


发怒,怨恨:~恨。~火。烦闷,苦闷:烦~。苦~。懊~。~丧(sàng )。……





汉语拼音:nǎo rén







  1. 令人着恼。

    宋 柳永 《尉迟杯》词:“困极欢餘,芙蓉帐暖,别是恼人情味。” 清 李渔 《风筝误·婚闹》:“相逢处顿将人佳兴扫,甚新婚燕尔恼人怀抱。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第六章:“ 郭祥 的连队,同样被这恼人的困倦袭扰着。”

  2. 撩拨人。

    后蜀 欧阳炯 《菩萨蛮》词之一:“晓来中酒和春睡,四肢无力云鬟坠。斜卧脸波春,玉郎休恼人。” 宋 王安石 《夜直》诗:“春色恼人眠不得,月移花影上阑干。”



  1. As a parent you might wonder how much your child will be able to understand about complex or upsetting topics.


  2. This time round though, there was an instant, troubling discord between the impressions I had brought with me and what I found.


  3. Embarrass him in public. Make a burp or a fart joke about him or ask him tons of annoying personal questions.


  4. Such a deal would be easier to pull off between governments rather than with pesky independent shareholders. So buying them out makes sense.


  5. This prompting can be a bit of a pain, but if you haven't done it, you might miss emails from people you care about.


  6. The questions did not let up. What did Chloe think as we made our way to Trafalgar Square from her office in Bedford Street?


  7. Whatever you think about using grating words, at the end of the day it's actually better not to say whatever, if you know what I mean.


  8. 20. No matter what you think of the vuvuzela, at least it's not as annoying as the England band.


  9. Their job is to listen out for offensive noises and knock on the door of guests who snore too loudly.


  1. 春色恼人。

    Spring's hues are teasing.

  2. 天气真恼人,不是吗

    The weather's very annoying, is not it?

  3. 一大堆恼人的事情!

    There are many unpleasant things!

  4. 那是一个恼人得天气。

    It is a miserable day.

  5. 那是一个恼人的天气。

    It is a miserable day.

  6. 真恼人!我们错过了公交车。

    What a bother! We've missed the bus.

  7. 沉重的负担, 包袱持续恼人的负担

    A constant, worrisome burden.

  8. 成名是一件恼人的事。

    It's a pain in the neck being famous.

  9. 成名是一件恼人的事。

    It's a pain in the neck being famous.

  10. 是个恼人的天气,对吧

    Its a miserable sort of day, isnt it.

  11. 又下雨了,多恼人的天气!

    It's raining again what miserable weather!

  12. 胎块 外伤或者恼人的肿块

    A mole or a lesion, or an unwelcome lump.

  13. 恼人的门将不再吱吱作响了。

    The offending door will squeak no more.

  14. 这可真恼人,我得再想想。

    This is very upsetting. Maybe I should rethink this.

  15. 这可真恼人,我得再想想。

    This is very upsetting. Maybe I should rethink this.

  16. 再者, 也没有出现恼人的副作用。

    Moreover, the vaccine had no troubling side effects.

  17. 学生们设法消除这些恼人的噪音。

    The students managed to screen out the disturbing noises.

  18. 黑暗中他有一阵恼人的咳嗽。

    He had an annoying cough in the dark.

  19. 我应该觉得是种恼人的天赋。

    It's a troubling gift, I should think.

  20. 毫无意义地忠忠直直是恼人得事。

    It is annoying to be honest to no purpose.

  21. 这些是针对我们得邪恶得恼人得报应。

    Ideally, the speaker should do what it is told, and nothing else.

  22. 这些是针对我们的邪恶的恼人的报应。

    Ideally, the speaker should do what it is told, and nothing else.

  23. 毫无意义地忠实直直是恼人的事。

    It is annoying to be honest to no purpose.

  24. 对环境的关心也被可能是恼人的。

    Environmental concerns could also prove nettlesome.

  25. 她有咬手指头的一个恼人的习惯。

    She has an annoying habit of biting her fingernails.

  26. 恼人的事情, 所有解禁的进口二手车。

    Aggravating matters, all restrictions were lifted on the import of used vehicles.

  27. 尽管她有时很恼人,但我还是喜欢她。

    I like her even though she can be annoying.

  28. 伊迪则遇到了一个恼人的现实。

    Edie came to a disturbing realization.

  29. 伊迪则遇到了一个恼人的现实。

    Edie came to a disturbing realization.

  30. 伊迪则遇到了一个恼人的现实。

    Edie came to a disturbing realization.


  1. 问:恼人拼音怎么拼?恼人的读音是什么?恼人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恼人的读音是nǎorén,恼人翻译成英文是 annoying; irritating

  2. 问:恼人的拼音怎么拼?恼人的的读音是什么?恼人的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:恼人的的读音是,恼人的翻译成英文是 carking




拼音:nǎo rén 基本解释 英汉互译:[annoying;irritating;irk] 使人烦恼 这里春夏之交天天下雨,真恼人。 详细解释 1. 令人着恼。 宋 柳永 《尉迟杯》词:“困极欢馀,芙蓉帐暖,别是恼人情味。” 清 李渔 《风筝误·婚闹》:“相逢处顿将人佳兴扫,甚新婚燕尔恼人怀抱。” 魏巍 《东方》第三部第六章:“ 郭祥 的连队,同样被这恼人的困倦袭扰着。” 2. 撩拨人。 后蜀 欧阳炯 《菩萨蛮》词之一:“晓来中酒和春睡,四肢无力云鬟坠。斜卧脸波春,玉郎休恼人。” 宋 王安石 《夜直》诗:“春色恼人眠不得,月移花影上阑干。”