




1. 汗 [hàn]2. 汗 [hán]汗 [hàn]由身体的毛孔排泄出来的液体:~水。~流浃背。出汗,使出汗:~颜(因羞惭而出汗;泛指惭愧)。~马功劳。~牛充栋。汗 [hán]〔可(kè)~〕见“可2”。……



汉语拼音:dào hàn







  1. 亦作“盗汗”。中医指睡中汗出、醒时即止的病症。

    《医宗金鉴·杂病心法要诀·自汗盗汗总括》:“盗汗阴虚分心肾,心虚不固火伤阴。” 郁达夫 《迟桂花》:“夜热也不再发,盗汗也居然止住,痰里的血丝早就没有了。”



  1. When he returned to St. Louis, he gave up running, too exhausted for the sport he loved. He started having night sweats.


  2. Night sweats might be an early symptom of a developing illness so watchful waiting is useful.


  3. Cough of any duration, weight loss and, for HIV+ participants only, drenching night sweats were independent predictors of TB.


  4. Used for Yin deficiency, weak and weary force, palpitations insomnia god, night sweats, consumptive more cough coughing up blood.


  5. If I were facing a really swollen, febrile, rash, sweaty guy, I might not want to put my ear on his chest either.


  6. She developed enlargement and soreness of her right parotid gland, but no fever , adenopathy, weight.


  7. night sweat can result from yin deficiency, and qi deficiency, yang deficiency, blood deficiency, dampness heat as well.


  8. History. Night sweats can be characterized by determining onset, frequency, exacerbations, and remissions of symptoms.


  9. reconcile camp Wei: allergic diseases, often accompanied by Cou rationale Open-disorders, spontaneous perspiration, night sweats.


  1. 盗汗,寝汗

    night sweating.

  2. 他晚上盗汗。

    He sweated during the night.

  3. 寒战, 发热, 盗汗

    chills, fever, night sweats

  4. 你夜里盗汗吗?

    Do you have night sweats?

  5. 疠风自汗盗汗

    leprous spontaneous perspiration and night sweat.

  6. 他开始夜间盗汗。

    He started having night sweats.

  7. 胃酸,还是盗汗吗?

    Acid reflux?Night sweats?

  8. 产后自汗, 盗汗

    Spontaneous sweating and night sweating after childbirth

  9. 自汗, 盗汗辨析

    Identification Between Spontaneous Sweat and Night Sweat

  10. 本方治盗汗眩晕。

    Just treat night sweat to dizziness originally.

  11. 我贫血而且夜间盗汗。

    I suffer from anaemia and often sweat at night.

  12. 辨证分型治疗盗汗46例体会

    Experience in the Treatment of 46 Cases of Night Sweat With Syndrome Differentiation and Type Classification

  13. 睡眠时经常流汗,盗汗的人。

    People with perspiration and night sweat when sleeping.

  14. 睡眠时经常流汗,盗汗得人。

    People with perspiration and night sweat when sleeping.

  15. 盗汗和自汗该吃什么中药?

    What Chinese traditional medicine should night sweat and spontaneous take ?

  16. 数周以来不明原因发热和盗汗。

    A few weeks unexplained fever and night sweats.

  17. 咳嗽病没有离开她,并且她还盗汗。

    Her cough did not leave her, and she had sweats on her back.

  18. 盗汗为淋透性出汗,需换床单。

    Night sweats are drenching sweats that require a change of bedding.

  19. 主要表现为呕吐、乏力、头昏、盗汗等。

    Mainly for vomiting, weakness, dizziness, night sweats, and so on.

  20. 我得体重一直在降,夜里常常盗汗。

    I lost weight and had night sweats.

  21. 我的体重一直在降,夜里常常盗汗。

    I lost weight and had night sweats.

  22. 那他们会期望肚子痛反酸盗汗吗?

    Will they be expecting stomach cramps, acid reflux, night sweats?

  23. 有出汗副作用得新药经常是盗汗得魁首。

    A new medication, with perspiration as a side effect, is the culprit.

  24. 有出汗副作用的新药经常是盗汗的魁首。

    A new medication, with perspiration as a side effect, is the culprit.

  25. 怎么治疗白天或夜间盗汗?需要用药物吗

    How to treat by day or nightly night sweat Does need use remedy.

  26. 他否认了发烧,发冷,盗汗,关节痛或皮疹。

    He denied having fever, chills, night sweats, joint pain or rash.

  27. 焦虑, 噩梦及兴奋剂可导致健康个体盗汗。

    Anxiety, nightmares, and psychoactive preparations can precipitate night sweats in healthy individuals. C.

  28. 任何不正常的流汗?像是盗汗或夜汗?

    Do you have any type of abnormal sweating? Like sweating for no reason or night sweats.

  29. 盗汗可以成为某些癌症得症状,例如淋巴瘤。

    Night sweats can be a symptom of some cancers, for example lymphomas.

  30. 盗汗可以成为某些癌症的症状,例如淋巴瘤。

    Night sweats can be a symptom of some cancers, for example lymphomas.


  1. 问:盗汗拼音怎么拼?盗汗的读音是什么?盗汗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盗汗的读音是dàohàn,盗汗翻译成英文是 night sweat


