




尊重,有礼貌地对待:尊~。致~。~重(zhòng )。~爱。~仰。恭~。~辞。~慕。~献。表示敬意的礼物:喜~。寿~。有礼貌地送上去:~酒。~香。谨慎,不怠慢:慎始~终(自始自终都谨慎不懈)。姓。……



汉语拼音:qián jìng








  1. 诚敬;恭敬。

    巴金 《砂丁》三:“跪拜完毕以后他还站在供桌前面,抬起头用虔敬的眼光往神龛里看。” 丰子恺 《缘缘堂随笔·缘》:“我在席上看见一个虔敬的佛徒和一个虔敬的基督徒相对而坐着,谈笑着。”



  1. And some of them believed, and consorted with Paul and Silas; and of the devout Greeks a great multitude, and of the chief women not a few.


  2. If anyone thinks himself to be religious and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this one's religion is vain.


  3. The stillness of the valley began to oppress him, losing its piety, becoming merely a form of the valley's monotony.


  4. Of a deeply religious temperament, there was inevitably a tinge of the devotional in His mind.


  5. For kings, and for all that are in high station: that we may lead a quiet and a peaceable life in all piety and chastity.


  6. Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him.


  7. And I'm trying to start it as a movement.


  8. Some of the Jews were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, as did a large number of God-fearing Greeks and not a few prominent women.


  9. But thou, O man of God, fly these things: and pursue justice, godliness, faith, charity, patience, mildness.


  1. 他听布道很虔敬。

    He gave reverent attention to the sermon.

  2. 人群虔敬地噤了声。

    A reverent hush descended on the multitude.

  3. 虔敬是三昧耶的根本。

    The root of samaya comes from devotion.

  4. 他是一位虔敬的出家人。

    He was a pious monk.

  5. 敬畏上主是知识的虔敬。

    The fear of the Lord is the religiousness of knowledge.

  6. 他虔敬地凝视着棺材中的尸首。

    He gazed reverently down at the body in the coffin.

  7. 虔敬的充满或表现出极大的敬重的

    Filled with or displaying great reverence.

  8. 主要的三昧耶是立基于虔敬。

    The main samaya comes from devotion.

  9. 然而我尝试 把虔敬,变成一种风潮。

    And I'm trying to start it as a movement.

  10. 虔诚, 虔敬宗教中对上帝的爱和尊敬

    Religious devotion and reverence to God.

  11. 妇人手提祭品,心怀虔敬参拜土地公去!

    Offerings in hand, a pious woman goes to an earth god temple to worship.

  12. 人们虔敬而静默地聆听了主教的布道。

    The bishop's sermon was received in reverent silence.

  13. 有个小男孩虔敬地跪在树叶中间。

    A small boy knelt devoutly among the leaves.

  14. 虔诚, 虔敬宗教感情和个人方面的重要性

    Stress on the emotional and personal aspects of religion.

  15. 现代主义艺术表现为即兴、兼收并蓄、不屑虔敬。

    Modernism in the arts was improvisational, eclectic, and irreverent.

  16. 你要施恩与善人, 不必收留不虔敬的人。

    Give to the good, and receive not a sinner.

  17. 我说可能是基督徒写的,因为它是虔敬的作品。

    Well I've said Christians might do it because it's a work of piety.

  18. 她那时是个非常虔敬,庄严和有信仰的女人。

    She was then a very pious, sober, and religious woman.

  19. 使不虔敬的人不得作王,免得有人牢笼百姓。

    To keep a godless man from ruling, from laying snares for the people.

  20. 同样一种苦痛、虔敬、辛酸的情感充满了他的心。

    The same sad, piercing, religious sentiment filled his heart.

  21. 使不虔敬的人不得作王,免得有人牢宠百姓。

    That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.

  22. 我虔敬地顶拜话语是如此甜美的主尼星哈。

    I offer my obeisances unto Lord Nrsimha, who speaks very sweetly.

  23. 不虔敬的人用口败坏邻舍。义人却因知识得救。

    With his mouth the godless destroys his neighbor, but through knowledge the righteous escape.

  24. 我虔敬地顶拜主尼星哈,您的语言是如此的甜美。

    I offer my obeisances unto Lord Nrsimha, who speaks very sweetly.

  25. 朝圣者, 你的手并不那么粗, 你手的触碰已显示你的虔敬。

    Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this.

  26. 生命的虔敬与疏离 土家族文学灵物母题的叙事解读

    Interpretation of Motif About the Efficacy in Tujia Minority Literature

  27. 而要以善行装饰自己, 这才合乎称为虔敬天主得女人。

    But as it becometh women professing godliness, with good works.

  28. 而要以善行装饰自己,这才合乎称为虔敬天主的女人。

    But as it becometh women professing godliness, with good works.

  29. 那个确信就是虔敬心,不是盲信或对不合逻辑的坚持。

    That trust is devotion. It is not blind faith or insistence on the illogical.

  30. 只见一位年长的老师兄,恭敬的合掌,虔敬地感谢师父。

    An elder brother was then seen with his hands together in prayer to thank Master sincerely.


  1. 问:虔敬拼音怎么拼?虔敬的读音是什么?虔敬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虔敬的读音是qiánjìng,虔敬翻译成英文是 devotional; reverent

  2. 问:虔敬主义拼音怎么拼?虔敬主义的读音是什么?虔敬主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虔敬主义的读音是,虔敬主义翻译成英文是 Pietism




拼音:qián jìng(后鼻音哦) 基本解释 [reverent] 虔诚;诚敬;恭敬(一般用于下对上,晚对长,卑对尊) 详细解释 诚敬;恭敬。

巴金《砂丁》三:“跪拜完毕以后他还站在供桌前面,抬起头用虔敬的眼光往神龛里看。” 丰子恺《缘缘堂随笔·缘》:“我在席上看见一个虔敬的佛徒和一个虔敬的基督徒相对而坐着,谈笑着。”