


查:~查。~测。~讨。~举。~校(jiào )。~修。~索。~察。注意约束(言行):~点(a.注意约束言行,如“参加宴会时连吃带拿,太不~~了”;b.查看是否符合,如“把行李~~一遍”)。失~。古代官名,掌修国史,位次编修。姓。……







汉语拼音:jiǎn chá yuàn






  1. 指审查批准逮捕、审查决定起诉、出席法庭支持公诉的国家机关。在我国,人民检察院有时亦简称检察院。

    柳青 《狠透铁》十一:“在县检察院派来人的第二天,县公安局逮捕破坏合作化的不法富农、主谋盗窃犯 王以信 。”



  1. Article 12 The arrest of any citizen, unless decided on by a people's court, must be subject to the approval of a people's procuratorate.


  2. The SPP has also raised the indictment against him, in addition to customers, he also found a lot of economic problems.


  3. If the matter cannot be resolved through conciliation, the Labour Affairs Bureau will refer the case to the Public Prosecutions Office.


  4. Harvard spokesman, Jeff Neal, said in an e-mail, "We were informed last week that the U. S. Attorney is looking into this issue. "


  5. The company has changed some of its working practices in response to criticism by government inspectors .


  6. Interrogation of a criminal suspect must be conducted by the investigators of a People's Procuratorate or public security organ.


  7. The new standards also stipulate that procuratorates do not use evidence collected from forced confessions, torture or violence.


  8. Therefore had to shoulder, if your Nanping Procuratorate did not look for me, I must this matter rottenly in the belly!


  9. German President Christian Wulff has announced his resignation, after prosecutors called for his immunity to be lifted.


  1. 皇家检察院

    imperial procuratorate.

  2. 我与检察院做了笔交易。

    I made a deal with the prosecutor's office.

  3. 人民检察院的组织由法律规定。

    The organization of people's procuratorates is prescribed by law.

  4. 各级人民检察院设立检察委员会。

    People's procuratorates at all levels shall each set up a procuratorial committee.

  5. 检察院并非实际负责调查的机关。

    The Prosecution Service is not an actual investigative authority.

  6. 人民检察院应有权申请宣告死亡

    The Law Officer Should Have the Right to Apply for Declaration of Death

  7. 检察长统一领导检察院的工作。

    The chief procurator exercises unified leadership over the work of the procuratorates.

  8. 希望检察院检能传唤他作人证。

    If prosecution calls him as an eyewitness.

  9. 此外,还有人民法院和检察院体系。

    Besides, there exist also a system of People's Court and Prosecutor.

  10. 这些案件也报告给了国家检察院。

    These cases were also reported to the National Prosecutor's Office.

  11. 假释裁定的副本应当抄送人民检察院。

    A duplicate of the ruling on parole shall be sent to the people's procuratorate.

  12. 人民检察院应当将复查决定告知被害人。

    The People's Procuratorate shall notify the victim of its decision made after reexamination.

  13. 略论人民检察院对调解书的抗诉权

    On the nrght of protesting to the concitiation

  14. 司法和检察系统由法院和检察院组成。

    The system of judicial and procuratorial organs consists of courts and public prosecutors offices.

  15. 军事法院和检察院系统在2004年被废除。

    The system of military courts and prosecution was abolished in2004.

  16. 上级军事检察院领导下级军事检察院的检察工作。

    A military procuratorate at a higher level directs the procuratorial work of that at a lower level.

  17. 听说检察院已经对他进行立案审查了。

    I heard that the procuratorate has placed a case on file to investigate him.

  18. 听说检察院已经对他进行立案审查了。

    I heard that the procuratorate has placed a case on file to investigate him.

  19. 检察院审讯电子笔录系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Interrogation Electronic Record System

  20. 调查法官向高等检察院提交了相关文件。

    The investigative judge submitted the related documentation to the Higher State Prosecutor.

  21. 检察院的组织、职权和运作由法律规定。

    The structure, powers and functions as well as operation of the procuratorates shall be prescribed by law.

  22. 各级人民检察院根据需要可以设司法警察。

    People's procuratorates at all levels may install judicial police as needed.

  23. 最高人民法院和最高人民检察院作出司法解释。

    The Supreme People's Court and prosecuting body the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued an explanation.

  24. 其中,审判 检察辅助岗491名,检察院司法警察岗9名。

    Among them, adjudgement, procuratorial work assists hillock 491 post of procuratorate judicatory police 9.

  25. 山东基层检察院捕后判轻刑案件分析

    Investigation Report on Cases Applying Arrest Since Sentenced to Light Punishment in Basic Procuratorates of Shandong Province

  26. 第五十一条人民检察院设检察官考评委员会。

    Article 51 A People's Procuratorate shall establish a commission for examination and assessment of public procurators.

  27. 中华人民共和国最高人民检察院司法解释全集2。

    Peoples Republic of China the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate Collected Edition of Judicial Interpretations II.

  28. 人民检察院有权对民事审判活动实行法律监督。

    The People's Procuratorate has the right of legal supervision over the trials of civil cases.

  29. 第四十九条人民检察院设检察官考评委员会。

    Article 49 A People's Procuratorate shall establish a commission for examination and assessment of public procurators.

  30. 检察职能体现了人民检察院的法律职能, 属于其业务。

    Prosecutor functions reflect the legal functions of the People's Procuratorate, which is their business.


  1. 问:检察院拼音怎么拼?检察院的读音是什么?检察院翻译成英文是什么?

    答:检察院的读音是jiǎncháyuàn,检察院翻译成英文是 prosecutorial office; a national institution...

  2. 问:检察院院长拼音怎么拼?检察院院长的读音是什么?检察院院长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:检察院院长的读音是jiǎncháyuànyuànzhǎng,检察院院长翻译成英文是 chief procurator



检察院(procuratorate)是一些国家和地区中设立的法律监督机关。世界各国的检察院在国家机构中的隶属关系和职权并不完全相同。一般而言,检察院承担对贪腐案件的侦查及对公诉案件提起公诉和反贪污贿赂、反渎职侵权等。 人民检察院是中华人民共和国的法律监督机关,依法公正严格行使国家的检察权。由同级人民代表大会产生,向人民代表大会负责并报告工作。设立最高人民检察院、地方各级人民检察院和军事检察院等专门人民检察院。这种自上而下的排列反映了检察机关上下级是领导和被领导的关系及其集中统一的特点,这与中国法院上下级之间监督与被监督的关系有显著不同。为了维护国家法制的统一,检察机关必须一体化,必须具有很强的集中统一性。 最高人民检察院是最高检察机关,领导全国各地各级人民检院和专门人民检察院的工作,上级人民检察院领导下级人民检察院的工作。 地方各级人民检察院包括省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院;省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院分院,自治州和省辖市人民检察院;县、市、自治县和市辖区人民检察院;专门人民检察院主要包括军事检察院、铁路运输检察院,各级人民检察院都是与各级人民法院相对应而设置的,以便依照中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法规定的程序办案。 中国检察院依照法律规定独立行使检察权,不受任何行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉。