


仰,高抬:~首。~然。高,贵:~贵。价~。情绪高:~扬。高~。~藏(cáng )(形容人的仪表雄伟,气宇不凡的样子)。~奋。气~~。……





汉语拼音:áng shǒu








  1. 仰着头。

    元 周伯琦 《天马行应制作》诗序:“曲项昂首,神骏超逸。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闲情记趣》:“昂首观之,项为之强。” 茅盾 《子夜》十:“他昂首四顾,觉得自己并不渺小,而且绝不孤立。”



  1. Being so conceited, he pointed his head at the sky and forgot all modesty, so that he also, showed his most private parts for all to see!


  2. In the world of mortals, he stands straight holding his head high, with his talent as profound as the sea casting into a new pen- point.


  3. As a revolutionary, he would rather die with his head high than live with his knees bent.


  4. But then President Obama swept into the Sunshine State, and Floridians began to dream once more.


  5. if the chicks eyes open Large, lift your head, ready to take off on its daring greater is the top grade birds, you can select.


  6. An indignant person, ready to fight for home or honour, holds his head upright, squares his shoulders, and clenches his fists.


  7. While facing fierce competition in domestic market, Chinese bus industry is also trying to develop and seize the market overseas.


  8. I tell people I leave town with a great sense of accomplishment and my head held high.


  9. Always keeping his head high, with a natural leader's personality.


  1. 只顧昂首闊步

    You just have to strut.

  2. 手放两边,昂首站立。

    Stand with your arms by your side and your head erect.

  3. 他的马有昂首的习惯。

    His horse has a habit of carrying the wind.

  4. 他昂首挺胸, 站得笔直。

    He pulled himself up to his full height.

  5. 努力保持昂首朝天的姿态

    Try and keep your head up to the sky

  6. 她对那暗讽昂首表示轻视。

    She bridled at the insinuation.

  7. 一只阿富汗猎犬昂首肃立。

    An Afghan hound stands at attention.

  8. 而孔雀却在台上昂首表演

    While peacocks prance and strut upon the stage

  9. 你昂首背着谷袋, 投下倒影,

    Steady thy laden head across a brook

  10. 他们昂首挺胸地走进了会场。

    They held their heads high when they walked into the meeting hall.

  11. 当你非常自信时,你会昂首挺胸。

    You will puff one's chest out when you are full of confidence.

  12. 她喜形于色地昂首走了进来。

    She swept in, with her complacency.

  13. 玛丽昂首挺胸, 似乎十分骄傲。

    Mary flung back her head and seemed very proud.

  14. 另外, 昂首挺胸站著的人更迷人。

    As an aside, people who stand tall and confident are more attractive.

  15. 另外,昂首挺胸站着的人更迷人。

    As an aside, people who stand tall and confident are more attractive.

  16. 昂首挺胸地走在奔三的康庄大道上!

    High spiritedly walking on the way to 30.

  17. 她勉力昂首挺胸, 不理会人家的闲言碎语。

    She managed to hold her head high and ignore what people were saying.

  18. 现正昂首向主流建设企业队伍迈进!

    WeiTai is a director of ChongQing Association of Overseas Communications.

  19. 这个世界会知道自由人民昂首对抗着暴君。

    The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant.

  20. 俄然, 前门开了, 我昂首一视尖叫了起来。

    Suddenly, the front door swung open. I looked up and screamed.

  21. 从他那里我学会昂首挺胸,为自己骄傲。

    From him I learned to stand up tall, to be proud of who I am.

  22. 一头雄狮昂首着迈步,行走于他的军队之间。

    A lion walks commandingly, a general among his troops.

  23. 我希望我的孩子,作为美国人,能够昂首挺胸。

    I want my children to be able to hold their heads high as Americans.

  24. 站有站相,坐有坐相,时刻保持昂首挺胸的姿态。

    Stand up, sit up, and keep your head up.

  25. 然后, 我们将以这个世界主人的身份昂首挺立。

    Garrosh Hellscream yells Then we will stand astride this world as its masters.

  26. 英武的个个昂首挺胸,双手高举,直指天空。

    the valiant warrior kings, with head and hands boldly uplifted in the sight of heaven.

  27. 情愿昂首步入地狱,为了完成一件属天的使命!

    To be willing to march into hell for a heavenly cause!

  28. 当你遭遇挫折时,你将有能力昂首挺胸力挽狂澜。

    It was time to get started, but will the love last?

  29. 它们相对朝着一个光圈形,昂首扬尾,神采奕奕。

    Towards a relative aperture of their shape, head Jan tail, eyes.

  30. 你抬头她就昂首, 一曲下来, 全场掌声雷动。

    After performing one song, it was full of thunderous applause.


  1. 问:昂首拼音怎么拼?昂首的读音是什么?昂首翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昂首的读音是ángshǒu,昂首翻译成英文是 hold one's head high; in high spirits

  2. 问:昂首阔步拼音怎么拼?昂首阔步的读音是什么?昂首阔步翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昂首阔步的读音是ángshǒukuòbù,昂首阔步翻译成英文是 stride with one’s head held high

  3. 问:昂首竖耳拼音怎么拼?昂首竖耳的读音是什么?昂首竖耳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昂首竖耳的读音是ángshǒushùěr,昂首竖耳翻译成英文是 head raised and ears pricked up; mainly use...

  4. 问:昂首跳步拼音怎么拼?昂首跳步的读音是什么?昂首跳步翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昂首跳步的读音是áng shǒu tiào bù,昂首跳步翻译成英文是 jigging


昂首,指仰着头。语出元 周伯琦 《天马行应制作》诗序:“曲项昂首,神骏超逸。”