


1. 还 [huán]2. 还 [hái]还 [huán]回到原处或恢复原状:~乡。~俗。衣锦~乡。返老~童。回报别人对自己的行动。~手。~击。以眼~眼。以牙~牙。偿付:归~。偿~。~本。原物奉~。古同“环”,环绕。姓。还 [hái]依然,……





汉语拼音:huán zhài








  1. 亦作“ 还责 ”。归还所欠的债。

    《宋书·何承天传》:“谨寻事原心, 嘉 母辞自求质钱,为子还责。” 唐 卢仝 《冬行》诗之二:“ 扬州 屋舍贱,还债堪了不。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九七回:“分到他名下的家当,只怕也不够还债了。”



  1. Certainly the bank had the power to call in the debt and at the time there wasn't anyone ready to take on that debt.


  2. Piling on more debt while you are trying to get out of it doesn't make much sense either.


  3. A WEEK after Dubai World announced its debt standstill, the financial panic seems to have disappeared as quickly as a desert squall.


  4. By at least the late 1990s, he began to take out huge loans to support himself and pay debts.


  5. His son is now 'working like a madman' at two jobs, as a health-care aide and a football referee, and making his payments on time.


  6. His inability to pay the debt puts him in chains and throws him to prison.


  7. I shall have to sell up to pay all my debts.


  8. May I ask? You spoke of honoring obligations as if it's a good thing?


  9. I do not want to see your vision of the helpless, I do not know whether you owe Lives, Many Masters in debt!


  1. 逼某人还债

    to shylock somebody

  2. 催某人还债

    dun sb. for payment.

  3. 还债给自然

    Pay the debt of nature.

  4. 代表某人还债

    To pay a debt on behalf of someone.

  5. 为还债而变卖

    sell up

  6. 重订还债期限

    debt rescheduling

  7. 房东催他还债。

    The landlord is dunning him for payment.

  8. 他们逼他还债。

    They made him pony up the money he owed.

  9. 使某人必须还债。

    bind sb to pay a debt

  10. 负债容易还债难!

    It's easier to get into debt get out of it again!

  11. 欠债容易还债难。

    It is much easier to run into debt than to get outof it.

  12. 借债容易还债难。

    It is much easier to run into debt than to get out of it.

  13. 那人被逼还债。

    The man was pressed to pay off his debt.

  14. 催付还债的要求

    A demand for payment of a debt.

  15. 他无钱还债。

    He has not wherewith to pay his debts.

  16. 我该向社会还债。

    Supposedly I paid my debt to society.

  17. 还债的能力和意愿。

    to repay its debt.

  18. 她没有还债的钱

    lacking the money wherewith to pay his debts

  19. 他向大自然还债了。

    He paid his debt to nature.

  20. 这钱预备用来还债。

    This money goes toward the debts.

  21. 还债清偿一笔债务。

    Debt retirement Paying off a debt.

  22. 他一个劲儿逼我还债。

    He keeps pushing me for payment of the debt.

  23. 他们被迫卖房还债。

    They were obliged to sell their house in order to pay their debts.

  24. 他的钱只够还债。

    He has only enough money to meet his engagements.

  25. 企业法人破产还债程序

    Procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business

  26. 我知道他有能力还债。

    I know he is good pay.

  27. 举债就是负储蓄, 还债就是储蓄。

    Borrowings is the negative savings, debt is the savings.

  28. 其实,我都用来还债了。

    In fact, I used to have a debt.

  29. 卖掉祖传的银器还债。

    Sell the family silver to pay one's debts.

  30. 空话不能还债。空言无补。

    Words pay no debts.


  1. 问:还债拼音怎么拼?还债的读音是什么?还债翻译成英文是什么?

    答:还债的读音是huánzhài,还债翻译成英文是 get out of debt

  2. 问:还债期限拼音怎么拼?还债期限的读音是什么?还债期限翻译成英文是什么?

    答:还债期限的读音是huán zhài qī xiàn,还债期限翻译成英文是 term of redemption

  3. 问:还债能力拼音怎么拼?还债能力的读音是什么?还债能力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:还债能力的读音是huán zhài néng lì,还债能力翻译成英文是 debit paying ability

  4. 问:还债备忘录拼音怎么拼?还债备忘录的读音是什么?还债备忘录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:还债备忘录的读音是huán zhàibèi wàng lù,还债备忘录翻译成英文是 memorandum of satisfaction



还债huánzhài,亦作“ 还责 ”。归还所欠的债。出自《宋书·何承天传》:“谨寻事原心, 嘉 母辞自求质钱,为子还责。” 唐卢仝《冬行》诗之二:“ 扬州 屋舍贱,还债堪了不。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九七回:“分到他名下的家当,只怕也不够还债了。”中国大陆电视剧以此为名。