







汉语拼音:qū cè







  1. 驾御鞭策。

    《北齐书·王昕传》:“ 悦 ( 元悦 )乃令骑马在前,手为驱策。” 明 焦竑 《焦氏笔乘·王司马》:“因登堡四望,无兵马可驱策。” 郭沫若 《浪漫主义和现实主义》:“他要驾驭云霓龙凤,驱策日月风雷,在天空中作不知止息的巡游。”

  2. 犹驱使;役使。亦谓效劳。

    《三国志·魏志·蒋济传》:“行称一州,智效一官,忠信竭命,各奉其职,可并驱策,不使圣明之朝有专吏之名也。”《隋书·李德林传》:“如 李德林 来受驱策,亦陛下圣德感致。”《三国演义》第四四回:“ 孔明 曰:‘若蒙不弃,愿効犬马之劳,早晚拱听驱策。’” 郭沫若 《答<国际文学>编者》:“你有什么需要,凡我力量所能做到的,我都乐意听你的驱策,请你丝毫也不要客气。”



  1. While many times it's easier - in the beginning - to do things yourself, resist the urge.


  2. This does not mean ignore a call for help, nor the urging of your own soul to work toward the change of some circumstance or condition.


  3. Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.


  4. "Urged by an extreme necessity, he had come there to steal food" (Joseph Conrad).


  5. The project manager is always driven to meet the requirements of the project.


  6. But it must be clear which opinions come from detailed knowledge and training, and which may be driven by other agendas.


  7. I'm still driven. Just because I sing for a living doesn't mean I waft around all day in a peignoir.


  8. Urged by an extreme necessity, he had come there to steal food.


  9. They mourned, they wept, and went away, and came again, driven by their hearts to the sepulchre.


  1. 驱策,鼓动

    The act of urging.

  2. 野心驱策人。

    Ambition spurs a person on.

  3. 你需要被驱策。

    You need to be driven.

  4. 雄心驱策他进取。

    Ambition winged his spirit.

  5. 我得责任驱策着我。

    My duty pricked me on.

  6. 我的责任驱策着我。

    My duty pricked me on.

  7. 他受良心所驱策。

    He was urged by his conscience.

  8. 驱策圣洁心爱的马

    Forest of Unicorns Run holy beloved horse

  9. 受内疚感驱策的人

    A man propelled by guilt

  10. 踢用踢的方式来驱策

    To propelby means of a punt.

  11. 驱策温驯的马是愚蠢的。

    It is foolish to spur on a willing horse.

  12. 驱策温驯得马是愚蠢得。

    It is foolish to spur on a willing horse.

  13. 那个念头驱策我去工作。

    The idea urged me to the task.

  14. 那匹马已被全力驱策。

    The horse was fully extended.

  15. 驱策小马慢跑,上斜坡

    urge a pony into a canter, up a slope

  16. 推进, 驱策向前或继续前进驱策。

    To force or drive forward or onward impel.

  17. 一个为野心所驱策的人

    A person propelled by ambition

  18. 使用持续的批评驱策或者激怒。

    goad or provoke, as by constant criticism.

  19. 野心是行动最大的驱策力。

    Ambition is a strong driving to action.

  20. 饥饿是人行动的强烈驱策力。

    Hunger is a strong drive to action.

  21. 饥饿是人行动得强烈驱策力。

    Hunger is a strong drive to action.

  22. 驱策你的不是贪婪, 而是正当的理由。

    Driven you are not greedy, but justified.

  23. 驱策你得不是贪婪,而是正当得理由。

    Driven you are not greedy, but justified.

  24. 这往往是驱策,技术有着驱策力。

    It has an urge. And technology has an urge.

  25. 用刺棒驱赶用刺棒或好象用刺棒驱赶,驱策,激励。

    To prod or urge with or as if with a long pointed stick.

  26. 他难得无限地一味听从将军的驱策。

    There was a limit to how far he could let the General prod him.

  27. 他不能无限地一味听从将军的驱策。

    There was a limit to how far he could let the general prod him.

  28. 项目经理一直受到驱策,以达到项目的要求。

    The project manager is always driven to meet the requirements of the project.

  29. 原来他是这样一个受野心驱策的人。

    So he is such a person propelled by ambition.

  30. 有些人认为他们毕生的任务就是驱策他人。

    There are some people who consider that their task in life is to push others about.


  1. 问:驱策拼音怎么拼?驱策的读音是什么?驱策翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驱策的读音是qūcè,驱策翻译成英文是 to urge; to order

  2. 问:驱策的人拼音怎么拼?驱策的人的读音是什么?驱策的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:驱策的人的读音是,驱策的人翻译成英文是 urger




【注音】:qū cè
