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1. 稍 [shāo]2. 稍 [shào]稍 [shāo]本义为禾末,引申为略微:~~。~微。~许。~纵即逝。稍 [shào]〔~息〕军事或体操的口令。……
汉语拼音:shāo shì
《周礼·天官·膳夫》:“凡王之稍事,设荐脯醢。” 郑玄 注:“ 郑司农 云:‘稍事谓非日中大举时而閒食,谓之稍事……’ 玄 谓稍事,有小事而饮酒。” 贾公彦 疏:“脯醢者,是饮酒肴羞,非是食饌。若大夫已下燕食,有脯无膾,设脯无嫌。若王之日食,不得空荐脯醢,故以为小事饮酒。”
I sat down to rest myself and began to look around.
我坐下来稍事休息,观察周围的情况。Here is the end of suffering for all the world , and everyone who ever came and yet will come to linger for a while.
整个世界的痛苦在此结束,而每个曾来过这世界而且会再来稍事逗留的人,其痛苦亦就此告终。If I could plan ahead even slightly and fill up there, I could save about $75 a year.
如果我能稍事安排在那里加满油,一年就能省75美元。And if you think I've had fear, it's wrong. I give some vacations to my heart, a little rest.
如果你认为我曾害怕,并非如此。我只是给心放个假期,稍事休息。Dear friends, when you walk on your long and hard march, don't forget to stop and take a rest to think carefully and quietly.
亲爱的朋友当您艰难跋涉的时候,别忘了停下脚步稍事休息静静地思考。A bellboy who took me to my room to rest for a few minutes gave me a purple flower and offered me a glass of red wine.
行李员还带我去房间稍事休息,并给了我紫色的花,还倒了杯红酒给我。The stock has had a heck of the run in recent weeks, so it may be time for a breather here given that visibility does remain limited.
近来数周该股涨势很不错,但在能见度的确有限的情形下,也许是涨势该稍事停歇的时候了。If you're giving a talk or presentation, pause at the end of phrases and sentences to help your audience take in what you've said.
如果你正在作报告或演说,那么就请在短语或句子结束之后稍事停顿,让听众有时间对你所讲的内容进行消化理解。People who do evacuate may be drawn back to their homes by the lull between wave arrivals, only to be swept away by the next one.
或许有一些已经逃脱的人想趁着海浪稍事平息的间隙返回自己的家,但只会被再次打来的巨浪赶走。稍事休息後, 攀登者们继续往山上走。
After a short break the climbers continued upgrade.
我坐下来稍事休息, 观察周围的情况。
I sat down to rest myself and began to look around.
And there's a short rest period. It can be for a few seconds.
A Hindu holy man pauses after praying on Sunday.
Please sit according to your lane number and have a short rest.
There is a break during the performance for the audience to take a rest.
We recommenced his reading after a short nap.
He stood briefly to acknowledge the crowd and received a round of warm applause.
This plan enabled the oiler and the correspondent to get respite together.
在铃木的劝说下, 她退到内室稍事休息。
Following Suzuki's advice, Butterfly retires for a brief rest.
The director gave the cast a short respite before the next scene.
It's time for a little rest, we'll have the second half of the match in 15 minutes time.
与此同时, 请稍事休息, 享受本次旅行为您带来的乐趣。
In the meantime, sit back and enjoy your flight.
在库尔吐克稍事休息后, 我们转向东又顺着湖南岸前进。
After a short stop at Kultuk, we turned east and followed the lake's southern shore.