







汉语拼音:jiè zhài








  1. 向人借钱。

    元 曾瑞 《迎仙客·风情》曲:“借债我做着傍牌,可敢别烧上风流怪。” 清 李渔 《慎鸾交·债饵》:“他来借债的时节,那张文契,该是怎么样写?”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九六回:“这二百块钱,不定他两三个时辰就化完了,那里够他一个月的用。闹到不得了,便在外头借债用。”



  1. Yields also can stay low, notes Goldman Sachs economist Jan Hatzius, because few businesses or consumers are trying to borrow these days.


  2. He said that he wants to provide each of his daughters proper Indian weddings, and will take out loans to pay for the others.


  3. His father was a maths teacher who went off the rails: young Roland once had to borrow money to bail him out of jail.


  4. Too much was done on the never-never at a time when low interest rates encouraged households to let debt rip, too.


  5. Until that revolution occurs, would it be so bad if the UK government borrowed a bit more when world interest rates are unprecedentedly low?


  6. During the first few years of this century business gorged itself on debt, and became heavily intoxicated with the stuff.


  7. The high-wire confrontation over the debt ceiling in the U. S. Congress raised the prospect of a default by the world's biggest borrower.


  8. You've got to have enough capital, actual money, to cover the bets that you're placing so that you're not putting the whole system at risk.


  9. That it has only fallen a bit since is owed to the leap in government borrowing to fund various stimulus programs.


  1. 借债的习性。

    a propensity for getting into debt

  2. 借债处理财务

    finance through borrowing

  3. 先借债,后悲哀。

    He that go a borrow, go a sorrow.

  4. 别借债,莫放债。

    Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

  5. 借债容易还债难。

    It is much easier to run into debt than to get out of it.

  6. 借债结婚, 一生悔恨。

    Marry in lent, and you will live to repent.

  7. 借债结婚,一生悔恨。

    Marry in lent, and you will live to repent.

  8. 沦落到得要饭, 借债

    Be reduced to begging, borrowing

  9. 为免借债, 煞费经营

    I have much ado to keep out of debt

  10. 你借债是不明智的。

    It was unwise of you to get into debt.

  11. 你为什么没完没了地借债?

    Why are you perpetually getting into debt?

  12. 借债者的质量越来越差。

    The quality of borrowers progressively worsened.

  13. 宁可饿肚子,切莫去借债。

    Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt.

  14. 放债人的记性比借债人好。

    The creditor has always a better memory than the detor.

  15. 他下决心下个月不借债了。

    He's determined to stay out of debt next month.

  16. 不管发生什么事情,他决不借债。

    He never let anything run him into debt.

  17. 借债已数倍偿还,应该取消了。

    The debt, which has been repaid many times over, should be cancelled.

  18. 兼并和借债谋利活动也将减缓。

    Mergers and leveraged buyout activity also is expected to slow.

  19. 借债是不幸的开始。悲随债来。

    He that goes a borrowing, goes asorrowing.

  20. 但事实上, 借债成本维持在低位。

    In reality borrowing costs stayed low.

  21. 通过和朋友及亲戚借债,他勉强度日。

    Borrowing money from friends and relatives helped him to scrape by.

  22. 通过和朋友及亲戚借债,他勉强度日。

    Borrowing money from friends and relatives helped him to scrape by.

  23. 我们借债和发行股票的成本将会降低。

    Our cost of debt and equity will fall.

  24. 然后突然之间美国人不能借债消费了。

    Now suddenly Americans can't borrow in order to spend.

  25. 在这个过程中, 西班牙的借债成本飙升。

    It has also sent Spanish borrowing costs soaring.

  26. 借债者很可能处在双重困难中。翅膀, 侧楼。

    The debtor is doubtless in double troubles.

  27. 为什么这个借债从70年代起就一直在上升呢?

    Why has it been rising since the'68s?

  28. 这些投资项目主要靠借债来筹措所需资金。

    These investments have largely been funded with debt.

  29. 当政府的支出超过收入时, 它就只得借债。

    A government has to borrow money when its expenditure exceeds its income.

  30. 借债谋利在很大程度上取决于借入资本。

    A leverage buyout depends heavily on borrowed money.


  1. 问:借债拼音怎么拼?借债的读音是什么?借债翻译成英文是什么?

    答:借债的读音是jièzhài,借债翻译成英文是 owe; raise a loan; borrow money

  2. 问:借债债务拼音怎么拼?借债债务的读音是什么?借债债务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:借债债务的读音是jiè zhài zhài wù,借债债务翻译成英文是 liability on borrowing

  3. 问:借债度日拼音怎么拼?借债度日的读音是什么?借债度日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:借债度日的读音是jiè zhài dù rì,借债度日翻译成英文是 live on loan