







汉语拼音:fǎn xiǎng







  1. 事物所引起的意见、态度或行动。

    夏衍 《心防》第二幕:“一般的反响都很好,可是戏实在演得太差了。” 徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想》十一:“早在他的论文发表时,西方记者迅即获悉,电讯传遍全球。国际上的反响非常强烈。” 孙犁 《关于诗》:“你见到了,没有什么感情反响,也不要急着去写。”

  2. 声音从对面发出或折回。

    胡也频 《到莫斯科去》四:“﹝ 王耀勋 ﹞说了便有一个声音反响过来。”



  1. The repercussions of the secret late August meeting of financial representatives from 57 nations, meanwhile, continued to be felt last week.


  2. Afterwards the teacher decided to do a class project to see what kind of effect recognition would have on a community.


  3. "To be honest, I think it's reassuring that there was such a great response from the authorities, " Ciobo said.


  4. He said he isn't daunted by the backlash.


  5. The company's recent PlayBook tablet has been a disappointment, and several product introductions this year have been pushed back.


  6. And I was able to get them in to that episode in a cameo role and I think there was a great reaction from it.


  7. Recently that tenuous partnership was frayed, causing some of those bubbles to pop loudly enough for the entire business to hear.


  8. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. ---Mother Teresa.


  9. To understand that this advertisement in National Day period begins to put in each big airport, obtain the warm echo.


  1. 以及反响。

    and responses.

  2. 国外的反响

    foreign repercussion.

  3. 它们反响旋转。

    They flip the negative.

  4. 回声室, 反响室

    echo chamber

  5. 引起强烈的反响

    cause strong repercussions

  6. 那么反响如何呢?

    What was the feedback like?

  7. 反响可怕的罢工

    A strike that had dire repercussions.

  8. 反响非常热烈。

    As a final encore the orchestra played Arirang, a famous Korean folk tune, which was received with rapturously.

  9. 这出戏反响强烈。

    This is a powerful play.

  10. 在全世界产生反响

    have repercussions all over the world

  11. 气候反响的时间尺度。

    Time Scales of Climate Response.

  12. 我们的广告反响很大。

    Were having an overwhelming response to our ad.

  13. 悲剧的反响波及全世界。

    The tragedy resounded around the world.

  14. 消费者产生了强烈反响。

    There was a vigorous consumer response.

  15. 这条消息没有什么反响。

    The news went over without much comment.

  16. 新设计在总部反响平平。

    The new design only received a lukewarm endorsement from head office.

  17. 我认为这次反响还不错。

    I think the response was good.

  18. 社会反响读者把握绿色脉搏

    Social Response Readers Hold the Green Lifeblood

  19. 这种反响是很难阻止得。

    The repercussions are hard to prevent.

  20. 这种反响是很难阻止的。

    The repercussions are hard to prevent.

  21. 在世界上引起广泛的反响

    evoke worldwide repercussions

  22. 它的政治反响将是巨大的。

    The political impact would be enormous.

  23. 这一裁决激起了强烈反响。

    The ruling provoked a firestorm.

  24. 反响可怕的罢工参见同义词

    a strike that had dire repercussions. See also Synonyms at collision

  25. 远处海得声音战反响反应。

    Far away the sea sounds and resounds.

  26. 远处海的声音战反响反应。

    Far away the sea sounds and resounds.

  27. 如此巨大的反响令人吃惊。

    Such an enormous response was astonishing.

  28. 他的评论引起了愤怒的反响。

    His comments produced an angry response.

  29. 总统的逝世引起出乎意料的反响。

    The president's death had unexpected repercussion.

  30. 在公众中引起 积极的反响。

    produced a favorable response from the public.


  1. 问:反响拼音怎么拼?反响的读音是什么?反响翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反响的读音是fǎnxiǎng,反响翻译成英文是 reverberation

  2. 问:反响应拼音怎么拼?反响应的读音是什么?反响应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反响应的读音是fǎn xiǎng yìng,反响应翻译成英文是 reverse response

  3. 问:反响的拼音怎么拼?反响的的读音是什么?反响的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反响的的读音是,反响的翻译成英文是 reverberative

  4. 问:反响回路拼音怎么拼?反响回路的读音是什么?反响回路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反响回路的读音是fǎn xiǎng huí lù,反响回路翻译成英文是 reverberating circuit

  5. 问:反响过强拼音怎么拼?反响过强的读音是什么?反响过强翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反响过强的读音是fǎn xiǎng guò qiáng,反响过强翻译成英文是 hyperresonance

  6. 问:反响应系统拼音怎么拼?反响应系统的读音是什么?反响应系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反响应系统的读音是fǎn xiǎng yìng xì tǒng,反响应系统翻译成英文是 inverse response system

  7. 问:反响点修正拼音怎么拼?反响点修正的读音是什么?反响点修正翻译成英文是什么?

    答:反响点修正的读音是fǎn xiǎng diǎn xiū zhèng,反响点修正翻译成英文是 echo point correction



词目反响拼音 fǎn xiǎng注音 ㄈㄢˇ ㄒㄧㄤˇ英译[echo;reverberation]基本解释回声;反应