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1. 桁 [héng]2. 桁 [háng]桁 [héng]檩:~条。~架。桁 [háng]古代的一种刑具。衣架:“还视~上无悬衣”。……
汉语拼音:héng liáng
The spar may be made up of a number of modules connected to one another primarily via overlapping shear webs.
该桁梁可以由主要通过重叠的抗剪腹板彼此相连的多个模块构成。In the last few years, monolithic joint has been gradually adopted in the long span steel truss bridge.
近年来,整体节点在大跨度钢桁梁桥中逐渐被采用。The results demonstrate that the TMD technique is effective in suppressing lateral vibration of the existing steel truss railway bridges.
结果表明,TMD能有效的抑制既有铁路钢桁梁桥的横向振动。One such system, called a beam and girder system, is composed of a slab on sup-porting reinforced concrete beams and girders.
一种这样的系统是由放在支撑加固混凝土交梁(横梁和桁梁)上的板组成,这种系统叫做交梁系统。Investigation on Lateral Dynamics Behaviour of Half-Across Steel Truss Bridge and Its Reinforcing Measures?
半穿式桁梁桥横向动力性能及其改善措施的研究?Based on an example of a welding-bolted continuous truss bridge, a method of assessment-strengthening integrity is discussed.
本文以某公路桥为例,探讨了一套完整的适用于钢桁梁桥的评定加固一体化方法。The beams are commonly spaced so that they intersect the girders at the midpoint, third points, or quarter points, as shown in Figure 3-2.
横梁一般留有空隙,以便与桁梁在中点、第三点或者四分之一点相交,如图3-2所示。The elegant engineering of farming equipment and local Pennsylvania trussed bridges inspired the unusual structure of the house.
在宾夕法尼亚州的农业设备和当地桁梁桥工程激发了优雅的房子不寻常的结构。Thus, for the most part, all beams in a truss bridge are straight.