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1. 胳 [gē]2. 胳 [gé]胳 [gē]〔~臂〕上肢,肩膀以下手腕以上的部分。亦称“胳膊”(“臂”、“膊”均读轻声)。〔~肢窝〕同“夹肢窝”。胳 [gé]〔~肢〕在别人身上抓挠,使人由发痒而笑(“肢”读轻声)。同“骼”。……
汉语拼音:gé zhi
You get held down, tickled until you are screaming and giggling , and then things sort of progress. . .
你被压在下面,他胳肢你直到你尖叫而且咯咯乱笑,然后事情进步了一点……It was a mixture of being totally aroused and giggling as I gently tickled and aroused him.
它是一合剂完全地被唤醒而且吃吃地笑当我逐渐地胳肢而且唤醒了他。"How old is your daddy? " I made fun of him and tickled him.
“你的爸爸几岁啦?”我边逗他边胳肢他。Researchers say that the capacity to laugh emerges early in child development, as anyone who has tickled a baby knows.
对此,研究人员表示,笑的能力在孩子发育阶段早早地就显现出来,这一点是任何一个曾经胳肢过小婴儿的人都知道的。As before I let my fingers graze against his balls to get him more horny, only this time they were tickled more frequently.
当做在我之前让了对抗他的小丸剂的我手指使吃草拿他更角的,不过这次他们更时常被胳肢。Or, standing in a river, he would wait for hours until a fish tickled his line.
或者,他又会整个人插在河里,石雕般地站上好几小时,直到那鱼儿“胳肢”他的鱼线。We press the top & tickle the bottom.
我们压顶端和胳肢底部。In school, other children noted my differences, and I was bullied (and tickled into fits of despair) for years.
上学的时候,其他的同学们注意到我的不同,欺负了我很多年(我被“胳肢”到了绝望的境地)。In Portland, Maine, it's illegal to tickle a girl under the chin with a feather duster.