




1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……



汉语拼音:ōu dǎ








  1. 打,击打。

    元 杨梓 《敬德不服老》第一折:“你本是开国元勋,论汗马位列三公,今日赴宴不遵令,却用拳殴打 道宗 。” 元 高文秀 《渑池会》第三折:“我今且在筵宴之间,看封他何等官位,若是与某同列,某教左右亲随,拏他小卒殴打,庶报某讐恨。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三三:“律上説,殴打平人因而致死者,抵命。”



  1. The colleague, Wang Shutang, says the security officers became angry and continued to beat Wei, even after he gave up his phone.


  2. Next morning, when she did not answer a wake-up call, her mother went to the apartment and found her daughter battered and bloodied.


  3. Julio Castillo faces assault charges after hitting a fan in the head with a baseball. Castillo threw the ball during this brawl .


  4. It was almost as if the Italian police had a private agreement with the Roma fans to stand off them and let them wreak havoc.


  5. Any other form of sex crime had to be prosecuted as simple assault or battery and was rarely prosecuted at all.


  6. The war drums are beating once again between Russia and the USA, just as they seem to do every 45 years.


  7. He said he was beaten and tortured while under detention.


  8. A few years later, he and his wife were both arrested for beating staff members at a hotel in Switzerland.


  9. In this game you drive a fast car along the circuit trying to beat a very smart adversary .


  1. 攻击和殴打

    Assault and battery.

  2. 用手枪殴打

    To beat with a pistol.

  3. 遭受殴打的

    a refuge for battered wives, alcoholics, etc

  4. 恶毒殴打某人

    Subjected somebody to a vicious assault.

  5. 殴打或棍刺

    A blow or punch.

  6. 一般性质的殴打

    Common Assault

  7. 连续猛击,殴打

    The act of beating or pounding.

  8. 严重性质的殴打

    Aggravated Assault

  9. 用棍子殴打某人

    to whale someone with a stick

  10. 残忍的杀手, 殴打

    a merciless killer, beating

  11. 被指控殴打囚犯

    Be accused of punching detainees

  12. 恐惧被人殴打

    apprehensive of the infliction of an immediate battery.

  13. 残忍的杀手,殴打。

    A merciless killer, beating.

  14. 被殴打儿童综合征

    battered child syndrome

  15. 殴打是故意行为。

    A battery is any act done intentionally.

  16. 他们准备互相殴打。

    They were about to come to blows.

  17. 殴打犯人迫供

    beat a suspect into making a confession.

  18. 他犯了殴打罪。

    He was guilty of assault and battery.

  19. 他殴打对手的颚部。

    He socked his opponent on the jaw.

  20. 他被暴徒殴打致死。

    He was beaten to death by thugs.

  21. 对殴打妻子有所顾忌

    to scruple to hit ones wife.

  22. 通过殴打严重的伤害。

    injure badly by beating.

  23. 他们用拳头互相殴打。

    They went at each other with their fists.

  24. 花杯足球被囚殴打

    FA Cup assault footballer jailed

  25. 遭一帮小流氓殴打。

    Beaten up by a gang of young roughs

  26. 他遭一伙暴徒殴打。

    He was done over by a gang of thugs.

  27. 他挨了流氓一阵殴打。

    He got beaten up by some hooligans.

  28. 他以拳头殴打那个男人。

    He smashed the man with his fist.

  29. 他遭到班级恶霸的殴打。

    He was knocked around by the class bully.

  30. 他经常受到审讯和殴打。

    He was frequently interrogated and beaten.


  1. 问:殴打拼音怎么拼?殴打的读音是什么?殴打翻译成英文是什么?

    答:殴打的读音是ōudǎ,殴打翻译成英文是 beat …up

  2. 问:殴打罪拼音怎么拼?殴打罪的读音是什么?殴打罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:殴打罪的读音是ōudǎzuì,殴打罪翻译成英文是 battery

  3. 问:殴打女性拼音怎么拼?殴打女性的读音是什么?殴打女性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:殴打女性的读音是ōu dǎ nǚ xìng,殴打女性翻译成英文是 female battering

  4. 问:殴打男性拼音怎么拼?殴打男性的读音是什么?殴打男性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:殴打男性的读音是ōu dǎ nán xìng,殴打男性翻译成英文是 male battering

  5. 问:殴打致死拼音怎么拼?殴打致死的读音是什么?殴打致死翻译成英文是什么?

    答:殴打致死的读音是ōu dǎ zhì sǐ,殴打致死翻译成英文是 beat to death

  6. 问:殴打行为拼音怎么拼?殴打行为的读音是什么?殴打行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:殴打行为的读音是ōudǎxíngwéi,殴打行为翻译成英文是 act of fighting

  7. 问:殴打妻子者拼音怎么拼?殴打妻子者的读音是什么?殴打妻子者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:殴打妻子者的读音是ōu dǎ qī zǐ zhě,殴打妻子者翻译成英文是 wife-beater

  8. 问:殴打同性恋者拼音怎么拼?殴打同性恋者的读音是什么?殴打同性恋者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:殴打同性恋者的读音是ōu dǎ tóng xìng liàn zhě,殴打同性恋者翻译成英文是 gay bashing



“殴打”是个多义词,它可以指殴打(法律名词), 殴打(汉语词语)。