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She intended to dress up as a ghost and as she had made her costume the night before , she was impatient to try it on .
她打算装扮成鬼的模样。头天晚上她已把化装服做好,这时她急于想试试。I walked as if I was in a race to get to the finish line and that was true even on a Sunday.
我走路很快,仿佛在比赛中急于冲过终点,既使休息时间,我也是这样的。Some cars appeared to have crashed into one another as people tried to flee the flames.
还有一些车与其他车相撞,可以想象人们急于逃脱的情形。She did not leave in a hurry until she had kissed the baker's hand to express her thanks.
她并没有急于离去,她向面包师表示了感谢,并亲吻了面包师的手之后才向家走去。South Korean officials caution against interpreting Mr. Kim's reported comments as a signal the North is ready to come back to the talks.
韩国官员说,不应急于把报道提及的金正日讲话视为北韩将重返六方会谈的信号。Phelps is anxious to make it clear that he "is not one of those American economists" who say that Europeans object to wealth creation.
菲尔普斯急于表明,他“不是”说欧洲人反对创造财富的“美国经济学家之一”。He said he was keen to share risk, access fresh capital and gain strong local partners.
他说自己急于找人分担风险、获得新资金并获得强有力的本地合作伙伴。Now everyone is trying to think through a new world, in which Mr Strauss-Kahn may well be back, alive and kicking, and eager for revenge.
而现在,每个人都试图看清楚新局势——卡恩很有可能活蹦乱跳地回来,并急于“报仇”。starts at the ground-level splitter and is forced over the front wheels and around the closed cockpit by sculpted flow channels.