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1. 渐 [jiàn]2. 渐 [jiān]渐 [jiàn]慢慢地,一点一点地:逐~。~进。~~。~次。~悟。~冉(逐渐)。防微杜~。加剧:疾大~。疏导:~九川。渐 [jiān]浸:~渍。~洳(浸湿)。~染。~仁摩谊(用仁义之道感化教育人)……
汉语拼音:jiàn cì
唐 司马承祯 《天隐子·渐门》:“是故习此五渐之门者,了一则渐次至二,了二则渐次至三,了三则渐次至四,了四则渐次至五,神仙成矣。” 宋 胡仲弓 《谒金门》词:“渐次梅花开遍,花外行人已远。”《红楼梦》第二三回:“你日日在外游嬉,渐次疏懒了工课。” 老舍 《赵子曰》第四:“别的病房中的吟呻哀叹,乘着屋中的静寂渐次侵进来。”
Soon the path along the cliff, is the last piece of wood. Behind, forest, grass, road, in the last hint of sunset gradually disappear.
很快,是栈道最后一块木板了。身后,森林,草坡,栈道,在最后一抹夕阳里渐次隐没。Proceed therefrom to the very finest knowledge of energy pathways which revolve and cause the body to be energized.
从这里开始,渐次旋转到最精细的能量路径,促成身体被充能。Ui Hakuju indicates that Altar Scriptures may be gradually revised and enlarged, and has gone through at least two revisions.
宇井伯寿指出《坛经》可能是渐次变迁增大的,且至少有两次的增改。But my relationship with very expensive wine glasses ended when they began to break.
但是,当这些非常昂贵的酒杯渐次破碎时,我和它们的关系也宣告终结。The top of the head day also no longer blue, Raises smiles falls gradually, Until does not have the expression, Under.
头顶的天亦不再蓝,之昂的笑渐次落下去,直到无表情,头底下去。China's economic resturcturing will be graually done in the next few years, salary increase and safety net construction being part of it.
中国经济结构的转型将在未来几年渐次铺开,增加劳动者收入、推动社会保障网的建设,将是题中应有之义。Progressive delexicalization is a widespread phenomenon, which arises out of the contextual effect of semantic contagion.
“渐次性非词语化”是语境中的词义相互传染而导致的普遍现象。Nobody had caught sight of it, the never coming Summer Solstice. The drencher started and the flood approached.
谁都不曾见到它。那个从来未曾来过的夏至。世界开始大雨滂沱。潮汛渐次逼近。The observed clinal variation in the frequency of serotinous cones may be described as a fairly regular decrease in all directions .