


1. 涌 [yǒng]2. 涌 [chōng]涌 [yǒng]水由下向上冒出来:~泉。~流。汹~。泪如泉~。像水涌出:~现。~动。风起云~。天边~出一轮明月。涌 [chōng]方言,河汊。……





汉语拼音:yǒng quán






  1. 亦作“涌泉”。水向上喷出的泉。

    《公羊传·昭公五年》:“濆泉者何?直泉也。直泉者何?涌泉也。”《庄子·盗跖》:“且 跖 之为人也,心如涌泉,意如飘风。”《史记·司马相如列传》:“其西则有涌泉清池,激水推移。”《东观汉记·朱勃传》:“ 援 计如涌泉,埶如转规;救倒悬之急,存几亡之城。” 三国 魏 曹植 《王仲宣诔》:“文若春华,思若涌泉,发言可咏,下笔成篇。” 宋 韩拙 《山水纯全集·论山》:“湍而漱石者谓之涌泉,山石间有水滭泼而仰沸者谓之喷泉。”

  2. 中医针灸穴位名。

    《素问·阴阳离合论》:“少阴根起於涌泉。” 张隐庵 集注:“涌泉,穴名,在足心下,踡指宛宛中。” 宋 苏辙 《送杨腾山人》诗:“夜归空牀卧,两手摩涌泉。” 清 梁章鉅 《归田琐记·禀赋不同》:“又有百病从脚起之説,盖涌泉穴与心相通,风最易入,故养生家皆慎之。”



  1. As the saying goes, "water of the TU, when springs with reportedly" animal world like this, not to mention the people we are thinking of it!


  2. Method of attacking "Yong Quan" point for rubbing the bottom of foot and massaging the point of reflex of bottom of foot.


  3. and peaceful nature, it is the fountain of energy, it is the rest place of your heart, and a pure land.


  4. The main problems of the bubbler irrigation applied in field crops are small water discharge, the big transection area of furrow and border.


  5. Except from over growing primitive forest covering the sky, there are incalculable fountains and meandering brooks in the valley.


  6. Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effect and mechanism of nanometer magnetic point application in treating essential hypertension.


  7. Laojunshan "Antique Street" with springs as the center, built along the river antique antique single housing.


  8. Numerous springs, mainly in spring, Wan Baoquan, Kaoru and good interest springs, octagonal Bay, which were derived from the rocks.


  9. Jane: It's the least I can do after you helped me wash the car last week. One good turn deserves another.


  1. 膝风摩涌泉

    rubbing soles for knee cold.

  2. 擦涌泉穴法

    Yongquan point rubbing technique.

  3. 福州鼓山涌泉寺

    Yongquan Temple in Mount Gu

  4. 丹疽, 足心痈, 涌泉疽

    sole carbuncle

  5. 阳明山第3水源涌泉

    Yangmingshan no.3 water source spring

  6. 涌泉冲剂催乳的效果研究

    Study on the Effect of YongQuan drink on promoting lactation

  7. 涌泉现象中的水锤数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of waterhammer from geyser phenomena

  8. 滴水之恩当以涌泉相报。

    When they showed dripping springs is reported.

  9. 简单介绍了涌泉节水灌溉技术。

    The spill spring irrigation is introduced briefly, which is a type of water saving irrigation technique.

  10. 滴水之恩, 来日我当涌泉相报。

    Thanksgiving Day drips of TU, does Yongquan phase when I reported.

  11. 推拿涌泉加针灸治疗顽固性呃逆

    Clinical observation of the indolent hiccup treated with massage Yongquan combined with acupuncture

  12. 果园涌泉灌灌溉模式及灌溉制度浅析

    Preliminary Analysis on Irrigation Pattern and Schedule of Bubble Irrigation in Orchard

  13. 九江涌泉洞喀斯特地貌的初步研究

    Research on Karst Landform of Yongquan Cavern in Jiujiang

  14. 感恩节滴水之恩,来日我当涌泉相报。

    Thanksgiving Day drips of TU, does Yongquan phase when I reported.

  15. 涌泉根灌湿润体特征值变化规律研究

    Study on Eigenvalues of Wetted Soil under Surge Root Irrigation

  16. 瓜帅略作让步, 但未得涌泉相报。

    The melon leads slightly to make the concessions, but the bubbling spring has not reported.

  17. 涌泉灌技术在果园中的推广应用前景展望

    Prospects of Application of Bubble Irrigation in Orchard

  18. 此为华蓥山大峡谷涌泉景观的典型代表。

    Here is the typical scenic spot of spring in Mt.Huaying gorge.

  19. 中国有句古话:“滴水之恩,涌泉相报。”

    There is an old saying in China,"A drop received in need will be repaid with a whole river."

  20. 从小妈妈就教育我,小恩小惠也当涌泉相报。

    My mother told me to repay even the smallest favor.

  21. 从小妈妈就教育我,小恩小惠也当涌泉相报。

    My mother told me to repay even the smallest favor.

  22. 最后用大鱼际或双足对搓涌泉穴。

    Use big fish time finally or double sufficient emerge to rub fontal acupuncture point.

  23. 感恩是结草衔环,是滴水之恩涌泉相报。

    Thanksgiving is the title of Central knot grass is dripping with springs at the TU.

  24. 垄膜沟种涌泉灌溉技术要素的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Technical Parameters of Bubble Irrigation under Ridge Film Mulching and Furrow Planting

  25. 同时提出对涡虫生境冷涌泉的保护意见。

    Finally an idea about protection of cold spring, the living circumstance of turbellarians, was suggested.

  26. 冬小麦涌泉灌溉与垄膜沟种的组合应用试验

    Application of bubbler irrigation to spring maize and winter wheat planted in furrow with film mulching on ridge

  27. 您的大恩大德小弟铭记在心,异日定当涌泉相报。

    I will remember your great kindness and pay you back some day.

  28. 您的大恩大德小弟铭记在心,异日定当涌泉相报。

    I will remember your great kindness and pay you back some day.

  29. 当你丢弃了小气转而拥抱感激的时候,爱会涌泉而出。

    When you let go of niggles and embrace gratitude instead, love springs up.

  30. 日据时期台湾僧人赴福州鼓山涌泉寺受戒原因初探

    Why Taiwan Monks Take Bodhisattva Vows at Yongquan Temple in Drum Mountain in Fuzhou During the Period of Japanese Occupation of Taiwan


  1. 问:涌泉拼音怎么拼?涌泉的读音是什么?涌泉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涌泉的读音是yǒngquán,涌泉翻译成英文是 rheocrene


