


1. 应 [yīng]2. 应 [yìng]应 [yīng]该,当,又引申料想理该如此:~当。~该。~分(fèn )。~有尽有。回答:答~。喊他不~。~承。随,即:“桓督诸将周旋赴讨,~皆平定”。姓。应 [yìng]回答或随声相和:~答。呼……





汉语拼音:yìng shēng








  1. 随着声音。形容快速。

    汉 司马相如 《上林赋》:“弓不虚发,应声而倒。”《三国志·魏志·陈思王植传》:“每进见难问,应声而对,特见宠爱。” 宋 沉作喆 《寓简》卷十:“ 蔡君謨 戏谓 陈亚 曰:‘ 陈亚 有心终是恶。’ 亚 应声云:‘ 蔡襄 无口便成衰。’”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十二:“饮酒中间, 仲友 晓得他善於词咏,就将红白桃花为题,命赋小词。 严蕊 应声成一闋。” 管桦 《伙伴》:“正走着,忽听他低声叫道:‘趴下!’我应声卧倒地下。”

  2. 出声回答。

    《扶风传信录》附录载 清 无名氏《后会仙记》:“﹝ 青青柳 ﹞至榻前呼曰:‘兄知妹来乎?’ 仇 起应声。”《儿女英雄传》第九回:“我们公母俩是千肯万肯的咧,可是倒蹈门儿的女婿,我们才敢应声儿呢。” 顾笑言 《你在想什么?》五:“敲了半天,里面也没有人应声。”

  3. 指同声或相隔八度的音相应。物理学上称为“共振”。

    宋 沉括 《梦溪补笔谈·乐律》:“琴瑟絃皆有应声:宫絃则应少宫,商絃即应少商,其餘皆隔四相应。”

  4. 隋 代所订“八音之乐”之一。

    《隋书·音乐志中》:“﹝ 郑译 ﹞又以编悬有八,因作八音之乐。七音之外,更立一声,谓之应声。”



  1. Wall Street did not even bother to rally after the AIG deal as it had after previous government interventions.


  2. He held a rifle in his hand and pointed to a precise spot on her head where the bullet would have to hit so that she would fall.


  3. Whenever a South African politician talks about nationalisation, its shares react as if whacked with a shovel.


  4. If no one crashed, can wait a bit again after the bell or knock on the door (but rang the bell, it will not take too long).


  5. Since she did not reply, he concluded that she was not there and she was actually in the room of Xiong Wancheng instead.


  6. But she came not to his call, though he called to her all day long and besought her.


  7. BP's share price, which had already taken a battering, dived to its lowest level in 13 years.


  8. At the sound of the gun I was into the water with barely a splash, skimming the surface like a water bug.


  9. And yet, as the slide in the Dow Jones and the rise in US Treasury bond prices implied, there could be real-world consequences.


  1. 应声去开门

    answer the doorbell.

  2. 扫把应声倒地。

    The broom fell to the floor.

  3. 你能去应声开门么?

    Can You Go Answer the Door?

  4. 我弟弟应声去开门。

    My younger brother answered the door.

  5. 地球上的应声虫比比皆是。

    The earth is peopled only with echoes.

  6. 仆人们应声在门廊下出现。

    The valet de chambre appeared on the doorsteps.

  7. 是谁在说话?牧师应声说。

    Who speaks? Answered the minister.

  8. 枪声一响,野鸭应声而落。

    The wild duck fell at the sound of the shotgun.

  9. 鸟枪一响,野鸭应声而落。

    The wild duck fell at the report of the shotgun.

  10. 手枪一响, 逃犯应声而倒。

    The escaped criminal fell at the sound of a pistol.

  11. 手枪一响,逃犯应声倒下。

    The escaped criminal fell at the sound of a pistol.

  12. 乒乒两枪, 他应声倒地身亡。

    The gun spat twice and he fell dead.

  13. 乒乒两枪, 他应声扑地身亡。

    The gun spat twice and he fell dead.

  14. 埃文我说话的时候你应声。

    Evan, you answer when I talk.

