


1. 齐 [qí]2. 齐 [jì]3. 齐 [zī]4. 齐 [zhāi]齐 [qí]东西的一头平或排成一条直线:~整。参差不~。达到,跟什么一般平:见贤思~。河水~腰深。同时;同样;一起:~名。~声。~心协力。一~前进。全;完全:~全。……


1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……


1. 并 [bìng]2. 并 [bīng]并 [bìng]合在一起:~拢。合~。兼~。一齐,平排着:~驾齐驱。~重(zhòng )。~行(xíng )。连词,表平列或进一层:~且。用在否定词前,加强否定的语气,表不像预料的那样:~不容易。……


向前或向上移动、发展,与“退”相对:前~。上~。推~。跃~。~退。~取。~击。~驻。~行(xíng )。~而。入,往里去:~见。~谒。~谗。吃,喝:~食。~餐。滴水未~。收入或买入:~账。~货。日~斗金。奉上,呈上:~言。~奉。~献。旧式房……



汉语拼音:qí tóu bìng jìn








  • 【解释】:多方面同时前进。多形容几件事情或几项工作同时进行。
  • 【出自】:周恩来《在上海科学技术工作会议上的讲话》:“实现科学技术现代化的主要要求是:实事求是,循序前进,齐头并进,迎头赶上。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. Mobile advertising raced ahead too, with finance, telecoms and consumer brands trying to reach audiences on the move.

  2. But economic progress never has taken place and probably never will take place in this completely uniform way.

  3. From the sense of my heart, their experience, working abilities and post contribution were neck and neck.

  4. You need to understand that you need to develop a comprehensive program that incorporates both diet and exercise.

  5. They do not necessarily go hand in hand , but it has been demonstrated that there is a correlation .

  6. Our careers seem to run on parallel lines.

  7. "Shelf life is always a concern, and further improvement to support this goes hand in hand, " says George.

  8. In such a way or at such a speed as to keep up the requisite momentum; abreast.

  9. If policy were conducted by benevolent and knowledgeable dictators, monetary and fiscal decisions would be run together.


  1. 他们还是齐头并进。

    They were still neck and neck.

  2. 教育和卫生齐头并进。

    Education and health go hand in hand.

  3. 与最新的潮流齐头并进。

    Keeps abreast of the latest trends.

  4. 工作和休息齐头并进, 相得益彰。

    Work and rest go together, hand in hand.

  5. 他们齐头并进。可是能迎头赶上么?

    And here they march on. And will they catch up?

  6. 两匹马齐头并进, 不分胜负。

    The two horses ran even.

  7. 当我们齐头并进时我微笑了。

    When we drew level I smiled.

  8. 看来我们的事业是在齐头并进。

    Our careers seem to run onparallel lines.

  9. 在抵达终点线时, 他们齐头并进。

    As they approached the finish line they were neck and neck.

  10. 在抵达终点线时,他们齐头并进。

    As they approached the finish line they were neck and neck.

  11. 托尼和迈克在比赛中齐头并进。

    Tony is neck and neck with Mike in the race.

  12. 中兴手机将和系统设备齐头并进。

    ZTE mobile phone equipment and systems will go hand in hand.

  13. 这些工作要分轻重缓急, 不要齐头并进。

    These jobs should be arranged in order of priority and not done all at once.

  14. 这些工作要分清轻重缓急, 不要齐头并进。

    These jobs should be arranged in order of priority and not undertaken all at once.

  15. 他的智力发展和他的体格发育齐头并进。

    His mental development kept pace with the growth of his body.

  16. 对我们而言,研究和教学是齐头并进的。

    For us, research and teaching go hand in hand.

  17. 不服从及越来越增加的意识则齐头并进。

    Disobedience and increasing consciousness go hand in hand.

  18. 经济增长和政治民主是可以齐头并进的。

    Economic growth and political democracy can develop hand in hand.

  19. 是齐头并进的。为什么广告如此受欢迎呢?

    In hand with the development of advertising. Why is advertising so popular?

  20. 我想要在软件上的结构开发齐头并进。

    I like to keep abreast of the laste developments in software.

  21. 经济增长和减贫并不总是齐头并进的。

    Economic growth was not always accompanied by poverty reduction.

  22. 非洲的发展努力和解决冲突必须齐头并进。

    Development efforts and conflict resolution in Africa must go hand in hand.

  23. 真诚得期待着与您齐头并进, 共创辉煌!

    The sincere anticipation is advancing in unison with you, altogether creates magnificently!

  24. 真诚的期待着与您齐头并进,共创辉煌!

    The sincere anticipation is advancing in unison with you, altogether creates magnificently!

  25. 赛马及良种销售齐头并进,在魔术数百万人。

    Horse Racing and Thoroughbred Sales go hand in hand at Magic Millions.

  26. 是齐头并进得。为什么广告如此受欢迎呢?

    In hand with the development of advertising. Why is advertising so popular?

  27. 当我们齐头并进时,他既没有慢下来也没有加速。

    When we drew level, he neither slowed down nor accelerated.

  28. 他们不一定齐头并进,但一直存在着相关证明。

    They do not necessarily go hand in hand, but it has been demonstrated that there is a correlation.

  29. 我决心追上他,和他齐头并进,去夺取胜利。

    I mean to catch him up and come neck and neck into the winning post.

  30. 在改进药品的获得性方面,价格和质量齐头并进。

    In terms of improving access to medicines, price and quality go hand in hand.


  1. 问:齐头并进拼音怎么拼?齐头并进的读音是什么?齐头并进翻译成英文是什么?

    答:齐头并进的读音是qítóubìngjìn,齐头并进翻译成英文是 to advance side by side; to go forward togeth...


