







汉语拼音:zuì zhuàng








  1. 犯罪的事实。

    《孔丛子·问军礼》:“先期三日,有司明以敌人罪状,告之史。”《后汉书·陈龟传》:“﹝ 梁冀 ﹞暴虐日甚, 龟 上疏言其罪状,请诛之。” 唐 柳宗元 《寄许京兆孟容书》:“ 宗元 於众党人中,罪状最甚。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七三回:“同乡京官在会馆议他的罪状。”

  2. 宣布他人罪行。

    《晋书·桓玄传》:“ 玄 大悦,乃留其兄 伟 守 江陵 ,抗表率众,下至 寻阳 ,移檄京邑,罪状 元显 。”《宋史·奸臣传三·秦桧》:“ 河南 诸郡相继陷没,帝始大怪,下詔罪状 兀朮 。”《三国演义》第三二回:“汝前为 本初 作檄,但罪状孤可也;何乃辱及祖、父耶?”



  1. Yet this was just one of a series of war crimes committed by the Japanese Army during its conquest of eastern China.


  2. It's as easy to rag on cars as it is on Wal-Mart; I'm not going to do that .


  3. For it seems unreasonable to me, in sending a prisoner, not to also signify the charges against him.


  4. And, when he mentioned his reflection on the facts of his crime, he was actually revealing and rebuking the calumniators.


  5. The author concludes that favoritism is unquestionable a requisite element, as it is stated to help defining the crime.


  6. Now take your adventurers and get out of my city before I find a way to charge you with something in this mess.


  7. One hairband and lipstick application later (and, OK, several hours of library confessions), she's got a jock for a boyfriend.


  8. The yarn deniers , yarn counts, and areal densities for the fabrics are given in Table 1, and a photograph is shown in Fig. 1.


  9. They amassed enough evidence to convict HIM on six charges.


  1. 否认指控, 否认被指控的罪状

    to deny an accusation

  2. 捏造罪状以陷害他人。

    Frameup frame a case against sb.

  3. 你们根据什么罪状拘捕他?

    On what charges do you arrest him?

  4. 他被判定有两条罪状。

    He was found guilty on two counts.

  5. 我不打算陈述汽车的罪状。

    I'm not going to do that.

  6. 叙述事实以证明的他的罪状。

    State the fact in witness of his guilt.

  7. 他承认了谋杀未遂的罪状。

    He pleaded guilty to the charge of attempted murder.

  8. 他的敌人将捏造罪状陷害他。

    His enemies would make false accusations against him.

  9. 根据法律, 作伪证是一大罪状。

    It is a great crime, in the eye of the law, to bear false witness.

  10. 他们列举了他的被指称的罪状。

    They articled his alleged crimes.

  11. 第八条罪状是传播出去, 祸国殃民。

    The eighth indictment is that its spread would wreck the country and ruin the people.

  12. 金匠的罪状,毫无疑问是肯定的了。

    The guilt of the goldsmith was proved beyond a doubt.

  13. 他听到了罪状, 好像顿时得了启发。

    Oh hearing the charge the man seemed enlightened

  14. 这两人因罪状铁证如山被定罪了。

    The two men were convicted on some extremely damning evidence.

  15. 在罪状未证实前, 法律假定被告无罪。

    The law presumes innocence until guilt is proved.

  16. 她的罪状已经无可置疑地被确立了。

    Her guilt has been established beyond reasonable doubt.

  17. 我认为,如今的婚外情有三大罪状。

    Now, there are three ways that I think infidelity hurts differently today.

  18. 世上焉得无辜物, 且度罪状几丈长。

    There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.

  19. 他对谋杀未遂的七条罪状表示服罪。

    He pleaded guilty to seven counts of attempted murder.

  20. 如果这也成了一条罪状, 那怎么行

    How can that constitute a crime

  21. 警察捕人记录簿是逮捕犯人和罪状记录簿。

    A police blotter is a record of arrests and charges.

  22. 在上面有他的罪状, 写的是犹太人的王。

    And the superscription of his accusation was written over, THE KING OF THE JEWS.

  23. 金匠得罪状,毫无疑问是肯定得了。

    The guilt of the goldsmith was proved beyond a doubt.

  24. 我们承认这种罪状。他羞愧地承认犯了罪。

    To this crime we plead guilty. He was shamed into admitting his guilt.

  25. 从非法经营罪的设置评析空白罪状的缺陷

    Defect of Lipdeep Crime as Viewed from Installation of Wildcat

  26. 罪状在起诉中列出的各种不同的,明显的指控

    Any of the separate and distinct charges in an indictment.

  27. 那时的戈林,据所有的罪状,是一个可怕的人

    Now Goering was, by all accounts, a terrible man.

  28. 党八股的第一条罪状是空话连篇,言之无物。

    The first indictment against stereotyped Party writing is that it fills endless pages with empty verbiage.

  29. 两条异端的罪状合并成一种美丽的对称。

    The two heresies melded into a beautiful symmetry.

  30. 你按罪状刑罚我,又使我担当幼年的罪孽。

    For you write down bitter things against me and make me inherit the sins of my youth.


  1. 问:罪状拼音怎么拼?罪状的读音是什么?罪状翻译成英文是什么?

    答:罪状的读音是zuìzhuàng,罪状翻译成英文是 crime




拼音:zuì zhuàng