




1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……



汉语拼音:jiǎng jīng



1.讲说儒家经义。《晋书·礼志下》:“魏 正始 中,齐王 每讲经遍,輒使太常释奠先圣先师於辟雍,弗躬亲。”《新唐书·儒学传上·孔颖达》:“帝幸太学观释菜,命 颖达 讲经。毕,上《释奠颂》,有詔褒美。”清 黄宗羲《陈夔献墓志铭》:“於嗟 夔献,立会讲经,十年之后,人物峥嶸。”

2.讲说佛教经典。旧日法会讲经,以繁复的仪式开始,而后由都讲唱经题和经文,讲师讲说经义。后来的俗讲仍沿用此一程式,发展为变文,始由一人讲唱。《正法华经·安行品》:“佛语傅首曰:‘菩萨先处二法乃应讲经:一曰威仪,二曰礼节。’”北魏 杨衒之《洛阳伽蓝记·崇真寺》:“讲经者心怀彼我,以骄凌物,比丘中第一麤行。”

3.指讲说道教经义。清 焦循《送郡太守尹公归里序》:“县役 聂兆何 者,诡称道士,率妻子占据 东岳庙,讲经高会,诱妇女入寺,里之愚民,不惜供以钱粟。”



  1. 讲说儒家经义。

    《晋书·礼志下》:“ 魏 正始 中, 齐王 每讲经遍,輒使太常释奠先圣先师於辟雍,弗躬亲。”《新唐书·儒学传上·孔颖达》:“帝幸太学观释菜,命 颖达 讲经。毕,上《释奠颂》,有詔褒美。” 清 黄宗羲 《陈夔献墓志铭》:“於嗟 夔献 ,立会讲经,十年之后,人物峥嶸。”

  2. 讲说佛教经典。旧日法会讲经,以繁复的仪式开始,而后由都讲唱经题和经文,讲师讲说经义。后来的俗讲仍沿用此一程式,发展为变文,始由一人讲唱。

    《正法华经·安行品》:“佛语傅首曰:‘菩萨先处二法乃应讲经:一曰威仪,二曰礼节。’” 北魏 杨衒之 《洛阳伽蓝记·崇真寺》:“讲经者心怀彼我,以骄凌物,比丘中第一麤行。”

  3. 指讲说道教经义。

    清 焦循 《送郡太守尹公归里序》:“县役 聂兆何 者,诡称道士,率妻子占据 东岳庙 ,讲经高会,诱妇女入寺,里之愚民,不惜供以钱粟。”



  1. In the early morning of the next day, they rushed to the lecture venue to prepare the display of the Celestial Jewelry.


  2. "Today, we'll hear the teachings from his mouth. " said Govinda.


  3. the lecture made me believe that " there is only one truth . " only the names of the worlds religions are different.


  4. after the lecture , master asked to see us . we thought that we were invited to a party again.


  5. Since the lecture in Budapest, we have hundreds of new brothers and sisters, whom we will try to help.


  6. Completion of the lecture was only half of our job. Taking further care of the new initiates was more important.


  7. To her surprise, she unexpectedly received a pamphlet about the video-lecture and she felt moved in her heart; so she came with a friend.


  8. Many enthusiastic people offered to help in applying for a new permit for another lecture in another place.


  9. the science of this world is not very good . this microphone would have been unnecessary during lectures in another world.


  1. 教堂中的讲经台

    public chair

  2. 过于热忱的讲经传道

    Bible punching

  3. 讲经时, 气氛非常得好。

    During the lecture, a loving atmosphere pervaded the venue.

  4. 论唐代的讲经仪轨

    On the Rituals of Scripture Chanting in the Tang Dynasty

  5. 摩尼教的讲经场景和其他宗教故事

    The Teaching of Manichaeism and Other Narratives

  6. 摩尼教得讲经场景和其他宗教故事

    The Teaching of Manichaeism and Other Narratives.

  7. 以大型鹰架支撑的讲经台背景。

    The enormous scaffold supporting the background painting on the lecture stage.

  8. 古城中,至今留有唐僧的讲经台。

    Among the ruins is a pulpit where Xuan Zang had reputedly preached to crowds.

  9. 大家都在很认真虔诚地听堪布讲经。

    Everybody is listening carefully to the eminent lama expounding the text.

  10. 大家都在很认真虔诚地听堪布讲经。

    Everybody is listening carefully to the eminent lama expounding the text.

  11. 假如胡须就是一切, 那么山羊也可以讲经传道了。

    If the beard were all, a goat might preach.

  12. 当一切就绪,讲经会场已被人潮挤得水泄不通。

    When everything was in order, the lecture hall had become tightly packed.

  13. 第三个工作项目是广传师父讲经的讯息。

    The third stage of the preparations involved spreading word about the lecture.

  14. 这场讲经将成为我们室内乐演奏厅的重要历史

    This Lecture will become History for Our Chamber Music Hall

  15. 有一段时间, 师父到宜兰讲经, 住在我家。

    For a certain period when Master was conducting lectures in Yilan, She stayed in my house.

  16. 从讲经到印心,其间撒播多少爱的种子,提升多少。

    From lectures to initiations, seeds of love were sown in many souls and their spiritual consciousness was elevated.

  17. 基督教堂和犹太教堂也大量邀请伊玛目到教堂讲经。

    Churches and synagogues deluged imams with speaking requests.

  18. 讲经之后, 我们到另一个较小的厅堂等候印心。

    After the lecture we adjourned to another smaller hall for the initiation.

  19. 讲经开始之前已有当地许多居民登记等待要求印心。

    Even before the lecture began, many local people had signed up for initiation.

  20. 讲经结束后,我们多了几百位新得师兄师姊。

    Since the lecture in Budapest, we have hundreds of new brothers and sisters, whom we will try to help.

  21. 讲经结束后,我们多了几百位新的师兄师姊。

    Since the lecture in Budapest, we have hundreds of new brothers and sisters, whom we will try to help.

  22. 讲经结束,好几百人留下来印心与学方便法。

    After the lecture, hundreds of people stayed to receive initiation into the Quan Yin Method or to learn the Convenient Method.

  23. 当时师父在讲经后留在香港一段时间,我们都很快乐。

    Master stayed in Hong Kong then after the lecture and we all enjoyed Her loving presence.

  24. 讲经之后许多来宾接受印心,学习观音法门或是方便法。

    After the lecture, many of the audience members were initiated into the Quan Yin Method or learned the Convenient Method.

  25. 有一个人他看见清海师父到处去讲经,所以他也要去讲经。

    Here was a man who, because he saw that Master Ching Hai always went around and lectured, wanted to lecture also.

  26. 不同国家便有一场讲经,有时还参加当地同修的共修,

    She not only gave lectures almost every other day in different countries, but also attended local group meditations.

  27. 很多热心的人士,主动要求协助重新申请许可,另办一场讲经。

    Many enthusiastic people offered to help in applying for a new permit for another lecture in another place.

  28. 法荫寺古刹钟声悠扬,疑处梦境,有道高僧讲经颂法,佛光普照。

    The bell of Fayin Temple sounds melodious, just like immerging in dreamland and the hierarch sermons.

  29. 讲经之后,许多人都告诉我,清海无上师给他们很好得印象。

    After the lecture, many people came up to me and told about the positive impressions Supreme Master Ching Hai left on them.

  30. 讲经之后,许多人都告诉我,清海无上师给他们很好的印象。

    After the lecture, many people came up to me and told about the positive impressions Supreme Master Ching Hai left on them.


