







汉语拼音:hóu xù







  1. 忧愁的心绪。

    南朝 梁简文帝 《阻归赋》:“云向山而欲敛,雁疲飞而不息;何愁绪之交加,岂树萱与折麻。” 唐 杜甫 《泛舟送魏十八仓曹还京因寄岑中允参范郎中季明》诗:“帝乡愁绪外,春色泪痕边。” 元 曾瑞 《留鞋记》第三折:“敛双眉不堪妆画,有甚事愁绪交加。” 郑振铎 《取火者的逮捕·埃娥》:“辨不出是喜,是悲,是苦,是乐!一霎时的热情的倾吐,千万种愁绪的奔泄!”



  1. The melancholy look in his eyes and his delicate features have made him a top choice to play a romantic lead.

  2. Well the past few days, the network, as well as normal students, suddenly lost the inter-birth of the melancholy sense of loss.

  3. My heart was filled with a sweet kind of sadness as the coach took me away from my happy place of my childhood.

  4. He wondered that Fanny spoke so seldom of _her_, and had so little voluntarily to say of her concern at this separation.

  5. The unaccountable depression that possessed Philpot deprived him of all his usual jocularity and filled him with melancholy thoughts.

  6. Cups of gloomy love can never be comparable with getting drunk with you .

  7. You will expect to see us happy and smiling. Instead you will see us full of sorrow.

  8. Only for those thousands of melancholy people, the rain is a sentimental but a catalyst.

  9. Despite endless melancholy in disseminated in the memory of the past, the writing time of residual chapter fragments.


  1. 愁绪全消。

    Sadness has all melted away.

  2. 她语带愁绪。

    She spoke in a sad vein.

  3. 今日的欢愉乃明日之愁绪。

    The good times of today, are the sad thoughts of tomorrow.

  4. 舞袖沉沉, 凝聚着满怀愁绪。

    The heavy long sleeves were leaden with the deep sadness.

  5. 孩子们的欢笑使他愁绪全消。

    The children's bright smiles dispelled all his gloom.

  6. 我得愁绪揶揄以问我它们自己得名字来揶揄我。

    My sad thoughts tease me asking me their own name.

  7. 我的愁绪揶揄以问我它们自己的名字来揶揄我。

    My sad thoughts tease me asking me their own name.

  8. 她母亲深居简出, 沉浸在寡居生活的愁绪之中。

    Her mother was living in deep retirement, wallowing in widowhood.

  9. 奔走在外的人, 心里更增添了一分愁绪。

    As a stranger here, the person on the road looks even gloomy and miserable with sorrow.

  10. 我一时沉浸在冰冷的雾气与空荡的愁绪中。

    The fog, the cool mist and all the emptiness consumed my thoughts for a moment.

  11. 我一时沉浸在冰凉的雾气与空荡的愁绪中。

    The fog, the cool mist and all that emptiness consumed my thoughts for a moment.

  12. 一杯愁绪, 几段情缘, 莫过与君酒当歌。

    Lots of gloomy love can never be comparable with getting drunk with you.

  13. 愁绪挥不去苦闷散不去, 为何我心一片空虚?

    Gloomy mood cannot disperse and depression cannot wave away, why could in my heart only emptiness stay?

  14. 淡淡忧伤的你, 愁绪的文字, 看在心里, 疼会在哪里?

    You with a touch of sadness and your melancholy words, seeing in my eyes are hurting ?

  15. 淡淡忧伤得你,愁绪得文字,看在心里,疼会在哪里?

    You with a touch of sadness and your melancholy words, seeing in my eyes are hurting?

  16. 见一叶飘零,随风入室,便愁绪满怀,难以自解。

    It also made her sentimental over a leaf that was blown into her room.

  17. 只是对于那些万千愁绪的人,雨声反而是多愁善感的催化剂。

    Only for those thousands of melancholy people, the rain is a sentimental but a catalyst.

  18. 在今后漫长的岁月里, 有无数孤寂的夜晚可以独自品尝愁绪。

    Long in the coming years, there is countless lonely nights alone melancholy taste.

  19. 我正看见你。小青, 你就在那里。永永远远, 温情微笑, 愁绪满怀。

    I see you. Beth, you are there. Always, with your soft smile and sentimentalization.

  20. 不知道为什么, 最近这两天, 那个离我很远的愁绪又来找我了。

    Don't know why, recently this two days, that leaves my very far skein of sorrow and seeks me.


  1. 问:愁绪拼音怎么拼?愁绪的读音是什么?愁绪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:愁绪的读音是chóuxù,愁绪翻译成英文是 sad emotion




拼音:chóu xù 基本解释 [gloomy mood] 忧愁的思绪;忧虑发愁的心情 愁绪满腹 详细解释 忧愁的心绪。 南朝 梁简文帝 《阻归赋》:“云向山而欲敛,雁疲飞而不息;何愁绪之交加,岂树萱与折麻。” 唐 杜甫 《泛舟送魏十八仓曹还京因寄岑中允参范郎中季明》诗:“帝乡愁绪外,春色泪痕边。” 元 曾瑞 《留鞋记》第三折:“敛双眉不堪妆画,有甚事愁绪交加。” 郑振铎 《取火者的逮捕·埃娥》:“辨不出是喜,是悲,是苦,是乐!一霎时的热情的倾吐,千万种愁绪的奔泄!”