


1. 雷 [léi]雷 [léi]由于下雨时带异性电的两块云相接,空中闪电发出的强大的声音:~电。~鸣。~动。~雨。~霆。~厉风行。军事用的爆炸武器:地~。鱼~。布~。扫~。~管。〔~池〕古水名,在今中国安徽省望江县。现用于成语“不敢越~~……





汉语拼音:léi míng








  1. 雷声轰鸣。多形容声音响。

    《楚辞·卜居》:“黄鐘毁弃,瓦釜雷鸣。” 宋 苏轼 《初别子由》诗:“明日无晨炊,倒牀作雷鸣。”《水浒传》第九回:“只见松树背后雷鸣也似一声。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部七:“车间机器的转动发出雷鸣般的轰轰巨响,讲话也不容易听得见。”



  1. Alexander remembered, then, that he had not asked when the horse was first called Thunder, or if it had had another name.


  2. Similarly, as I sat amidst the lightning, thunder, wind, and rain, I calmly observed its presence, but I chose not to identify with it.


  3. The sounds of thunder and lightning faded away as the alchemist and his dead companions disappeared into the dark night.


  4. The dark , rainy evening , the wind , the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.


  5. His voice wAS like rolling thunder AS he turned in his saddle and called to his eager followers.


  6. As airpower took over, thunder and lightning lit up the sky while the two platoons forded the river and climbed up to the Korengal Outpost.


  7. When our principal came out on stage dressed like a Santa Claus , he brought down the house .


  8. There was a roaring in Marjourie's ears and a faraway thudding that was not the ship's engines but her pounding heart.


  9. one evening there was a dreadful storm : it thundered and lightened and the rain poured down in torrents--it was really quite frightening!


  1. 电掣雷鸣。

    Lightning flashed and thunder rolled.

  2. 电闪雷鸣。

    The lightning flashed and thunder crashed.

  3. 远处有雷鸣。

    There was a clap of thunder in the distance.

  4. 雷鸣般的嗓音

    a thundering voice

  5. 好似起伏的雷鸣

    And rolling like thunder now

  6. 雷鸣般的掌声

    thunderous applause.

  7. 头顶上空雷鸣不断。

    The thunder was still rumbling about overhead.

  8. 头顶上空雷鸣不断。

    The thunder was still rumbling about overhead.

  9. 在电闪雷鸣之际

    Out where the lightning splits the sea

  10. 产生雷鸣般的响声

    Produce a thundering noise

  11. 闪电总与雷鸣相伴。

    Lightening is usually accompanied by thunder.

  12. 爆发出雷鸣般掌声

    Burst out thunders of applause

  13. 雷鸣的出发又迟了。

    Thunder has a late start.

  14. 紫电裂空, 雷鸣千钧

    Lightning cracks the sky and thunders roll

  15. 电闪雷鸣, 狂风大作。

    The lightning flashed and the thunder roared, and a fierce gale sprang up.

  16. 电闪雷鸣,狂风大作。

    The lightning flashed and the thunder roared, and a fierce gale sprang up.

  17. 听起来像电闪雷鸣。

    It sounds like thunder and storm.

  18. 大江在下面雷鸣一般。

    The river thundered below.

  19. 闪电与雷鸣之间只有。

    Only an instant intervened between the flash of lightning and the thunder.

  20. 打雷, 发出雷鸣般的响声

    Make a loud noise like thunder

  21. 打雷, 发出雷鸣般得响声

    Make a loud noise like thunder

  22. 雷鸣使得马群惊恐不安。

    The thunder panicked the horses.

  23. 雷鸣般的掌声,怒吼声等

    a roar of applause, anger, etc

  24. 电闪雷鸣使马群受惊。

    The and thunder panicked the horses.

  25. 电闪雷鸣中你无法私语。

    You can't whisper above the thunder.

  26. 雷鸣般掌声打破了寂静。

    The stillness was rent by thunderous applause.

  27. 你神奇的眼睛电闪雷鸣。

    Under the lightnings of thine unfamiliar eyes.

  28. 一声雷鸣在屋子里回响。

    A clap of thunder reverberated through the house.

  29. 一阵突然的雷鸣把我惊醒。

    A swift clap of thunder woke me.

  30. 他用雷鸣般的声音吼叫着。

    He roared, in a voice of thunder.


  1. 问:雷鸣器拼音怎么拼?雷鸣器的读音是什么?雷鸣器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷鸣器的读音是,雷鸣器翻译成英文是 Thunder machine

  2. 问:雷鸣的拼音怎么拼?雷鸣的的读音是什么?雷鸣的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷鸣的的读音是,雷鸣的翻译成英文是 fulminatory

  3. 问:雷鸣远拼音怎么拼?雷鸣远的读音是什么?雷鸣远翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷鸣远的读音是Léi Míngyuǎn,雷鸣远翻译成英文是 Frederic-Vincent Lebbe

  4. 问:雷鸣恐怖拼音怎么拼?雷鸣恐怖的读音是什么?雷鸣恐怖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷鸣恐怖的读音是léi míng kǒng bù,雷鸣恐怖翻译成英文是 brontopnobia

  5. 问:雷鸣发生器拼音怎么拼?雷鸣发生器的读音是什么?雷鸣发生器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷鸣发生器的读音是léi míng fā shēng qì,雷鸣发生器翻译成英文是 bronteum



“雷鸣”是个多义词,它可以指雷鸣(清华大学美术学院博士后), 雷鸣(吉林广播电台节目主持人), 雷鸣(宁夏回族自治区银川市人大常委会副主任), 雷鸣(山西省临汾市饮食公司一级厨师), 雷鸣(甘肃省作家协会会员), 雷鸣(沈阳银基公园投资管理公司副总经理), 雷鸣(四川师范大学文学院教学办公室主任), 雷鸣(中南财经政法大学外国语学院教授), 雷鸣(陕西老年大学国画教师), 雷鸣(华南理工大学教授), 雷鸣(河南省林州市人民政府副市长), 雷鸣(已故广东美术家), 雷鸣(汉语词语), 雷鸣(河南省环境艺术研究所副所长), 雷鸣(中国营销学会副秘书长), 雷鸣(天水市政府副市长), 雷鸣(中国白癜风协会会员), 雷鸣(酷我科技有限公司首席执行官), 雷鸣(游戏《游戏王》中的卡片), 雷鸣(河南省信阳电视台主持人), 雷鸣(太平洋网络有限公司独立非执行董事), 雷鸣(电视栏目《交通之声》主持人), 雷鸣(云南广播电视大学讲师), 雷鸣(广州美术学院展示设计系教师), 雷鸣(南京财经大学副教授), 雷鸣(山西中医学院第三中医院院长), 雷鸣(经济学家雷鸣)。