







汉语拼音:gù quán








  1. 顾及,使不受损害。

    郭沫若 《洪波曲》第九章三:“为了团结,为了大敌当前,顾全抗战,只好‘打落牙齿和血吞’!” 许杰 《台下的喜剧》:“他们还没指出她的姓名,说要顾全她的面子。”



  1. if not for her own sake , if she has no pride , at least for mine.


  2. For all the face-saving intellectual contortions , everyone knows it's Adam Smith and not Karl Marx at the rudder of this communist economy.


  3. Mature woman likes to talk self-centered; Mature woman talk all the time taking others' feelings into consideration.


  4. This devolution of power will protect the interests of the smaller ethnic groups while assuring accountability for the larger ones.


  5. "We might not be catering to everyone, but the people who buy Alexander Amosu want to wear the very best suits in the world, " he said.


  6. When it comes to eating style, "one size does not fit all" , but the shared goal is meeting nutrient needs. It's all about balance.


  7. Regard for my sister's credit and feelings prevented any public exposure, but I wrote to Mr.


  8. making up for linguistic inadequacy to save face.


  9. A more likely outcome is a messy, face-saving compromise followed by further procrastination.


  1. 我们要顾全大局。

    We should take the interests of the whole into account.

  2. 保全或顾全面子, 保持尊严

    The desires to be right, to save face

  3. 你经常提醒自己顾全大局。

    You often remind yourself of the bigger picture.

  4. 即使为了顾全纯洁,撒谎也是错误的。

    Lying is wrong even to save chastity.

  5. 我想谈一谈顾全大局的问题。

    I want to talk about the question of considering the general interest.

  6. 为顾全总体个别的项目也许不得不放弃。

    The particular may have to be satisfied to the general.

  7. 成熟的女人说话的时候会顾全对方的感受。

    Mature woman talk all the time taking others'feelings into consideration.

  8. 使我们失望的是他不顾全大局。

    To our disappointment he refused to take the whole situation into account.

  9. 有时候为了顾全大局就得有所牺牲。

    Sometimes you've got to take one for the team.

  10. 为了顾全青年人就业, 有些老工人提前退休。

    In order to save younger men's job, some of the older workers were retired early.

  11. 我就不得不顾全大局变卖维珍唱片

    I had to sell the family jewelry to protect the airline.

  12. 其次, 他充分显出他的骄傲和顾全面子。

    Secondly his pride seems to have shown up very badly.

  13. 做事不能太随心所欲了,要顾全大局。

    One cannot do things all as one wishes, one should bear in mind the overall situation.

  14. 难道你丝毫也不顾全他亲人的愿望?

    Do you pay no regard to the wishes of his friends?

  15. 为了顾全主席的面子, 职员必须支持他的决定。

    In order to save the chairman's face, the staff of the company must support his decision.

  16. 可以弥补说话人知识的缺陷,顾全职业面子。

    making up for linguistic inadequacy to save face.

  17. 他们也许是同性恋,却仍计划结婚来顾全面子。

    They may be gay but still plan to marry to keep up appearances.

  18. 他脸色铁青, 好不容易才顾全了对老头的礼貌。

    His face was ashen, and only with an effort was he able to recover enough to be completely civil to the old man.

  19. 我们历来的原则,就是提倡顾全大局,互助互让。

    It is our consistent principle to advocate consideration for the general interest and mutual help and accommodation.

  20. 边务问题得解决和处理尤其要注意顾全大局。

    When dealing with frontier affairs, we should take everyone's interests into account.

  21. 边务问题的解决和处理尤其要注意顾全大局。

    When dealing with frontier affairs, we should take everyone's interests into account.

  22. 边务问题的解决和处理尤其要注意顾全大局。

    When dealing with frontier affairs, we should take everyone's interests into account.

  23. 她极有治家才能和责任感,顾全大局,精明敏捷。

    She has a special talent for household and has a good sense of responsibility.

  24. 伯夷为了顾全个人的名誉而死在首阳山上。

    Boyi died from conserving his reputation on Mount Shouyang.

  25. 为了顾全面子, 玛丽对于经理的侮辱只好忍气吞声。

    For saving face Mary had to choke down the manager's insult.

  26. 你要谈到的是, 你知道, 你能够合理统筹, 顾全大局。

    You talk about, you know, being able to prioritize and manage.

  27. 我的性格活泼开朗, 处事沉着, 果断, 能够顾全大局。

    My character, cheerful and lively, doing things calm, resolute, to the overall situation.

  28. 伯夷因为顾全荣誉、名声而死,就一定清高、神圣吗?

    Was Boyi certainly sage and aloof because of dying from conserving his honor and reputation?

  29. 我们在处理任何事情的时候都要记得顾全大局。

    We should keep the tail from wagging the dog to deal with all the things.

  30. 在处理公司事务时一定要记得顾全大局, 不要因小失大。

    Please keep the tail from wagging the dog when you deal with the problem of company.


  1. 问:顾全拼音怎么拼?顾全的读音是什么?顾全翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顾全的读音是gùquán,顾全翻译成英文是 consider … fully

  2. 问:顾全面子的拼音怎么拼?顾全面子的的读音是什么?顾全面子的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:顾全面子的的读音是,顾全面子的翻译成英文是 face-saving



“顾全”是个多义词,它可以指顾全(词语), 顾全(篮球运动员)。