






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 吭 [háng]2. 吭 [kēng]吭 [háng]喉咙,嗓子:引~高歌。吭 [kēng]出声,发言:~气。~声。……



汉语拼音:yī shēng bù kēng








  1. Her mother told me she once didn't talk for two or three days. She can hold things in that long.

  2. The Toad was so anxious not to be left out that he took up the inferior position assigned to him without a murmur, and the animals set off.

  3. Mr White did not say anything, but walked out of the living-room and went to his study.

  4. He immediately got back on his feet, apparently with great effort, and without a word again began hitting me on the head with the umbrella.

  5. I knew we might go on like this, without speaking, all through the meal without any sense of awkwardness.

  6. Sometimes she'd ask me to slow down in front of a particular building and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.

  7. The beautiful girl remained silent, but there were tears in her eyes, and her face was white and red after each other.

  8. The Toad never answered a word, or budged from his seat in the road; so they went to see what was the matter with him.

  9. Lily walked in silence for a while. Severus knew she had not thought about this.


  1. 她一声不吭。

    Not a word fell from her lips.

  2. 骂得某人一声不吭

    snub somebody into silence

  3. 他一声不吭, 怎么啦

    He is very silent whats the matter with him

  4. 她紧闭嘴唇, 一声不吭。

    She compressed her lips and kept silent.

  5. 媚兰一声不吭,不回答她。

    But Melanie still did not answer.

  6. 他郁闷地坐着,一声不吭。

    He sat in moody silence.

  7. 他郁闷地坐着,一声不吭。

    He sat in moody silence.

  8. 那孩子被吓得一声不吭。

    The child was frightened into silence.

  9. 你不想一声不吭,也不想结结巴巴。

    You cant clam up. And you dont want to stutter and stammer.

  10. 他一声不吭地躲闪着,推让着。

    He dodged and fended off silently.

  11. 这孩子甘受处罚, 一声不吭。

    The boy sub mitt ed to the punishment without a sound.

  12. 或者抹过头去, 一声不吭。

    She walked to town, wearing oldfashioned galoshes even when the weather got warm, and a long drab coat and a scarf over her hair.

  13. 他一声不吭,转背就走了。

    He turned and walked away without a word.

  14. 为什么你总是一声不吭地离开

    Why do you keep leaving without telling me?

  15. 我就那么一声不吭的听着。

    I just buttoned up and listened.

  16. 我就那么一声不吭的听着。

    I just buttoned up and listened.

  17. 我一声不吭, 他则说得筋疲力尽。

    I said nothing and he was talked out.

  18. 罗杰天性沉默寡言,他一声不吭。

    Roger, uncommunicative by nature, said nothing.

  19. 那个小女孩,她为什么一声不吭呢?

    The little girl, why didn't she say anything?

  20. 面对大家的恶声咒骂, 他一声不吭。

    He didn't utter a single word, even though facing abuse from others.

  21. 面对大家得恶声咒骂,他一声不吭。

    He didn't utter a single word, even though facing abuse from others.

  22. 面对大家的恶声咒骂,他一声不吭。

    He didn't utter a single word, even though facing abuse from others.

  23. 他一声不吭地付了额外的花费。

    He paid the extra cost without a murmur.

  24. 早饭时,她从头到尾一声不吭的。

    She kept quiet all through breakfast.

  25. 警卫一声不吭, 仰面朝天倒在地上。

    The guard pitched backward without a sound.

  26. 但是你也一声不吭地离我们而去。

    And you just ieft us without a word.

  27. 于是, 她一声不吭, 忙这忙那, 可心乱如麻。

    So she kept silence, and went about her affairs with a troubled heart.

  28. 这孩子坐在屋子的角落里, 一声不吭。

    The child sat mute in the corner of the room.

  29. 利普霍恩一声不吭,慢慢站起身来。

    Leaphorn eased himself silently upward.

  30. 斯蒂芬一声不吭地听着,满心得鄙夷。

    Stephen listened in scornful silence.





拼音:yì shēng bù kēng 解释:指一直沉默不语,一句话也没有说过。

出自:路遥《平凡的世界》第一卷第八章:“玉厚还是一声不吭。他现在已经懒得再说他女婿的长长短短,他心里只是为他的女儿和两个外孙难受。”《军神》第17自然段:“病人一声不吭,双手紧紧抓住身下的垫单,手背上青筋暴起,汗如雨下。” 示例:方方~地从人群中挤上来,用手里的砖朝这孩子的颅顶使劲一拍。
