


1. 斗 [dǒu]2. 斗 [dòu]斗 [dǒu]中国市制容量单位(十升为一斗,十斗为一石):~酒只鸡(经常用作招待客人的简单酒食,家常便饭)。量粮食的器具:~筲之人(形容人器量狭小,见识短浅)。形容小东西的大:~胆。形容大东西的小:~……





汉语拼音:dòu ōu








  1. 亦作“鬭殴”。争斗打架。

    《朱子语类》卷五七:“有兄弟固当救,然事也须量大小。若是小小鬭殴,救之亦无妨。”《水浒传》第三三回:“便争竞到上司,也只是文武不和斗殴之事,我却如何奈何的他?” 孔厥 《新儿女英雄续传》第十章:“他的衣襟扯破了,脸上有带血的伤痕,似乎是经过了一场小小的斗殴。”



  1. It was a way of trying to stop the fight.


  2. A prison fight had left him with a limp, and he looked over his shoulder so often it was like he had a tic.


  3. His fate changed, however, when as a young man drawn into a cantina brawl, he was able to inadvertently score a bounty on his drunken foe.


  4. There have been several incidents in the last two years of fights involving scores of locals and Chinese workers.


  5. This was not the sort of thing country boys did when they played at fisticuffs and Jack was furious.


  6. resolved from the crime of hooligan in criminal law since 1979, it was one of more common criminal acts in judicial practice.


  7. "There was a lot of fighting, " he says, "and one time, the police had to physically take a student away. "


  8. The city authorities have also sent in additional buses to ferry children to and from school in an attempt to avoid further gang fighting.


  9. Victor dabbled in drugs, armed robbery and assault, spent some time in prison here a while back for the attempted rape of a minor.


  1. 牢房里发生斗殴

    Fighting broke out in the prison cells.

  2. 多次聚众斗殴的

    Crowds are assembled on many occasions to have brawls

  3. 他因斗殴而入狱

    a fight landed him in jail

  4. 结伙斗殴, 寻衅滋事

    Gang Fighting or Picking Quarrels and Making Troubles

  5. 辩论以斗殴而告终。

    The argument culminated in a fist fight.

  6. 没有争吵与打架斗殴。

    No arguments or fights are allowed.

  7. 牢房内突然发生斗殴。

    Break out Fighting broke out in the prison cells.

  8. 警察制止了这场斗殴。

    The policemen stopped the fight.

  9. 他参与了昨天的斗殴。

    He took part in the fighting yesterday.

  10. 你参与斗殴,无权评论我

    Um you got in a fistfight. no judging.

  11. 聚众斗殴罪相关问题研究

    Relevant Issues on the Crime of Affray

  12. 旁观者聚集起来围观斗殴。

    A crowd of onlookers formed around the fight.

  13. 有时工人之间会发生斗殴。

    There were sometimes fights between the workers.

  14. 在我看来不像帮派斗殴

    Doesn't look gangrelated to me.

  15. 在斗殴中,孩子们互相辱骂。

    During the fighting, the children were calling each other names.

  16. 聚众斗殴罪客体问题探微

    Probe Object Problems of the Crime of Affray

  17. 期间两方并无斗殴事件。

    There was not any punching up between the two sides during the time.

  18. 他在酒吧与人挥拳斗殴。

    He got into a fist fight in the bar.

  19. 他因酗酒斗殴被警方拘留。

    He was arrested because he got drunk and was involved in a fight.

  20. 警方到场调查一场斗殴事件。

    The police arrived to investigate a disturbance.

  21. 警方到场调查一场斗殴事件。

    The police arrived to investigate a disturbance.

  22. 有时挑起事端,斗殴、攻击别人。

    Carry a disturbance sometimes, others of affray, attack.

  23. 警察在调查导致斗殴的情由。

    Police are enquiring into the circumstances leading up to the fight.

  24. 警察在调查导致斗殴的情由。

    Police are enquiring into the circumstances leading up to the fight.

  25. 在斗殴中亚历克遭到痛打。

    Alec was badly knocked about in a fight.

  26. 他认为酗酒斗殴就是男子气概。

    He thinks its macho to drink a lot and get into fights.

  27. 今天我看到两帮流氓斗殴。

    Today I saw two groups of gangsters pnia tsui.

  28. 他老是和其他的男孩斗殴。

    He's always getting into fights with other boys.

  29. 聚众斗殴犯罪中若干问题辨析

    Studies on Certain Issues in the Crime Assembling Crowd for Beating

  30. 李小龙还参与多起街头斗殴。

    Bruce was also involved in many street fights.


  1. 问:斗殴拼音怎么拼?斗殴的读音是什么?斗殴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斗殴的读音是dòu'ōu,斗殴翻译成英文是 fight

  2. 问:斗殴伤拼音怎么拼?斗殴伤的读音是什么?斗殴伤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斗殴伤的读音是dòu ōu shāng,斗殴伤翻译成英文是 injury from fights

  3. 问:斗殴罪拼音怎么拼?斗殴罪的读音是什么?斗殴罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斗殴罪的读音是dòu ōu zuì,斗殴罪翻译成英文是 bluff

  4. 问:斗殴帮伙拼音怎么拼?斗殴帮伙的读音是什么?斗殴帮伙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斗殴帮伙的读音是dòu ōu bāng huǒ,斗殴帮伙翻译成英文是 fighting gang




拼音:dòu ōu斗殴:是指双方或多方通过拳脚、器械等武力以求制胜的行为。斗殴的认定,如有司法机关、公安部门的有关法律文件,则以上述法律文件为准。准确地讲:是指双方或多方通过实施暴力击打以达到制服对方的行为,其目的是否合法、正当等因素均不受中国大陆法律的保护。释义:争斗打架。《朱子语类》卷五七:“有兄弟固当救,然事也须量大小。若是小小鬭殴,救之亦无妨。”《水浒传》第三三回:“便争竞到上司,也只是文武不和斗殴之事,我却如何奈何的他?” 孔厥 《新儿女英雄续传》第十章:“他的衣襟扯破了,脸上有带血的伤痕,似乎是经过了一场小小的斗殴。”