




1. 差 [chà]2. 差 [chā]3. 差 [chāi]4. 差 [cī]差 [chà]错误:话说~了。不相当,不相合:~不多。缺欠:还~十元钱。不好,不够标准:~等。成绩~。差 [chā]不同,不同之点:~别。~距。~额。~价。大致……



汉语拼音:dào chāi




旧指到职。差(c hāi)。



  1. 到职;上任。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四回:“大约半个月内,我就要到差。” 张天翼 《皮带》三:“没有不准的。你放心到差好了。”



  1. The marker, who was a fellow-competitor, recorded a gross score of 4 for A, who did not receive a stroke, and no gross score for B.


  2. The octopuses moved from enriched to impoverished conditions should be 'sad' and 'pessimistic.


  3. Output the list of input strings, arranged from ``most sorted'' to ``least sorted''.


  4. We played until ten to six. We had a good time on the playground.


  5. Missionaries pray for their home churches.


  6. Poor policy choices, on the other hand, will at best delay recovery and at worst do permanent damage. Here is a list of things to watch for.


  7. ink should have a higher resistance to ensure that non-pictorial parts is not on any metal to make clear without distortion and so on;


  1. 他们一直等到差不多所有人都离开。

    They wait until pretty much everybody's gone.

  2. 你的子宫现在膨胀到差不多正常容量的15倍了。

    Your uterus has now ballooned to nearly 15 times its normal volume.

  3. 你的状态差到这种地步

    What kind of shape are you in?

  4. 她只有七岁,能差到哪里去?

    She is only 7. How bad could she be?

  5. 他或许是一位差到极点的新手。

    He may be a lousy novice.

  6. 足以侦测到视差。

    to detect the parallax.

  7. 但高超的艺术家, 其作品再差也不至于差到哪里去。

    But the superb artists, their works will not be bad and then go bad.

  8. 他的记忆能力差到 甚至记不得自己有健忘症 真的很神奇

    His memory was so bad that he didn't even remember he had a memory problem, which is amazing.

  9. 我心情一下子差到了极点,她曾经对我说不会再找他的。

    My mood had reached the worse quickly, she once said to me that would not with him.

  10. 从东边的支墩到这里差不多有一英里。

    They're nearly a mile away on the East pier.

  11. 小孩子都爱挑三拣四的, 但往往挑到最差的。

    Pupils are choosing animals but they often choose the worst.

  12. 正确到毫厘不差

    exact in every particular

  13. 他每年到北京当差。

    He went to Beijing on business year after year.

  14. 你应该考虑到他视力差。

    You should allow for his poor eyesight.

  15. 因为它地确照顾到了成绩差的学生。

    It does care for pupils who do not do well academically.

  16. 我们已经了解到各门功课差不多一样重要。

    We had this understanding that courses were roughly the same weight.

  17. 那部车子几乎撞到我们,差一点就没命了。

    That car almost hit us. What a close shave!

  18. 格雷觉得这倒是件可轻易挣到钱得差使。

    Gray thought of it as easy money.

  19. 这就是典型得利好出尽, 精确到分秒不差。

    This is typical of all good, accurate to the and seconds are not bad.

  20. 这就是典型的利好出尽, 精确到分秒不差。

    This is typical of all good, accurate to the and seconds are not bad.

  21. 全体职员现在面临著差到不能再差的裁员前景。

    The staff now face the grim prospect of redundancy.

  22. 从我上次给他打电话到现在,差不多有一小时了。

    It's been like an hour since I last called him.

  23. 差不到百分之一就完成目标了。

    The goal was missed by less than one percent.

  24. 差不到百分之一就完成目标了。

    The goal was missed by less than one percent.

  25. 你怎样差我到世上, 我也照样差他们到世上。

    As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.

  26. 可是他已经决定下礼拜六就丢了差使到羊氏镇去了。

    He had already decided to throw up his place on the following Saturday and go to Youngstown.

  27. 你应该体谅到她的视力差。

    You should allow for her poor eyesight.

  28. 和安吉洛拿到了绿卡没差

    it's the same deal as if Angelo had gotten his green card.

  29. 凡是预感到的祸事,差不多全会来的。

    Dreaded misfortunes are nearly always sure to happen.

  30. 我们到那儿时客人差不多都走了。

    There was hardly any guests left by the time we got there.


  1. 问:到差拼音怎么拼?到差的读音是什么?到差翻译成英文是什么?

    答:到差的读音是dàochāi,到差翻译成英文是 To report to one's post of duty, and begin work....