







汉语拼音:lián huān








  1. 联合欢聚。常表示庆祝或加强团结等。

    《清史稿·礼志三》:“民间报赛,亦借蜡祭联欢井閭。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第六章:“咱们 中国 红军长征到达 陕北 以后,就同 张学良 的东北军进行过火线联欢。”



  1. Chat content is not the same with China, said the party never on the situation of student achievement, mainly family gossip.


  2. What motivates Nantah alumni associations all over the world to put in money and hard work to vie for the honour of hosting a reunion?


  3. We will invite you to attend our Hwa-Yen Carnival once a year, and amuse with us in the time.


  4. Matt Roberts joining his teacher students in an English song at the final celebration party held in the small auditorium of An Shang School.


  5. In addition, meetings and parties will be held to provide a platform for the children to have an in-depth mutual understanding.


  6. Interest in literature and art school, we welcome you to hold their art festival, the Mid-Autumn festival, the Christmas party.


  7. In every New Year's party, she plays the piano and sings sweet songs for her classmates.


  8. Xiaocui is so sarcastic when talking that the unit didn't send her to the get together.


  9. The association has prepared some special activities, such as a year-end party on Fisherman 's Wharf to welcome the mainland visitors.


  1. 中央电视台春节联欢晚会

    The Spring Festival show on CCTV

  2. 社交的。交谊的。联谊的。联欢的

    Of or designed for companionship and recreation

  3. 我们年年举行校友联欢会。

    Every year we have a gathering of old boys.

  4. 他们年年举行校友联欢会。

    Every year they have a gathering of old boys.

  5. 我去参加公司联欢宴。

    I go and join the company dinner bash.

  6. 我参加了公司联欢宴会。

    I join in the company party.

  7. 单身汉联欢会疯狂今晚夜

    The Bachelor Party

  8. 有个魔术师参加了联欢会。

    There was a magician at the party.

  9. 他们经常和解放军战士联欢。

    They often get together with the PLA fighters.

  10. 我们的联欢很早就开始了。

    Our functions commence early!

  11. 我们得联欢很早就开始了。

    Our functions commence early!

  12. 春节联欢晚会的传播学思考

    A Reflection on the Spring Festival Party in Terms of the Theory of Media

  13. 你认为今年春节联欢晚会怎么样?

    Do you think how was this year's gala?

  14. 和群众一道参加五一节游园联欢

    join the masses in the parks for the May Day celebrations

  15. 日场联欢包场与会议包场价格相同。

    The price of party block in the day time is similar to the meeting block.

  16. 明天将在操场上举行联欢会。

    There is going to be a gettogether at the playground tomorrow.

  17. 他们到工厂去参加一次联欢会。

    They went to attend a gettogether in a factory.

  18. 在联欢晚会上大家都非常愉快。

    Everybody enjoyed himself ever so at the evening party.

  19. 春节联欢晚会经过了几次彩排。

    The Spring Festival Gala goes through several dress rehearsals.

  20. 春节联欢晚会与其他综艺晚会之比较

    A Comparative Study of the Spring Festival Evening and Common Evenings

  21. 今天所有同级的同学一起进行联欢。

    All the students in the same grade will have a get-together today.

  22. 我们的学校里举行了新年联欢晚会。

    Our school held a New Year's Gala.

  23. 我们每年举行一次大学校友联欢会。

    We hold an annual reunion of former students of the college.

  24. 据她说,联欢喜会很不成功。

    According to her the party was a failure.

  25. 联欢节上我们玩得快乐极了?

    We had such fun at the festival.

  26. 恰好这时他们在和解放军战士联欢。

    And it so happened that they were getting together with the PLA fighters.

  27. 庆祝停战周年纪念的老飞行员联欢宴会

    the Aviators Reunion Dinner to celebrate the anniversary of the Armistice

  28. 辞年迎岁的联欢会马上就要开始了。

    The celebration for lunar New Year's Eve will begin in any minute.

  29. 联欢晚会上还安排了一个少林拳表演。

    There will be a performance of Shao Lin fist positions at the evening party.

  30. 大年三十晚上连春节联欢晚会都没有看错。

    Eve at Spring Festival are not even wrong.


  1. 问:联欢拼音怎么拼?联欢的读音是什么?联欢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:联欢的读音是liánhuān,联欢翻译成英文是 have a get-together

  2. 问:联欢会拼音怎么拼?联欢会的读音是什么?联欢会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:联欢会的读音是liánhuānhuì,联欢会翻译成英文是 get-together; party; social gathering



联欢 lián huān 一个集体的成员或几个集体在一起欢聚。 例句:军民联欢共述鱼水情。