


1. 雷 [léi]雷 [léi]由于下雨时带异性电的两块云相接,空中闪电发出的强大的声音:~电。~鸣。~动。~雨。~霆。~厉风行。军事用的爆炸武器:地~。鱼~。布~。扫~。~管。〔~池〕古水名,在今中国安徽省望江县。现用于成语“不敢越~~……





汉语拼音:léi tíng








  1. 亦作“靁霆”。震雷,霹雳。

    《易·繫辞上》:“鼓之以雷霆,润之以风雨。”《史记·乐书》作“鼓之以靁霆”。 宋 苏轼 《策略一》:“天之所以刚健而不屈者……其光为日月,其文为星辰,其威为雷霆,其泽为雨露,皆生於动者也。” 元 刘君锡 《来生债》第三折:“赤歷歷那电光掣一天家火块,吸力力雷霆震半壁崩崖。” 艾青 《光的赞歌》:“他也不怕天帝的愤怒和轰击他的雷霆,把火盗出了天庭。”

  2. 喻威猛、迅猛。亦指威猛迅猛的军队。

    《三国志·魏志·王粲传》:“当速发雷霆,行权立断,违经合道,天人顺之。” 唐 韩愈 《送李尚书赴襄阳》诗:“纵猎雷霆迅,观棋玉石忙。” 金 宇文虚中 《上乌林天使》诗之二:“拭玉辕门吐寸诚,敢将缓颊沮天兵。雷霆儻肯矜彫弊,草芥何须计死生。”中国近代史资料丛刊《太平天囯·贬妖穴为罪隶论》:“我天王奉天父上帝之命,邪魔尽扫,拥雷霆之众,妖孽俱除。”

  3. 对帝王或尊者的暴怒的敬称。

    《后汉书·独行传·彭脩》:“ 脩 排閤直入,拜於庭,曰:‘明府发雷霆於主簿,请闻其过。’”《南史·虞寄传》:“愿将军少戢雷霆,赊其晷刻。”

  4. 泛指暴怒、盛怒。

    元 尚仲贤 《气英布》第二折:“直气的喒不邓邓按不住雷霆。” 吴组缃 《山洪》二:“保长大发雷霆,拍台擂桌的把 三官 骂了一顿。”



  1. It was as if Jackson knew that Bryant and his mates would ravage the Thunder, and the officials would let them.


  2. Thankfully, they were able to turn it around, having one of our better games against the Oklahoma City Thunder.


  3. Thunder became the NBA the last 25 years, first in rebounding advantage in the case of losing such a great team.


  4. You picked on my friends? Get ready to fill the thunder. Look at my Crazy Feet. What can you do about my Crazy Feet?


  5. James treated the Thunder like crash-test dummies all night, as he relentlessly attack the basket and bullied his way inside.


  6. Going back to her American debut in Days of Thunder. She was afraid that she was too tall to get the part opposite the star, Tom Cruise.


  7. But forward Eddie Johnson of Major League Soccer's Seattle Sounders says at least this time the group has had more training days together.


  8. Lightning and thunder require time; the light of the stars requires time; deeds, though done, still require time to be seen and heard.


  9. As you might recall from Greek mythology, Zeus was the supreme god, the one with the unnerving ability to throw thunderbolts .


  1. 以雷霆万钧之力

    with the force of thunderbolt

  2. 以雷霆万钧的气势

    with the force of a thunderbolt

  3. 每一幕都雷霆万钧!

    Every Scene has a thunder!

  4. 每一幕都雷霆万钧!

    Every Scene has a thunder!

  5. 不用再怕雷霆暴作

    Nor th alldreaded Thunderstone.

  6. 我听得见雷霆的召唤。

    Thunder beckons and I heed the call.

  7. 声似雷霆万钧,势如万马奔腾。

    Sound like force of a thunderbolt, potential, such as full steam ahead.

  8. 我震撼, 犹如雨水因雷霆颤抖。

    I tremble as water does near thunder.

  9. 迄今为止, 雷霆崖还从未被劫掠。

    To this date, Thunder Bluff has never been sacked.

  10. 雷霆一击冷却从4秒增加到6秒。

    Thunderclap cooldown increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds.

  11. 雷霆鱼叉狂揍巨像的新武器

    Harpoon Of Thunder A new Colossuswhacking weapon.

  12. 雷霆最大的进步表现在防守端。

    Their biggest improvement has come on defense.

  13. 雷霆蜜,杜兰特蜜,超音速蜜,雷阿伦蜜

    Thunder fan, Durant fan, Sonics fan, Ray Allen fan.

