







汉语拼音:shòu zǔ








受阻 [shòu zǔ]
  1. 遭遇阻碍。




  1. As you know, those who catch on the left hand side, are always complaining, always grudging type because of poor things, they suffer.


  2. Inventories of each seem to be holding up, but other disruptions had a more immediate impact.


  3. For whatever this may be, it is in thy power to do it or to say it, and do not make excuses that thou art hindered.


  4. Secondary server at my house, had the required hardware, but got bogged down in the slower network.


  5. If they attempt such a move, they get bogged down in trying to carry too many possession, as though this were a normal move.


  6. Opponents said the deal will bring India under greater influence of the United States, and compromise the country's nuclear weapons program.


  7. It might also be expected that new members would be behind a disproportionate number of these blocked dossiers .


  8. If enlargement had really gummed up the works of the EU, you would expect to see a large number of vital dossiers blocked by unanimity.


  9. When a female has tears in her eyes the one who cannot see is the male.


  1. 坐席视线受阻

    blocked vision at seat

  2. 航程受阻条款

    voyage frustration cluse

  3. 载运受阻通知书

    advice of circumstance preventing carriage

  4. 受阻音节, 闭音节

    checked syllable

  5. 运球受阻时折回

    reverse dribble

  6. 我的计划受阻了。

    I was crossed in my plan.

  7. 交通因浓雾而受阻。

    Traffic was interrupted by a dense fog.

  8. 逆风使船只受阻。

    Adverse winds hinder ships.

  9. 出货在海关受阻。

    The shipment i stuck in customs.

  10. 警方通知交通可能受阻。

    The police are warning of possible delays.

  11. 生病使他的计划受阻。

    Illness frustrated his plan.

  12. 进攻受阻,攻不进去。

    The attack hit a snag and made no headway.

  13. 他因缺少资源而受阻。

    He became baffled with the lack of resources.

  14. 因运输不好,生意受阻。

    Business was tied up by bad transportation.

  15. 贸易因诸多限制而受阻。

    The trade is clogged with restrictions.

  16. 交通因意外事故而受阻。

    The traffic was tied up by the accident.

  17. 守门员视线受阻时的射门

    Shoot past the unsighted goalie

  18. 车辆因交通事故受阻了。

    The vehicles were backed up because of the accident.

  19. 商业因缺少外汇而受阻。

    Commerce was snagged by the lack of foreign exchange.

  20. 缺乏线索使警察当局受阻。

    The absence of clues baffled the police.

  21. 入境处举报热线服务受阻

    Interruption of Immigration Offences Hotline Service

  22. 拯救行动因天气恶劣受阻。

    The rescue attempt was frustrated by bad weather.

  23. 持续的搜救工作仍然受阻。

    Rescue efforts continue to search for thousands still trapped.

  24. 持续得搜救工作仍然受阻。

    Rescue efforts continue to search for thousands still trapped.

  25. 他们受阻捕不到猎物。

    They were balked of their prey.

  26. 全树摆动,逆风而行受阻。

    Whole trees moving, resistance felt walking against the wind.

  27. 新昌皇族的出头再度受阻。

    The royal Yang family in Xin Chang had to suffer further again.

  28. 受阻, 滞航顶风时停滞不动

    To remain stationary while facing the wind.

  29. 他因自己的计划受阻而气忿。

    He was angry at having his plans crossed.

  30. 我们在演讲这里受阻了, 对吗?

    We're locked into the speech, right?


  1. 问:受阻拼音怎么拼?受阻的读音是什么?受阻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻的读音是shòuzǔ,受阻翻译成英文是 be blocked; be hindered; meet with obstruction...

  2. 问:受阻的拼音怎么拼?受阻的的读音是什么?受阻的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻的的读音是shòu zǔ de,受阻的翻译成英文是 checked

  3. 问:受阻元音拼音怎么拼?受阻元音的读音是什么?受阻元音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻元音的读音是shòuzǔyuányīn,受阻元音翻译成英文是 checked vowel

  4. 问:受阻扭转拼音怎么拼?受阻扭转的读音是什么?受阻扭转翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻扭转的读音是shòu zǔ niǔ zhuǎn,受阻扭转翻译成英文是 hindered torsion

  5. 问:受阻旋转拼音怎么拼?受阻旋转的读音是什么?受阻旋转翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻旋转的读音是shòu zǔ xuán zhuǎn,受阻旋转翻译成英文是 hindered rotation

  6. 问:受阻沉降拼音怎么拼?受阻沉降的读音是什么?受阻沉降翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻沉降的读音是shòu zǔ chén jiàng,受阻沉降翻译成英文是 hindered settling

  7. 问:受阻波浪拼音怎么拼?受阻波浪的读音是什么?受阻波浪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻波浪的读音是shòu zǔ bō làng,受阻波浪翻译成英文是 damped wave

  8. 问:受阻转动拼音怎么拼?受阻转动的读音是什么?受阻转动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻转动的读音是shòu zǔ zhuàn dòng,受阻转动翻译成英文是 hindered rotation

  9. 问:受阻音节拼音怎么拼?受阻音节的读音是什么?受阻音节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻音节的读音是shòuzǔyīnjié,受阻音节翻译成英文是 checked syllable

  10. 问:受阻内旋转拼音怎么拼?受阻内旋转的读音是什么?受阻内旋转翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻内旋转的读音是shòu zǔ nèi xuán zhuǎn,受阻内旋转翻译成英文是 hindered internal rotation

  11. 问:受阻突变体拼音怎么拼?受阻突变体的读音是什么?受阻突变体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻突变体的读音是shòu zǔ tū biàn tǐ,受阻突变体翻译成英文是 arrest mutant

  12. 问:受阻异氰酸酯拼音怎么拼?受阻异氰酸酯的读音是什么?受阻异氰酸酯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻异氰酸酯的读音是shòu zǔ yì qíng suān zhǐ,受阻异氰酸酯翻译成英文是 hindered isocyanate

  13. 问:受阻旋转位能拼音怎么拼?受阻旋转位能的读音是什么?受阻旋转位能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻旋转位能的读音是shòu zǔ xuán zhuǎn wèi néng,受阻旋转位能翻译成英文是 hindered rotation potential

  14. 问:受阻遏异染色质拼音怎么拼?受阻遏异染色质的读音是什么?受阻遏异染色质翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻遏异染色质的读音是shòu zǔ è yì rǎn sè zhì,受阻遏异染色质翻译成英文是 repressed heterochromatin

  15. 问:受阻酚性抗氧剂拼音怎么拼?受阻酚性抗氧剂的读音是什么?受阻酚性抗氧剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻酚性抗氧剂的读音是shòu zǔ fēn xìng kàng yǎng jì,受阻酚性抗氧剂翻译成英文是 hindered phenolic antioxidant

  16. 问:受阻酚抗氧化剂拼音怎么拼?受阻酚抗氧化剂的读音是什么?受阻酚抗氧化剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受阻酚抗氧化剂的读音是shòu zǔ fēn kàng yǎng huà jì,受阻酚抗氧化剂翻译成英文是 hindered phenol antioxidant