


1. 毛 [máo]毛 [máo]动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:~笔。羽~。~织品。~骨悚然。轻于鸿~。像毛的东西,指谷物或草:不~之地。衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长~了。粗糙,没有加工的:~布。~估(粗略地估计)。~坯。不是纯净的:~利。~重……





汉语拼音:máo lǘ






  1. 驴的俗称。多指身体矮小的驴。

    周立波 《暴风骤雨》第二部十七:“租地主的地种,临了,两个毛驴都赔进去了。”



  1. Famously, he used a small donkey to carry men down from the front line, often exposing himself to fire.


  2. After spending three weeks with me, she did leave, trotting away on a donkey on a trip of over a thousand miles toward Harbin.


  3. See, that's why I called it a burro .


  4. His one eye was eyeing a to sell donkey, but looking at it, just the detection that are themselves once end.


  5. A young man rides a motorized scooter past geese and donkeys that roam the through way of a rural village in Laos's Mekong River valley.


  6. In a soft background, please give faded images of a slingshot, a donkey and a king.


  7. He found farmer Gibirel, the donkey's master, and told him to pull the donkey away.


  8. The next day, the farmer loaded the donkey again, but this time with cotton.


  9. Grandfather and I watched the donkey. It was still in the middle of the road.


  1. 小毛驴, 小毛驴, 我求求你。

    Donkey, donkey. I beg you.

  2. 我在数我的毛驴呢。

    I'm counting my donkeys.

  3. 我在数我得毛驴呢。

    I'm counting my donkeys .

  4. 然后又开始数毛驴了。

    Then he counts them.

  5. 翻滚的毛驴麻婆豆腐

    Beancurd made by a pockmarked woman

  6. 我骑得毛驴慢如蜗牛。

    The donkey on which I was riding moved at a snail's pace.

  7. 我骑的毛驴慢如蜗牛。

    The donkey on which I was riding moved at a snail's pace.

  8. 过了一会儿他又数了数毛驴。

    After some time he counts the donkeys.

  9. 帖木尔国王和他的毛驴

    King Tamerlane and His Donkey

  10. 毛驴看见蛇时,猛然弓背跃起。

    The donkey bucked when it saw the snake.

  11. 他骑到一头毛驴上面继续走着。

    He gets on one of them and goes on.

  12. 巴兰骑着毛驴去执行巴勒命令。

    As Balaam was traveling by donkey to obey Balak's commands.

  13. 毛驴看见了胡萝卜,高兴的跳了起来!

    When the donkey saw the carrot, it was so happy that it jumped!

  14. 瞧瞧那个沿街走来的人和他的毛驴。

    Look at the man and his donkey that are walking up the street.

  15. 瞧瞧那个沿街走来得人和他得毛驴。

    Look at the man and his donkey that are walking up the street.

  16. 那毛驴就归我了,爸爸,老二说。

    And then I can have the ass for myself, daddy, said the second boy.

  17. 懂了吧?这就是我称呼它毛驴的原因。

    See, that's why I called it a burro.

  18. 那头毛驴看到了那根胡萝卜就跳了起来。

    The donkey noticed the carrot and jumped up.

  19. 这儿是马, 毛驴和骡子的35个冬天的场景。

    Software Description About Equine Winter, Here are 35 wintery scenes of horses, donkeys and mules.

  20. 就这样,最后,小毛驴终于找到了他的妈妈。

    And so, in the end, the little burro reached his mommy.

  21. 你跟毛驴开打趣, 将被驴尾打耳刮子。

    Jest with an ass and he will flap you in the face with hellos tail.

  22. 毛驴很愤怒,尝试着用蹄子踢老虎,但没成功。

    The donkey became extremely angry and tried hard to kick the tiger but fruitlessly.

  23. 他是个顺毛驴, 你得哄着他高兴才行。

    He is a man who must have his own way, so you need to conform to his ideas to make him happy.

  24. 他是个顺毛驴,你得哄着他高兴才行。

    He is a man who must have his own way, so you need to conform to his ideas to make him happy.

  25. 我继续看着这头毛驴, 不一会, 警察就来了。

    I was still looking at the donkey, until the police came.

  26. 你可以对马颐指气使,但是对毛驴只能耐心探问。

    You can tell a horse, You can only a donkey.

  27. 走,看果子沟去。我有一头小毛驴,从来也不骑。

    Let's go see the Fruit Gully. I have a little donkey, but I never ride it.

  28. 这个法令保护公共土地的所有野生马与毛驴免遭捕获。

    The Act protects all unbranded horses and burros on public lands from capture.

  29. 这个法令保护公共土地得所有野生马与毛驴免遭捕获。

    The Act protects all unbranded horses and burros on public lands from capture.

  30. 对孩子们来讲这头老毛驴是一个良好而安静的坐骑。

    This old donkey is a good quiet mount for the children.


  1. 问:毛驴拼音怎么拼?毛驴的读音是什么?毛驴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毛驴的读音是máolǘ,毛驴翻译成英文是 donkey

  2. 问:毛驴加利福尼亚人拼音怎么拼?毛驴加利福尼亚人的读音是什么?毛驴加利福尼亚人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毛驴加利福尼亚人的读音是máo lǘ·jiā lì fú ní yà rén,毛驴加利福尼亚人翻译成英文是 Moke Californian


