







汉语拼音:fǔ shǒu









  1. 低头。

    汉 贾谊 《新书·过秦上》:“ 百粤 之君,俯首繫颈,委命下吏。”《史记·太史公自序》:“ 迁 俯首流涕曰:‘小子不敏,请悉论先人所次旧闻,弗敢闕。’” 宋 苏轼 《策略第五》:“百官俯首就位,歛足而退,兢兢惟恐有罪。” 宋 叶适 《台州教授高君墓志铭》:“博士撰解训一二通,据案抗声读,诸生俯首听,谓之讲书。” 柯岩 《美的追求者·花开花谢》:“画面上是一个沉思的姑娘,极为明丽的背景衬着一个俯首沉思的形象。”

  2. 比喻屈服。

    清 魏源 《筹海篇四》:“但外夷惟利是图,惟威是怀,必使有可畏怀,而后俯首从命。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·算帐》:“大莫大于尊 孔 ,要莫要于崇儒,所以只要尊 孔 而崇儒,便不妨向任何新朝俯首。”

  3. 頫首:犹低头。

    《汉书·陈胜项籍传赞》:“ 百粤 之君頫首係颈,委命下吏。” 颜师古 注:“ 邓展 曰:‘頫音俯。’古俯字。” 宋 周密 《齐东野语·玉照堂梅品》:“又标韵孤特,若 三閭大夫 、 首阳 二子,寧槁山泽,终不肯頫首屏气,受世俗湔拂。” 梁启超 《郑褧裳画引》:“百家腾跃,頫首 宋 元 。”



  1. These breathtaking photographs capture the remarkable moments when a tiger bowed its head and placed a paw up to the hand of a small girl.


  2. The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.


  3. Before such he bowed down and marvelled, knowing that they were beyond the deliberate creation of any man.


  4. After a week of high drama, Rupert Murdoch has bowed to the will of the British parliament.


  5. Don't toe the line just as it is grotesque , left to the mercy of it.


  6. Everything near seemed to have receded far away, leaving the still white figure of an ascetic steeped in deep meditation.


  7. Today Should not the science certainly be at transcendental philosophy's beck and go along the path which pointed out by it.


  8. He could bend her to his will.


  9. The Vizier took Aladdin's mother to the Sultan, and she put her head on the ground at his feet.


  1. 俯首冲浪式

    head dip

  2. 虔诚的俯首跪拜?

    At the fat cat's last scheming?

  3. 对某事俯首屈服

    to take sth lying down

  4. 对某事俯首屈服

    to take something lying down

  5. 我拒不俯首听命。

    I will not be lorded over.

  6. 我令他俯首称臣?

    I'll bring them to my knees.

  7. 古尔德俯首征

    Gould bowed head sign.

  8. 他俯首钻进了汽车。

    He stooped his head to get into the car.

  9. 我从没要你俯首称臣。

    I never pushed you around.

  10. 俯首至地向他下拜。

    And bowed down themselves to him to the earth.

  11. 别对这无望俯首贴脸。

    Do not stoop to strategies like this.

  12. 我们下跪并俯首祷告。

    We knelt down and bowed our heads in prayer.

  13. 她使他俯首听差, 使他眼花缭乱。

    She makes him fetch and carry, and dazzles him.

  14. 南方也很不愿意俯首听命。

    The South also paid little obedience.

  15. 他能够使她俯首贴耳的。

    He could bend her to his will.

  16. 有些人在金钱面前俯首贴耳。

    Some people bow before money.

  17. 农民要俯首贴耳为地主效劳。

    The peasants owed service and obedience to their overlord.

  18. 劝新闻记者一生俯首读莎翁

    Read Shakespeare all through life

  19. 她想要她丈夫一直对她俯首听命。

    She wanted her husband to lick her boots all the time.

  20. 防范不严的心灵便俯首听命了。

    These badly guarded souls listen.

  21. 防范不严得心灵便俯首听命了。

    These badly guarded souls listen.

  22. 你想让我对议长俯首称臣吗?

    You want me to get down on my knees and kiss the speaker's ring?

  23. 我俯首等待, 以为她会请我坐下。

    I bowed and waited, thinking she would bid me take a seat.

  24. 希腊人说,需要会迫使神祗俯首就范。

    Necessity, says the Greeks, compels the gods.

  25. 他自甘堕落成俯首贴耳的奴隶。

    He alone sinks to the rear and the slaves!

  26. 这个问题我们规避不了, 只好俯首受罚。

    All we can do is to kiss the rod.

  27. 欧洲人必须摆脱对权威的俯首听命。

    It was essential that the Europeans break away from slavish adherence to authority.

  28. 仰首是春, 俯首是秋, 月圆是画, 月缺是诗。

    Crowd is spring, autumn moon, beck's paintings, moon is poetry.

  29. 她想让她的男朋友总是对她俯首贴耳。

    She wanted her boy friend to lick her boots all the time.

  30. 欧州人必须摆脱对权威的俯首听命。

    It was essential that the Europeans break away from slavish adherence to authority.


  1. 问:俯首拼音怎么拼?俯首的读音是什么?俯首翻译成英文是什么?

    答:俯首的读音是fǔshǒu,俯首翻译成英文是 bow one’s head

  2. 问:俯首帖耳拼音怎么拼?俯首帖耳的读音是什么?俯首帖耳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:俯首帖耳的读音是fǔshǒutiē'ěr,俯首帖耳翻译成英文是 be totally subservient



俯首,指低下头;比喻顺从。语出汉 贾谊 《新书·过秦上》:“ 百粤 之君,俯首系颈,委命下吏。”