




人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……



汉语拼音:jiào míng






  1. 名字叫做;叫做。

    《清平山堂话本·合同文字记》:“生得一个孩儿,叫名 安住 。”

  2. 方言。名称。如:活字本是书籍版本方面的叫名。

  3. 方言。在名义上。

    茹志鹃 《高高的白杨树·如愿》:“那时候, 何永才 叫名六岁,就死了爸爸。”



  1. Go to the appointed Smart Identity Card Centre. Put your notice of collection into the collection box and wait for your turn.


  1. 是得,能不能请你帮你叫名找人?

    Yes, please. Would you page someone for me?

  2. 是的,能不能请你帮你叫名找人?

    Yes, please. Would you page someone for me?

  3. 这孩子叫名十岁,其实还不到九岁。

    The child is said to be ten, but actually he's not nine yet.

  4. 指使你的人叫什么名?

    The man you work for. what's his name?

  5. 玫瑰不论叫什么名都香。

    A rose by any other name still smells sweet.

  6. 来,站过来一点,叫啥名啊?

    Come, the station comes over a bit, name calling what ?

  7. 唱得太好了,你叫啥名?

    Very good really. What's your name?

  8. 导演叫这名女演员休息一下。

    The director told the actress to have a rest.

  9. 玫瑰不管叫啥名,闻起来总是香的。

    A rise by any other name will small as sweet.

  10. 玫瑰不管叫啥名,闻起来总是香得。

    A rise by any other name will small as sweet.

  11. 我们平原游侠族就我一个叫这名。

    I am the only Atreyu of the Plains People.

  12. 最后,警方叫来一名害虫处理专家才将这群蜜蜂对付。

    Police called in a pest controller to deal with the swarm.

  13. 记者甩开他们,退后一步,从店里叫出四五名同伴。

    Reporters them away, step back from the store to call his 45.

  14. 所以我想直接称呼你的名,叫你德里克,好啊

    So i'm using your first name And i'm calling you derek. Okay.

  15. 经查, 这名男子叫董某, 是一家单位的装卸工。

    After looking up, this's name is Dong, is a unit's loader.

  16. 经查,这名男子叫董某,是一家单位得装卸工。

    After looking up,this's name is Dong,is a unit's loader.

  17. 这名警察叫刘力男, 他由于自首而被宽大处理。

    That officer, Liu Linan, was given leniency after turning himself in.

  18. 我叫林宸, 英文名叫艾丽莎。我九岁。我喜欢画画。舞蹈和阅读。

    My name is LinChen. My English name Alisa. I'm nine. I like drawing, dancing and reading.

  19. 一个叫杨的德国士名,被看作是现代体操之父。

    A German soldier called Jahn is regarded as the father of modern gymnastics.

  20. 他照着芳汀的口述,写了这样一封信,又叫她签了名

    He wrote the following letter to Fantine's dictation, and made her sign it

  21. 警察叫我描述那两名男人的样子。

    The police asked me to describe the two men.

  22. 军营里有二名士兵,一个叫乔治,一个叫比尔。

    Two soldiers were in camp.

  23. 我名叫静娜。

    My first name is Jingna.

  24. 他名叫汤姆。

    He goes by a name of Tom.

  25. 以错名叫叫错名字

    To call by an incorrect namemisname.

  26. 我名叫彼得。

    My name is Peter.

  27. 他名叫琼斯。

    He is Jones by name.

  28. 她的名叫奥娜。

    Her name was Oona.

  29. 他名叫亨利。

    He goes by the name of Henry.

  30. 名叫长尾长生。

    His name was Chosei Nagao.