


本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……



汉语拼音:zì dé








  1. 自己感到得意或舒适。

    《史记·管晏列传》:“其夫为相御,拥大盖,策駟马,意气扬扬,甚自得也。” 三国 魏 嵇康 《与山巨源绝交书》:“所谓达能兼善而不渝,穷则自得而无闷。以此观之,故 尧 舜 之君世, 许由 之巖栖, 子房 之佐 汉 , 接舆 之行歌,其揆一也。” 宋 苏轼 《岐亭》诗之一:“远林草木暗,近舍烟火湿。下有隐君子,啸歌方自得。”

  2. 自己有心得体会。




  1. The peacock became so puffed up with pride, that he began to show off his colourful feathers in a fantastic strutting dance.


  2. Eventually the child will start to feel more at ease and will hopefully begin to relax with you.


  3. The answer seems to be an abundance of cheap money, which lured investors into complacency.


  4. Mr. Bennet raised his eyes from his book as she entered, and fixed them on her face with a calm unconcern.


  5. Father will straighten up in his rocking chair and a wonderful look will come into his eyes.


  6. When finally he got up to open a can of soup, the rat came with him, awake now and discovering its natural perch on his shoulder.


  7. She was quiet and vague, she had no contact with them and intended to have none. Clifford was extraordinarily proud of himself.


  8. the routine of ordinary life lulls us into complacency, blinds us to the great mystery of our place in Christ's kingdom.


  9. Noargh. . . do not rejoice! Your victory is a hollow one, for I shall return with powers beyond your imagining!


  1. 幸灾乐祸, 洋洋自得

    gloat over

  2. 他自命不凡, 洋洋自得。

    He was blown up with his own conceit.

  3. 万物静观皆自得。

    The myriad things observe calmly all contentedly.

  4. 我們很自得其樂。

    And we were happy with ourselves.

  5. 自造福, 自得福缘。

    Those who sow the seeds of blessings shall harvest plentiful blessing.

  6. 自造福,自得福缘。

    Those who sow the seeds of blessings shall harvest plentiful blessing.

  7. 快活起来, 振作起来, 扬扬自得

    perk oneself up

  8. 生活没有教她顾盼自得。

    Life had not taught her domination.

  9. 威洛比对这个回答洋洋自得。

    Sir. Willoughby content himself with replying.

  10. 猫甚至看起来都没有洋洋自得。

    The cat doesnt even look smug.

  11. 玛丽穿新衣时洋洋自得。

    Mary gave herself airs when she wore her new dress.

  12. 鱼在水中,自得其所。

    A fish in water is in its natural medium.

  13. 他是个悠闲自得的人。

    He was a holiday character.

  14. 虽然夸张,听者还是暗自自得。

    Although hyperbole, auditor still is dark contented meaning.

  15. 他的评语颇有点扬扬自得。

    His comments were positively triumphant.

  16. 他为自己是个贵族而洋洋自得。

    He plumed himself on belonging to the aristocracy.

  17. 人们一定会联想到他的洋洋自得。

    One can certainly relate to his seeming elation.

  18. 你别洋洋自得了, 还是务实点好。

    Don't be very pleased with yourself, it will be better to be practical.

  19. 你别洋洋自得了,还是务实点好。

    Don't be very pleased with yourself, it will be better to be practical.

  20. 他在洋洋自得之中却又感到心灰意懒。

    In his triumph, he feels depressed.

  21. 因此克利福是觉得非常自得的。

    Clifford was extraordinarily proud of himself.

  22. 他通过了驾驶执照考试之後洋洋自得

    He was proud as a peacock when he passed his driving test.

  23. 他通过了驾驶执照考试之后洋洋自得。

    He was proud as a peacock when he passed his driving test.

  24. 它静默的、恬然自得的站在那里。

    There it stands silent and imperturbable.

  25. 一个政党具有自得的个性同样重要。

    But the Party is as important as the personality.

  26. 让我恼火的是他总是这么洋洋自得。

    What gets me is the way he's so smug all the time.

  27. 喔,所以这是我的错我自得其辱

    Oh, so this is my fault. I brought this humiliation on myself

  28. 他自得地抽出一根雪茄, 加上一句,

    He added, taking a satisfied pull at his cigar

  29. 他好像对自己愚蠢的讲话还洋洋自得。

    He seems take pride to make such fatuous remarks.

  30. 他开始为自己的才智过人而洋洋自得。

    He began to preen himself on his superior intelligence.


  1. 问:自得拼音怎么拼?自得的读音是什么?自得翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自得的读音是zìdé,自得翻译成英文是 self-satisfied

  2. 问:自得其乐拼音怎么拼?自得其乐的读音是什么?自得其乐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自得其乐的读音是zìdéqílè,自得其乐翻译成英文是 enjoy oneself; be content with one's lot; fi...


自得,汉语词汇。拼音:zì dé 指自觉得意;自得其道;自然获得。见《史记·管晏列传》:“其夫为相御,拥大盖,策驷马,意气扬扬,甚自得也。”