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1. 排 [pái]2. 排 [pǎi]排 [pái]除去,推开:~出。~斥。~水。~外。~挤。~山倒海。~忧解难。摆成行列:~列。~队。~字。~印。~笔。~场。排成的行列:~头。前~。军队的编制单位,“班”的上一级。练习演戏:~戏。竹或木……
汉语拼音:pái fàng
But we do not know whether lower carbon footprints will always be better for biodiversity.
但是我们不知道降低碳排放量是否总是对生物多样性是有益的。How much reduction can the booster achieve in exhaust emission?
按装汽车省油器之后会减低多少排放废气量?One of the report's main findings was that China's recent energy policies could achieve much bigger cuts than expected.
该报告的一个主要发现是:中国最近的能源政策可以比想象中达到更大的排放效果。This valve is usually used in the ventilation ducts to control the wind-conditioning or regulating emissions from coal cinder flows.
此阀门一般使用于通风管道内控制风力调节,或者是煤渣流量排放调节。If successful, the centerpiece of their efforts would be a global deal on how to reduce harmful greenhouse gases, by how much, and when.
如果会议如期举行,他们将通过制订减排量和减排时限,达成有关减少有害温室气体排放的全球性协议。Despite years of warning, Dr Crutzen saw action on carbon-dioxide emissions getting nowhere; it seemed as if something else was necessary.
尽管多年来一直对人类行为提出警告,但Crutzen博士发现对二氧化碳排放控制仍毫无进展——就好像其它的东西才是必须的,而污染排放控制则是次要的。In the case of a pit drain, ensure an adequate air gap exists between the bottom of the drain line and the bottom of the pit.
在坑内排放时,请确保在排放管线和坑底部之间有适当的气隙存在。He also said the US, the biggest carbon emitter in history, did not owe reparations.
他还说,历史上最大的碳排放国美国不欠赔款。'Developed countries should recognize the reality of their historical responsibilities and their large per-capita emissions, ' he said.