


1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……





汉语拼音:jiǎ shān






  1. His wife was homesick for her mountainous, green homeland, so he had an artificial mountain garden built for her.


  2. East inter-hospital, a rockery , a pavilion, was originally linked to the Garden and central component of the wall has separated.


  3. By the garden rockery, pavilion, a fish pond, and an ancient two-story Western-style architectural synthesis.


  4. Exact center the surface tower aloft of the rockery stone be called nine lion stones, have nine lions a frolic on the stone.


  5. Yuming Aquarium professionally produces aquarium decoration, resin rockery, plastic plant, etc. We have thousands of models.


  6. If you want a rock garden, OK-but don't expect me to do anything about it. You're the one that's got the time, anyway.


  7. Strange. Then, off to the right, through a cleft of the adjoining manmade hill, he observed her black satin jacket.


  8. Advertise rockery I in corner side wait, wait me that all shipshape, charming lady warbler warbler.


  9. In Chinese garden, rockery represents the body of the earth; water represents the vital spirit of the earth.


  1. 这前面是假山。

    In front of it are rockeries.

  2. 假山, 自然形态石

    Rockery and Natural Shape Stone

  3. 假山,自然形态石。

    Rockery and Natural Shape Stone.

  4. 中湖南面,假山堆砌。

    Hunan in the face and a pile of rock.

  5. 讲究假山池沼的配合

    Is fastidious the rockery pond coordination

  6. 园林假山施工技艺初探

    Construction techniques of artificial hill in park and garden

  7. 公园里的假山巧夺天工。

    The rockery in the park is of wonderful workmanship excelling nature.

  8. 园林假山系列假山水门与石桥

    Water Gate and Stone Bridge of Garden Rockery

  9. 沿小石径, 可登假山。

    Along the small Shi Jing, Tang rockery.

  10. 沿小石径,可登假山。

    Along the small Shi Jing, Tang rockery.

  11. 人造石假山的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Artificial Rockery

  12. 选用于鱼缸,池塘,假山等供水。

    Adapt to outside, pond and rockwork.

  13. 我把园中的泥土堆成假山。

    I heap up the earth in my garden to make an artificial hill.

  14. 假山堆得起伏有致,别有情趣。

    The rockeries are piled up in an uneven and intriguing way.

  15. 护坡块石假山堆叠方法初探

    Primary research on the Stacking Rockery Method for Slope Retaining

  16. 亭台楼阁,假山池塘,布局精巧,错落有致。

    Pavilion, terrace, rockery, exquisitely laid out in an asymmetry.

  17. 胡这假山终于做好了,是吧?

    The rockery is finished, isnt it

  18. 你喜欢长着小花的假山吗?

    Do you like the rockery with the smaller flowers?

  19. 公园内,楼台桥榭、馆舍假山,一应俱全。

    Park, pavilion bridge up the house, rockery to the embassy building services.

  20. 那些亭台楼榭,假山,真是精致优美。

    The pavilions, balustrades and rockeries are really exquisite.

  21. 那些亭台,栏杆,假山,确实精致优美。

    The pavilions, balustrades and rockeries are really exquisite.

  22. 我悄悄地爬到假山花园的边上。

    I crept to the edge of the rock garden.

  23. 狮子林主要是以湖石假山为特色。

    Lion Grove is mainly characterized by its lakeside rocks and rockeries.

  24. 经蚁蚀风侵, 假山石狮倒塌, 楼阁倾斜。

    Ant invasion by wind erosion, the collapse of a rockery stone lions, tilt pavilion.

  25. 你家花园有花床和假山,看起来很美。

    Your garden looks so beautiful with its flower beds and rockery.

  26. 假山北面,楼阁临池,飞檐映水,恬静清幽。

    Rockery to the north, the temporary pool pavilion, cornices Yingwater, quiet quiet.

  27. 提醒海尔柏斯德夫人照看好假山花园。

    Remind Mr. Halbestadt to take good care of the rock garden.

  28. 前面假山背后转出来一个人影,是一个女子。

    A woman's figure came rounding the artificial hill.

  29. 我在园中将泥土堆成了一座假山。

    I heaped up the earth in my garden to make an artificial hill.

  30. 然而, 当我们清出假山, 我们将会到达昆明湖。

    However, after we clear the rockery, we will reach Kunming Lake.


  1. 问:假山拼音怎么拼?假山的读音是什么?假山翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假山的读音是jiǎshān,假山翻译成英文是 rockery; artificial hill; rockwork

  2. 问:假山园拼音怎么拼?假山园的读音是什么?假山园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假山园的读音是jiǎ shān yuán,假山园翻译成英文是 Chinese rockery

  3. 问:假山茶拼音怎么拼?假山茶的读音是什么?假山茶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假山茶的读音是jiǎshānchá,假山茶翻译成英文是 Stewartia Pseudocamellia; Stewartia pseudoc...

  4. 问:假山萝拼音怎么拼?假山萝的读音是什么?假山萝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假山萝的读音是jiǎshānluó,假山萝翻译成英文是 Harpullia cupanoides

  5. 问:假山萝属拼音怎么拼?假山萝属的读音是什么?假山萝属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假山萝属的读音是jiǎshānluóshǔ,假山萝属翻译成英文是 Harpullia

  6. 问:假山龙眼拼音怎么拼?假山龙眼的读音是什么?假山龙眼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假山龙眼的读音是jiǎshānlóngyǎn,假山龙眼翻译成英文是 Heliciopsis henryi

  7. 问:假山龙眼属拼音怎么拼?假山龙眼属的读音是什么?假山龙眼属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假山龙眼属的读音是jiǎshānlóngyǎnshǔ,假山龙眼属翻译成英文是 Heliciopsis

  8. 问:假山石挡土墙拼音怎么拼?假山石挡土墙的读音是什么?假山石挡土墙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假山石挡土墙的读音是jiǎ shān shí dǎng tǔ qiáng,假山石挡土墙翻译成英文是 rock retaining wall

  9. 问:假山萝花马先蒿拼音怎么拼?假山萝花马先蒿的读音是什么?假山萝花马先蒿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:假山萝花马先蒿的读音是jiǎshānluóhuāmǎxiānhāo,假山萝花马先蒿翻译成英文是 Pedicularis pseudomelampyriflora



假山是园林中以造景为目的,用土、石等材料构筑的山。 假山具有多方面的造景功能,如构成园林的主景或地形骨架,划分和组织园林空间,布置庭院、驳岸、护坡、挡土,设置自然式花台。还可以与园林建筑、园路、场地和园林植物组合成富于变化的景致,借以减少人工气氛,增添自然生趣,使园林建筑融汇到山水环境中。因此,假山成为表现中国自然山水园的特征之一。