  14. 两支力量之间穿梭着火焰和雷霆。

    Lines of flame and superheated slugs crossed the space between the two forces.

  15. 挫锐怒叫和雷霆一击也是如此。

    The same is true for demoralizing shout and thunderclap.

  16. 空中雷霆一响,就把孩子吓哭了。

    The thunderbolt came from the sky, and frightened the child into crying.

  17. 空中雷霆一响,就把孩子吓哭了。

    The thunderbolt came from the sky, and frightened the child into crying.

  18. 是的, 今天雷霆战警终于结束拍摄了!

    That's right, Strike Force is finally finished as of today!

  19. 在上次比赛夜晚,雷霆34次罚球对湖人12次罚球。

    The previous night,the attempted 34 free throws to 12 for the Lakers.

  20. 责难得哀吟, 淹没在人群雷霆怒吼之中。

    The piteous moan of reproach was drowned in the angry and menacing roar of the mob.

  21. 责难的哀吟,淹没在人群雷霆怒吼之中。

    The piteous moan of reproach was drowned in the angry and menacing roar of the mob.

  22. 他们觉得雷霆对拳王的脚伤反映过度。

    They feel like OKC way over reacted to Chandlers turf toe issue.

  23. 切斯尼和糖城封顶大量观众前国家雷霆2007。

    Chesney and Sugarland capped Country Thunder 2007 before a large audience.

  24. 步入雷霆之心的村子就像是进入了梦境。

    Arriving in thunder heart woman's village was like stepping into a dream.

  25. 紧接著便有闪电,响声,雷霆,地震和大冰雹。

    There were flashes of lightning, rumblings, and peals of thunder, an earthquake, and a violent hailstorm.

  26. 震荡现在也增加你雷霆和熔岩奔腾法术的伤害。

    Concussion now increases the damage of your Thunder and Lava Burst spells.

  27. 我已谈到地平线上正在酝酿至少一场雷霆风险。

    I have mentioned at least one perfect storm brewing on the horizon.

  28. 哦, 我讨厌雷霆崖, 你根本找不到好吃的汉堡!

    Oh, I hate Thunder Bluff, you can ? t find a good burger anywhere!

  29. 在黑暗的屋里观察着、等待着闪电雷霆的人总是如此。

    As people in a dark room, watching and waiting for Lightning, always do.

  30. 你母亲发现发生了什么事情之后会发雷霆的。

    Your mom is going to be furious when she finds out what happened.


  1. 问:雷霆拼音怎么拼?雷霆的读音是什么?雷霆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷霆的读音是léitíng,雷霆翻译成英文是 thunderbolt; thunder-like wrath or power

  2. 问:雷霆万钧拼音怎么拼?雷霆万钧的读音是什么?雷霆万钧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷霆万钧的读音是léitíngwànjūn,雷霆万钧翻译成英文是 as powerful as a thunderbolt; used to descri...

  3. 问:雷霆快艇拼音怎么拼?雷霆快艇的读音是什么?雷霆快艇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷霆快艇的读音是Léitíngkuàitǐng,雷霆快艇翻译成英文是 Hydro Thunder

  4. 问:雷霆战警拼音怎么拼?雷霆战警的读音是什么?雷霆战警翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷霆战警的读音是,雷霆战警翻译成英文是 China Strike Force

  5. 问:雷霆战队拼音怎么拼?雷霆战队的读音是什么?雷霆战队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷霆战队的读音是léi tíng zhàn duì,雷霆战队翻译成英文是 Karma Online

  6. 问:雷霆扫毒拼音怎么拼?雷霆扫毒的读音是什么?雷霆扫毒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷霆扫毒的读音是,雷霆扫毒翻译成英文是 Highs and Lows

  7. 问:雷霆2000多管火箭系统拼音怎么拼?雷霆2000多管火箭系统的读音是什么?雷霆2000多管火箭系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雷霆2000多管火箭系统的读音是,雷霆2000多管火箭系统翻译成英文是 Thunderbolt 2000



“雷霆”是个多义词,它可以指雷霆(联游制作奇幻类网游), 雷霆(太原电视台主持人), 雷霆(汉语词语), 雷霆(武汉同济医院主任医师), 雷霆(陕西省书法家), 雷霆(陕西籍作家), 雷霆(江西省南昌高新技术产业开发区管委会原主任), 雷霆(最终幻想13女主角), 雷霆(中国诗歌学会理事), 雷霆(香港配音演员)。