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1. 处 [chǔ]2. 处 [chù]处 [chǔ]居住:穴居野~。存在,置身:设身~地。~心积虑。~世。跟别人一起生活,交往:融洽相~。决定,决断:~理。对犯错误或有罪的人给予相当的惩戒:~罚。~决。止,隐退:~暑。处 [chù]地方:……
汉语拼音:miào chù
南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·巧艺》:“ 顾长康 画人或数年,不点目精,人问其故, 顾 曰:‘四体妍蚩,本无关於妙处,传神写照,正在阿堵中。’” 宋 陆游 《风雨中望峡口诸山奇甚戏作短歌》:“今朝忽悟始嘆息,妙处元在烟雨中。” 明 杨慎 《寄张愈光六言》:“曲高从来和寡,妙处正在不多。” 朱自清 《荷塘月色》:“这是独处的妙处;我且受用这无边的荷香月色好了。”
This chapter is all about the power of doing something daily, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.
这一章谈的全是做平常小事的种种妙处,无论这些事多么微小、意义微薄。and the point of the essay is not the subject, for any subject will suffice, but the charm of personality.
随笔的妙处并不在于题目(任何题目都可涉笔成趣),而在于个性的魅力。He knew all its points and would tell you where to stand to see them in combination.
他领会了它的妙处,能够告诉你,站在什么角度才可以把它的优点尽收眼底。But the overall point of Colony's blog post was that you won't and you can't get social media unless you engage in it.
但Colony本文的主要观点是,如果你不亲自参与,你就不会也无法体会到社会性媒体的妙处。Of course he would say that, but it does reinforce that digital magazines need to be a relaxing read for people to truly enjoy them.
这个例子说明人们只有在放松的情况下才可以真正领略电子杂志的妙处。The course of this beautiful, only you know the beauty of it.
这个美丽的过程,只有自己知道它的妙处。Not very has no head for wine, realize the delicious not wine, but can feel know already beauty.
不甚酒力,体会不了酒的美味,但却能感受知已的妙处。A nifty use is to populate this component with just the names of the people involved in the item on which your application is focused.
该组件的一个妙处就是,可以用应用程序中当前持有焦点的项中涉及的人员的名字填充该组件。That was the advantage of solitude: I could savour to the full that expanse of fragrant lotus and the moonlight.