


1. 稍 [shāo]2. 稍 [shào]稍 [shāo]本义为禾末,引申为略微:~~。~微。~许。~纵即逝。稍 [shào]〔~息〕军事或体操的口令。……





汉语拼音:shāo shì






  1. 小事。

    《周礼·天官·膳夫》:“凡王之稍事,设荐脯醢。” 郑玄 注:“ 郑司农 云:‘稍事谓非日中大举时而閒食,谓之稍事……’ 玄 谓稍事,有小事而饮酒。” 贾公彦 疏:“脯醢者,是饮酒肴羞,非是食饌。若大夫已下燕食,有脯无膾,设脯无嫌。若王之日食,不得空荐脯醢,故以为小事饮酒。”



  1. I sat down to rest myself and began to look around.


  2. Here is the end of suffering for all the world , and everyone who ever came and yet will come to linger for a while.


  3. If I could plan ahead even slightly and fill up there, I could save about $75 a year.


  4. And if you think I've had fear, it's wrong. I give some vacations to my heart, a little rest.


  5. Dear friends, when you walk on your long and hard march, don't forget to stop and take a rest to think carefully and quietly.


  6. A bellboy who took me to my room to rest for a few minutes gave me a purple flower and offered me a glass of red wine.


  7. The stock has had a heck of the run in recent weeks, so it may be time for a breather here given that visibility does remain limited.


  8. If you're giving a talk or presentation, pause at the end of phrases and sentences to help your audience take in what you've said.


  9. People who do evacuate may be drawn back to their homes by the lull between wave arrivals, only to be swept away by the next one.


  1. 稍事休息後, 攀登者们继续往山上走。

    After a short break the climbers continued upgrade.

  2. 我坐下来稍事休息, 观察周围的情况。

    I sat down to rest myself and began to look around.

  3. 然后稍事休息一会儿可能是几秒钟

    And there's a short rest period. It can be for a few seconds.

  4. 一名印度教圣人周日祈祷后稍事休息。

    A Hindu holy man pauses after praying on Sunday.

  5. 请按你的道次号坐下稍事休息。

    Please sit according to your lane number and have a short rest.

  6. 演出中有一次中场休息,让听众们稍事休息。

    There is a break during the performance for the audience to take a rest.

  7. 我们稍事休息后,重新开始学习他的著作。

    We recommenced his reading after a short nap.

  8. 他稍事站立,以向观众致意,掌声雷动。

    He stood briefly to acknowledge the crowd and received a round of warm applause.

  9. 这个计划使加油工和记者能一起稍事休息。

    This plan enabled the oiler and the correspondent to get respite together.

  10. 在铃木的劝说下, 她退到内室稍事休息。

    Following Suzuki's advice, Butterfly retires for a brief rest.

  11. 导演让全体演员在下一场开始之前稍事休息。

    The director gave the cast a short respite before the next scene.

  12. 双方队员稍事休息,十五分钟后进行下半场的比赛。

    It's time for a little rest, we'll have the second half of the match in 15 minutes time.

  13. 与此同时, 请稍事休息, 享受本次旅行为您带来的乐趣。

    In the meantime, sit back and enjoy your flight.

  14. 在库尔吐克稍事休息后, 我们转向东又顺着湖南岸前进。

    After a short stop at Kultuk, we turned east and followed the lake's southern shore.


  1. 问:稍事拼音怎么拼?稍事的读音是什么?稍事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稍事的读音是shāoshì,稍事翻译成英文是 Just a little.