







汉语拼音:yī duì



  1. Due to the alarm, the inmates from Psych Ward filter out into the dark yard. Michael peeks up as a herd of white jumpsuits draws near.


  2. It might be more accurate to say that this team is the better one.


  3. A group of bizarre, melancholy weirdos stand in his way, once again led by a clone of pre-Solid Metal Gear villain, Big Boss.


  4. Entrenched in the dark side, Vader marched to the temple with a column of loyal clone troopers, gutting the sacred edifice from within.


  5. So what are the benefits of heading out on loan rather than waiting for a first-team chance at Emirates Stadium?


  6. On his way home, Berger said, he had to walk pass a phalanx of Nazi officers who beat him at will.


  7. A truck drew up in front of the bank and a group of soldiers jumped out.


  8. Brent was as a captain, led a team of soldiers, after receiving this command, they have begun to guns loaded, the conflict seemed imminent.


  9. Pawn to enter the edge of a team ready to be totally annihilated.


  1. 我们一队的

    Same team.

  2. 拼凑的一队

    a scratchy team.

  3. 一队童子军

    a Scout troop.

  4. 位于一队列中

    To be in alignment.

  5. 他们站成一队。

    They stand in a line.

  6. 一队勇猛的骑兵

    a dashing cavalry

  7. 建造一队拦截机。

    Build a Squadron of Interciptors.

  8. 一队的巡边员

    The linemen of a team.

  9. 一队叛乱的乌合之众

    a ragtag band of rebels.

  10. 派一队人去考察

    send a party of people on an expedition

  11. 我们击败了另一队。

    We hammered the other team.

  12. 一队驳船驶了过去。

    A flock of barges sailed past.

  13. 他用鞭驱赶一队马。

    He touched up a team of horses.

  14. 一队士兵超过了另一队。

    One line of soldiers surpassed the other.

  15. 几乎像是一队哑巴。

    It was almost a dumb procession.

  16. 一队队防暴警察紧张待命。

    Ranks of police in riot gear stood nervously by.

  17. 成立了一队地下兵团。

    And started an underground army.

  18. 一队士兵护卫着总统。

    A group of soldiers escorted the President.

  19. 加入一队女童子军

    to join a Brownie pack

  20. 入口由一队警察把守。

    The entrance was guarded by ranks of policemen.

  21. 除非你算上一队医生

    Unless you count the team of doctors.

  22. 柩车由一队青年牵引着。

    The hearse was drawn by young men.

  23. 有一队警察看守着他。

    He is being guarded by a platoon of police.

  24. 长长的一队人马开过去。

    A long train of men and horses passed by.

  25. 一队卫兵整齐地跑过去。

    A company of guardsmen swung past.

  26. 这一队人向前倒下。

    The line of men fall forward.

  27. 接着来了一队武装士兵。

    Then came a group of soldiers with arms.

  28. 许多防御工事和一队坦克

    barricades and a covey of tanks

  29. 十个小孩站成一队。

    Ten little children stand in a line.

  30. 紧急召集起来的一队勇士

    a hastily assembled force of warriors


  1. 问:一队人马拼音怎么拼?一队人马的读音是什么?一队人马翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一队人马的读音是yíduì rénmǎ,一队人马翻译成英文是 an array of troops

  2. 问:一队拼音怎么拼?一队的读音是什么?一队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一队的读音是,一队翻译成英文是 posse

  3. 问:一队猎犬拼音怎么拼?一队猎犬的读音是什么?一队猎犬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一队猎犬的读音是,一队猎犬翻译成英文是 pack