元。

    The monthly rental fee is fortytwo thousand Hong Kong dollars.

  22. 成交价是港币四百三十万元。

    The purchase price is four million and three hundred thousand dollars.

  23. 租金是每平方英尺港币二百五十元。

    The rental fee is two hundred fifty Hong Kong dollars per square foot.

  24. 本集团之综合财务报表以港币编制。

    The Group prepares consolidated financial statements in Hong Kong dollars.

  25. 下午好!我想将美元换成港币,可以?

    Good afternoon. Can I change some US dollars into Hong Kong dollars

  26. 请问现在美元与港币的兑换率是多少?

    Would you please tell me the current exchange rate?

  27. 请问现在美元与港币得兑换率是多少?

    Would you please tell me the current exchange rate ?

  28. 交易成功价是港币五百八十万元。

    The purchase price about seven million dollars.

  29. 亿元多港币明铜佛永留厦门

    Hundred Million HK Dollars Worth of Ming Cupreous Buddha Figure Is Staying in Xiamen Forever

  30. 港币与美元的兑换率约为1美元兑港币7。8元

    The exchange rate between HK and US is approximately US 1 HK 7.8


  1. 问:港币拼音怎么拼?港币的读音是什么?港币翻译成英文是什么?

    答:港币的读音是gǎngbì,港币翻译成英文是 Hong Kong dollar



港元或称港币,是香港的法定流通货币。按照香港基本法和中英联合声明,香港的自治权包括自行发行货币的权力。其正式的ISO 4217简称为HKD(Hong Kong Dollar);标志为HK$。香港金融管理局及渣打银行(香港)有限公司、香港汇丰银行有限公司及中国银行(香港)有限公司等3家香港发钞银行于2010年7月20日公布,将推出2010版港币新钞票系列。香港建立了港元发行与美元挂钩的联系汇率制度。外汇基金所持的美元就为港元纸币的稳定提供了支持。