






1. 虾 [xiā]2. 虾 [hā]虾 [xiā]节肢动物,身上有壳,腹部有很多环节。生活在水里,种类很多:~皮。~米。~子(虾卵)。~兵蟹将(神兵中龙王的兵将,喻不中用的兵将)虾 [hā] [~蟆]也作“蛤蟆”。……



汉语拼音:xiǎo lóng xiā



  1. Caution: As you walk along the street, you will notice that the hygiene condition may not be so desirable. So will you still dare to try?


  2. One would be during the early spring when the bass are on a crawdad bite, so those crawfish color patterns would be best.


  3. Production is still very limited, but there is considerable interest in exploring the potential of crawfish farming as an alternative crop.


  4. Every spring the young lobsters head back to the where they grow to a size suitable for the lobster pot.


  5. The initial report indicate it was lead to a cleaning powder used to clean the crawfish.


  6. Researchers investigating the neurons in a crayfish's tail reported astonishment at how clunky and inelegant the circuit was.


  7. There are a few people who don't like shrimp, but shrimp, or crabs, or crayfish, are very closely related.


  8. cajun spiced shrimp with spicy crawfish remoulade , roasted peppers, shredded cabbage, and fresh tomato on a toasted baguette.


  9. Both species of crawfish occur naturally in the Mid-Atlantic region, but crawfish farming is a very recent development here.


  1. 使用在虾和小龙虾。

    Used in shrimp and crawfish.

  2. 珍贵的小龙虾蜕皮化石


  3. 吃麻辣小龙虾有什么坏处?

    Eat hemp hot crayfish what to disadvantage there is?

  4. 这年, 小龙虾得数量减少了。

    This year the numbers of small lobsters are dropping.

  5. 这年,小龙虾的数量减少了。

    This year the numbers of small lobsters are dropping.

  6. 蚯蚓、小龙虾和蝌蚪都是实例。

    Earthworms, crayfish and tadpoles are examples.

  7. 大蒜小龙虾里边应该会放大蒜的? ?

    You think the garlic shrimp has garlic in it ?

  8. 然后加入切碎的梭鲈和小龙虾。

    Here we add cut zanders and crawfish meet.

  9. 什锦菜,小龙虾派,和鱼片浓汤。

    Jambalaya, craw fish pie, fillet gumbo.

  10. 什锦菜,小龙虾派,秋葵加肉片。

    Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo.

  11. 小龙虾长得很像龙虾,但味道没有龙虾鲜美。

    A crayfish might look like lobster, but it isnt as delicious.

  12. 我喜欢吃虾,小龙虾,龙虾,诛如此类的东西。

    I like eating shrimp, prawn, lobster, such that.

  13. 主要产品小龙虾, 青虾, 鱼片等三大系列。

    Main products fresh water crawfish series, fresh water shrimp series, fresh water channel catfish, etc.

  14. 这是在受感染的小龙虾将获得停留在蜕皮。

    This is where the infected crayfish will get stuck in a moult.

  15. 我们今晚没有牡蛎供应。但小龙虾是非常好。

    We don't have oysters tonight, but the crayfish are very good.

  16. 肺鱼片,小龙虾沙司,杜泊羊肉和牛肉。

    Barramundi Fillet, Crayfish Mornay, Dorper Lamb and Beef Cheek feature.

  17. 三餐以地方特产像小龙虾和炸腌黄瓜为主。

    Meals feature regional specialties like crawfish and fried dill pickles.

  18. 海鲜汤配鳟鱼,鲶鱼,安康鱼和小龙虾及蒜蓉面包。

    Light Soup with Trout, Catfish, Crawfish, Monkfish and Garlic Bread.

  19. 小龙虾和虾或龙虾一样,在科学上属于甲壳纲动物。

    Crawfish, like shrimp or lobsters, belong to the scientific Crustacea.

  20. 小龙虾源自欧洲淡水龙虾,在西方是一道著名菜肴。

    About Us The scampi is a larger version of the European distilled water shrimp.

  21. 洗完澡后, 我们吃晚饭, 不过别再做小龙虾饼了。

    And then after the shower, our dinner, but not crawfish pie again.

  22. 有说小龙虾本身就是病菌的温床, 有说是洗虾粉造成的。

    The initial report indicate it was lead to a cleaning powder used to clean the crawfish.

  23. 有说小龙虾本身就是病菌得温床, 有说是洗虾粉造成得。

    The initial report indicate it was lead to a cleaning powder used to clean the crawfish.

  24. 小龙虾的产殖高峰出现在春季和夏季, 正好遇到旅游季节。

    The harvest takes place during spring and summer, coinciding with the tourist season.

  25. 叶形幼体小龙虾的幼生时期是一种宽而薄的磷虾目幼体。

    phyllosoma Larval stage of crawfish a broad thin schizopod larva.

  26. 选用虾头较小的龙虾, 取其虾肉较多。

    Choose lobster with small head as it is fleshy.

  27. 选用虾头较小得龙虾,取其虾肉较多。

    Choose lobster with small head as it is fleshy.

  28. 他们有小虾, 龙虾, 蟹, 还有鱼类

    They have shrimp, lobster, crab, fish.

  29. 别恶心,你在夸我还是贬我?小虾米配龙虾酱是谁的?

    Creepy, Howard. Howard Creepy good or creepy bad Who was the shrimp with lobster sauce.

  30. 小而嫩的龙虾

    a chicken lobster.


  1. 问:小龙虾拼音怎么拼?小龙虾的读音是什么?小龙虾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小龙虾的读音是xiǎolóngxiā,小龙虾翻译成英文是 crayfish