  15. 却没有德国军人应声倒地

    No German soldier fell to the ground.

  16. 他是老板的宠爱,因为他是应声虫。

    He is the boss' s favourite because he is a yesman.

  17. 我敲了门, 但无人应声开门。

    I knocked at the door, but nobody answered.

  18. 猎人扣板机, 鹿应声而倒。

    The hunter pulled the trigger and stopped the deer in his tracks.

  19. 他连连敲门,直到有人应声。

    He hammered away on the door until he got an answer.

  20. 教练一出手,孩子便应声倒下。

    Coach a hand, the children will go down.

  21. 他疼得大叫,应声跌倒了。

    He cried out in pain and fell down.

  22. 他疼得大叫,应声跌倒了。

    He cried out in pain and fell down.

  23. 警官扣动扳机, 逃犯应声而倒。

    The police officer pulled the trigger, and the fugitive fell at the bang.

  24. 猎人一扣板机, 鹿应声倒地。

    The hunter the trigger and stopped the deer cold.

  25. 步枪一响, 他应声倒地而死。

    The rifle was fired and he fell dead in his tracks.

  26. 人层里爆发了雷一样的应声

    A thunderous roar broke from the crowd at this

  27. 有人敲了一下墙壁, 他应声回敲。

    Someone knocked on the wall and he knocked back.

  28. 猎人扣动扳机, 那鹿应声而倒。

    The hunter pulled the trigger and stopped the deer cold.

  29. 他敲了敲墙壁,她在隔壁应声回敲。

    He knocked on the wall and she knocked back.

  30. 球在最后一秒钟恰好应声入网。

    The ball beat the gun and dropped through the hoop just in time.


  1. 问:应声拼音怎么拼?应声的读音是什么?应声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:应声的读音是yìngshēng,应声翻译成英文是 at the sound of; answer

  2. 问:应声拼音怎么拼?应声的读音是什么?应声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:应声的读音是yīngshēng,应声翻译成英文是 respond; answer

  3. 问:应声开门拼音怎么拼?应声开门的读音是什么?应声开门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:应声开门的读音是Yìngshēng kāimén,应声开门翻译成英文是 to answer the door

  4. 问:应声虫拼音怎么拼?应声虫的读音是什么?应声虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:应声虫的读音是yìngshēngchóng,应声虫翻译成英文是 a yes-man




拼音:yīngshēng 英语:answer   基本解释 [parrot] 随着声音 应声落马。——明· 魏禧《大铁椎传》 零泪应声落。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》 详细解释 1. 随着声音。形容快速。 汉司马相如《上林赋》:“弓不虚发,应声而倒。”《三国志·魏志·陈思王植传》:“每进见难问,应声而对,特见宠爱。” 宋 沈作喆 《寓简》卷十:“蔡君谟戏谓陈亚曰:‘陈亚有心终是恶。’亚应声云:‘蔡襄无口便成衰。’”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十二:“饮酒中间,仲友晓得他善于词咏,就将红白桃花为题,命赋小词。严蕊应声成一阕。”管桦《伙伴》:“正走着,忽听他低声叫道:‘趴下!’我应声卧倒地下。” 2. 出声回答。 《扶风传信录》附录载 清 无名氏《后会仙记》:“﹝青青柳﹞至榻前呼曰:‘兄知妹来乎?’仇起应声。”《儿女英雄传》第九回:“我们公母俩是千肯万肯的咧,可是倒蹈门儿的女婿,我们才敢应声儿呢。”顾笑言《你在想什么?》五:“敲了半天,里面也没有人应声。” 3. 指同声或相隔八度的音相应。物理学上称为“共振”。 宋沈括《梦溪补笔谈·乐律》:“琴瑟弦皆有应声:宫弦则应少宫,商弦即应少商,其余皆隔四相应。” 4. 隋 代所订“八音之乐”之一。 《隋书·音乐志中》:“﹝郑译﹞又以编悬有八,因作八音之乐。七音之外,更立一声,谓之应声。”