


1. 吭 [háng]2. 吭 [kēng]吭 [háng]喉咙,嗓子:引~高歌。吭 [kēng]出声,发言:~气。~声。……





汉语拼音:kēng shēng








  1. 做声;说话。

    魏巍 《东方》第三部第九章:“他直憋了一天气没有吭声。”



  1. The man held his peace, the woman spoke no word, the young girl did not even seem to breathe.


  2. That Michael is so rude. I don "t know how much longer I can keep quiet about it. "


  3. Then she was silent, but the desire in her heart was not stilled, but gnawed there and tormented her, and let her have no rest.


  4. he gave her a sidelong glance with his pale , blue eyes , but did not reply.


  5. Here is an idea that might deal with these problems: The government can stand ready to be a silent partner to future Warren Buffetts.


  6. Her rejection of him seems to have made him go back into his shell.


  7. Once his family put a plate of chicken in front of him, he said nothing, but just finished the whole plate of chicken and stood up to leave.


  8. Even Mr Bumble felt a little pity. He coughed, told Oliver to dry his eyes and be a good boy, and walked on with him in silence.


  9. Charlie's father heard Charlie talking to his friend on telephone in the other room, but when he opened the door , Charlie clamed up.


  1. 但? ? 却没吭声。

    Xiulan, however, kept her silence.

  2. 你为什么不吭声?

    Why do you keep silent?

  3. 但 秀兰却没吭声。

    Xiulan , however , kept her silence .

  4. 他吩咐我不要吭声。

    He bade me hold my tongue.

  5. 罗莎再也不敢吭声了。

    Rosa was cowed in a moment.

  6. 史密斯太太没吭声。

    I cannot keep pace with him in English.

  7. 你不吭声, 打回来干嘛?

    Why do you call and don't talk?

  8. 她把他盯得不吭声了。

    She stared him into silence.

  9. 双胞胎兄弟瞪着我们没吭声。

    The twins stared at us.

  10. 没有一个人动弹,也没有一个人吭声。

    Not a man stirred; not a man answered.

  11. 那个仆人没吭声, 指了指花园。

    The servant, instead of answering, pointed to the garden.

  12. 他们叫他别吭声,免得找麻烦。

    They told him to button his lip if he didn't want trouble.

  13. 他们叫她别吭声,免得找麻烦。

    They told her to button her lip if she didn't want trouble.

  14. 坐在那儿别吭声,手举着!

    Sit down and shut up and put your hands in the air!

  15. 他不会不吭声, 假装什么也不知道。

    Hell lie low and pretend he knows nothing about it.

  16. 乌鸦看了狐狸一眼, 还是没吭声。

    The crow looked at the fox without saying anything.

  17. 但没人听到她尖叫或是吭声,

    But no one ever heard her speak or shriek,.

  18. 现在情况起了变化,他们不吭声了。

    Now the situation has changed and they are keeping their mouths shut.

  19. 他们整晚坐着,几乎没人吭声。

    They sat in almost total silence the whole evening.

  20. 你们都别吭声, 让我来做代言人。

    You all keep quiet and let me do the talking.

  21. 但是我没有吭声, 我只是想等着瞧。

    But I did not chirp. I only wanted to see.

  22. 他遭她拒绝後就更不爱吭声了。

    Her rejection of him seems to have made him go back into his shell.

  23. 大家对这个建议感到惊愕, 谁都不吭声。

    The suggestion was greeted by a dismayed silence.

  24. 他遭她拒绝后就更不爱吭声了。

    Her rejection of him seems to have made him go back into his shell.

  25. 这一切费伯都看在眼里,但没吭声。

    Faber watched the whole thing without comment.

  26. 被直板夹烫伤额头你能不吭声吗。

    Can you burn your forehead with a straightener and not complain

  27. 他只是用发问的眼光看着她,她没吭声。

    He'd just looked at her in a questioning way. She'd said nothing.

  28. 猫把你的舌头叼去了吗?为什么不吭声?

    Has the cat got your tongue?

  29. 他在电话里叱问她,为什么不吭声就离开。

    He scolded her on the phone,"why did you leave without saying a word"?

  30. 他用淡蓝色的眼睛瞟了她一下,没有吭声。

    He gave her a sidelong glance with his pale, blue eyes, but did not reply.


  1. 问:吭声拼音怎么拼?吭声的读音是什么?吭声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吭声的读音是kēngshēng,吭声翻译成英文是 to utter a sound or a word




【拼音】:kēng shēng

【注音】:ㄎㄥ ㄕㄥ